Lights on Moon

Okay, Apollo 17 in 1972 so apparently the *aliens* showed up sometime around 1972 or shortly after. This year, since January, I viewed the Moon 37x using my telescopes from 31x to 200x, including Apollo 11 landing area. I could see the *Flag* but not the aliens :)
Dec 11, 2019
Okay, Apollo 17 in 1972 so apparently the *aliens* showed up sometime around 1972 or shortly after. This year, since January, I viewed the Moon 37x using my telescopes from 31x to 200x, including Apollo 11 landing area. I could see the *Flag* but not the aliens :)

I think the aliens have been using the moon long before! I would think they have been using it even before humans walked the Earth.
Or perhaps the heads of people who believe insane nonsense, are hollowed out. Occam's razor would say that is probably it.

Yesterday evening just before and after sunset, I used my telescope and enjoyed some good views of the waxing crescent Moon. Numerous craters illuminated along the terminator line but no E.T. aliens visiting or buzzing around in my eyepiece and I also enjoyed views of the planet Venus too, distinct gibbous phase shape and some 13" angular size. Keep in mind that the flat earth community have their Moon specialists too promoting their theories. FE folks claim the Moon is flat, not a solid sphere, translucent and stars shine through the Moon in various places during lunar eclipses. I have watched videos of the lunar wave too - that incredible sight showing NASA fakes everything about the Moon and the Moon is not a solid body. However, I routinely observe the Moon using my telescopes and cannot confirm these other theories about the Moon based upon my observations :)
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Dec 11, 2019
Or perhaps the heads of people who believe insane nonsense, are hollowed out. Occam's razor would say that is probably it.

Just like millions of people who think a Jesus is coming back. :D If I place my bet on anything though it is that aliens have been here for a long time and are here. So to say they are on the moon I don't think is far of a stretch. But I know a lot of the older generations have a hard time believing in aliens because they have been conditioned not to. But they have no trouble in believing a Godman on a white horse is going to come down and save everybody and rule the world for 1,000 years.:DAnd some how I am the loony!
Dec 11, 2019
Yesterday evening just before and after sunset, I used my telescope and enjoyed some good views of the waxing crescent Moon. Numerous craters illuminated along the terminator line but no E.T. aliens visiting or buzzing around in my eyepiece and I also enjoyed views of the planet Venus too, distinct gibbous phase shape and some 13" angular size. Keep in mind that the flat earth community have their Moon specialists too promoting their theories. FE folks claim the Moon is flat, not a solid sphere, translucent and stars shine through the Moon in various places during lunar eclipses. I have watched videos of the lunar wave too - that incredible sight showing NASA fakes everything about the Moon and the Moon is not a solid body. However, I routinely observe the Moon using my telescopes and cannot confirm these other theories about the Moon based upon my observations :)

It is interesting how now everything has become the flat earth theory when most researchers don't even believe that. Now if you say something like their could be aliens on the moon now you are somehow connected to the flat earthers. My hypothesis is that the CIA made this flat earth theory go big again so that anybody that asks questions can be labeled a flat earther and ridiculed and laughed at. Just like the CIA did with the term conspiracy theory and anybody looking into the JFK assassination. Heavens no if you think outside the box. We can't have that kind of thinking. And we wonder why the humans are stuck, But hey Rod are you able to see the dark side of the moon? And if anybody is there on the moon they would surly be on the dark side of the moon and underground. But that is just a thought.
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It is interesting how now everything has become the flat earth theory when most researchers don't even believe that. Now if you say something like their could be aliens on the moon now you are somehow connected to the flat earthers. My hypothesis is that the CIA made this flat earth theory go big again so that anybody that asks questions can be labeled a flat earther and ridiculed and laughed at. Just like the CIA did with the term conspiracy theory and anybody looking into the JFK assassination. Heavens no if you think outside the box. We can't have that kind of thinking. And we wonder why the humans are stuck, But hey Rod are you able to see the dark side of the moon? And if anybody is there on the moon they would surly be on the dark side of the moon and underground. But that is just a thought.

