List of Time Lords

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Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>I just caught the episode where the Master regenerates at the end of the Universe, and the subsequent episode where he takes the persona of Harold Saxon, the British PM.There's a little dialogue between the Doctor and the Master. It would seem that they take their name (or rather maybe better put, their title) upon becoming Time Lords.At least that's what I got out of it. The Doctor has said something about "that was the name you took" to the Master when the Master had said he liked hearing his name spoken by the Doctor.To which, the Master made a derisive comment about the name The Doctor had taken. It seems to me then, that their names aren't names in the traditional sense, but rather titular in nature.Anywho (pun intended), I'm looking forward to season 4. <br />Posted by dragon04</DIV><br /><br />Belatedly replying, the Master did pick his own designation, but it is unlikely (and probably not intended by the writers) that this occured when he became a Time Lord.&nbsp;&nbsp; Rather, it's the way he likes to style himself since becoming a renegade.&nbsp; And the dialog in "An Unearthly Child" (the first episode, screened Nov 23, 1963) really does indicate that the Doctor did not call himself "Doctor" prior to landing on Earth.<br /><br />Some other interesting "Time Lord name" tidbits:<br /><br />When the Doctor met the Master in "Terror of the Autons" (the first Master serial, broadcast in 1971), he did not seem to know the Master, at least not by the name "Master".&nbsp; Similarly, the Master did not know the Doctor, at least not by that name.&nbsp; However, it is later established (