Truthseeker007, you can see 59% of the illuminated Moon so yes, some of the dark side is visible, these are lunar librations. Since January 15, 2019 through New Year's Day 2020, I made 38 separate observations of the Moon at views ranging 31x to 200x in my telescope views documented in my stargazing log.

Q: How many telescope observations of the Moon did you make during that same time period and document?
Okay, getting back on target here, some like Truthseeker007 indicated that E.T. aliens could be on the Moon today or inside it perhaps. I compare teaching like this with the flat earth community for a good reason. FE community makes many claims about the Moon, including its size and distance from Earth, e.g. FES the Moon is 32 miles in diameter and 3,000 miles away or stars shining through during lunar eclipses or the lunar wave videos. FE community teachings about the Moon are *testable and verifiable*, I can examine such claims using my telescopes. However, E.T. aliens on the Moon or inside the Moon or E.T. aliens using lunar bases today?
Dec 11, 2019
Truthseeker007, you can see 59% of the illuminated Moon so yes, some of the dark side is visible, these are lunar librations. Since January 15, 2019 through New Year's Day 2020, I made 38 separate observations of the Moon at views ranging 31x to 200x in my telescope views documented in my stargazing log.

Q: How many telescope observations of the Moon did you make during that same time period and document?

Well since I don't have a telescope at the moment that would be nill. But I have seen some UFO's without using a telescope. A few years ago while in the military we seen many strange things in the skies. Were they our governments were they alien? I am not sure but whatever they were they sure didn't look from this world. It seem most have technology that makes them invincible and every now and then they must lose the invincibility for some reason.

Q. How much time did you spend in the military?
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Dec 11, 2019
Thanks. Truthseeker007 seems at times to drag Jesus and the Bible into various threads. I plan to avoid gladiator games here but if I fight, it will be like Russel Crow in Gladiator movie :)

I clearly used to show an example but hey to each their own. You always like to give your thousands of examples of using your telescope I just have a bit of a different philosophy.
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Dec 11, 2019
Okay, getting back on target here, some like Truthseeker007 indicated that E.T. aliens could be on the Moon today or inside it perhaps. I compare teaching like this with the flat earth community for a good reason. FE community makes many claims about the Moon, including its size and distance from Earth, e.g. FES the Moon is 32 miles in diameter and 3,000 miles away or stars shining through during lunar eclipses or the lunar wave videos. FE community teachings about the Moon are *testable and verifiable*, I can examine such claims using my telescopes. However, E.T. aliens on the Moon or inside the Moon or E.T. aliens using lunar bases today?

I really still don't see how you conclude flat earthers with aliens on the moon. But hey I guess as my hypothesis goes that was the plan all along to put anybody who asks questions alongside with flat earthers. It is obvious the Earth is not flat but since the flat earth theory is so deeply untrue now anybody that asks question or thinks outside the box can be put in with the flat earthers box. So thanks for giving an example of my hypothesis in your own words.
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Well since I don't have a telescope at the moment that would be nill. But I have seen some UFO's without using a telescope. A few years ago while in the military we seen many strange things in the skies. Were they our governments were they alien? I am not sure but whatever they were they sure didn't look from this world. It seem most have technology that makes them invincible and every now and then they must lose the invincibility for some reason.

Q. How much time did you spend in the military?

My DD214 shows honorable discharge in June 1975 - shortly after the Viet Nam war ended so over 3 years plus some. From some of your comments - you are much younger than I and likely on active duty today - if so that is very good. I worked in the Pentagon for more than 30 years too before retiring in early January 2016 :)
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I really still don't see how you conclude flat earthers with aliens on the moon. But hey I guess as my hypothesis goes that was the plan all along to put anybody who asks questions alongside with flat earthers. It is obvious the Earth is not flat but since the flat earth theory is so deeply untrue now anybody that asks question or thinks outside the box can be put in with the flat earthers box. So thanks for giving an example of my hypothesis in your own words.

My comment. *It is not obvious that the Earth is not flat* and it is not obvious that E.T. aliens are on the Moon today so the comparison I make is valid. Flat earth teachers claim moonlight has a different temperature. Flat earthers teach the size and distance of the Moon from Earth - very different than the heliocentric solar system measurements using a spherical Earth baseline too, and the FE community rejects gravity - holding to Tesla who rejected Newton' gravity, thus they are all geocentric teachers in astronomy too. FE community teaches the Earth is immovable, all of these teachings can be investigated by the scientific method and shown true or false, however the E.T. alien disciples do not meet this standard of reporting and investigating that the FE community demonstrates in their reports. I consider FE community *science* methodology a better standard than E.T. alien disciples present in their teachings. From my view - you know much about E.T. aliens on the Moon as this thread demonstrates but clearly never spend time studying the Moon using a quality telescope and the subject of selenography like observing specific lunar craters and features at different times using a good lunar map.

Here is an example using the Moon and telescopes, how I could search for E.T aliens living on the Moon today, sometimes causing lights on the Moon. The Moon's minimum perigee is about 356400 km distance, the Moon's maximum apogee is about 406700 km distance, the average distance is 384401 km. At 384401 km, my telescopes resolve features 1" angular size, thus 1.864 km in diameter.

Q: How large is the area that E.T. aliens and their buildings on the Moon occupy compared to my telescope view?
Q: Where are E.T. alien lights on the Moon coming from? This is selenography and requires specific location(s).
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:) Hey folks, why not start a thread: Flat Earth vs Aliens - is one more viable then the other?

(to keep this one on track)

sward, that is a very interesting idea but you need someone from the FE community to defend FE teachings and the model(s). I use the FE model to compare with the E.T. aliens model in this thread because I find, FE model can be more specific about science and testability than E.T. alien disciples present in their model supporting E.T. aliens, here on Earth or the Moon today or in the distant past. At the moment, the thread is focused on the Moon, lights on the Moon and how a telescope can be used to see if E.T. aliens are operating on the Moon today. We have NASA LRO orbiting the Moon, in the past orbiting Apollo astronauts like Collins in Apollo 11, we had Israel's lunar space probe images that orbited the Moon and crashed on it, India tried too, China is on the Moon, etc.

There is much documented about the Moon today and easily tested, nothing confirms or shows E.T. aliens are on the Moon, inside a hollow Moon, etc. In this thread, if Truthseeker007 continues, I will use my six question outline method that I previously presented to him and others for investigation. I use this method and find it yields results - either supporting claims or showing the claims are not acceptable science testing standards.---Rod

FYI. There are reports of lights on the Moon over the years but are known to be natural phenomenon. During January 2019, there was a total lunar eclipse of the Moon in Cancer. A meteor hit the Moon and caused a noticeable flash that was recorded by various observers and posted at sites like Sky & Telescope. I missed that impact event because at the time, I was viewing M44, the Beehive cluster in Cancer using my binoculars. Other lights on the Moon are known from meteor shower events like the Leonids.
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Dec 11, 2019
My DD214 shows honorable discharge in June 1975 - shortly after the Viet Nam war ended so over 3 years plus some. From some of your comments - you are much younger than I and likely on active duty today - if so that is very good. I worked in the Pentagon for more than 30 years too before retiring in early January 2016 :)

That is interesting Rod. Interesting you worked at the Pentagon also. That had to be something working in the valley of the beast so they! I got out the AF in 2008 but I have done contracting afterwards working in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some really strange things over there for sure. I am not to young but I was born in the very late 70's.

I know we are getting of track and thank you for your service Rod but did you witness any Agent Orange being sprayed while you were in Vietnam? Just one more question were you working in the Pentagon when it was supposedly hit by a plane during 911? Feel free to message me if you don't want to answer those questions here.
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Dec 11, 2019
:) Hey folks, why not start a thread: Flat Earth vs Aliens - is one more viable then the other?

(to keep this one on track)

Well that sounds like a great idea.:)lol! I will have to get my information together first before I start it though. Unless someone beats me to!


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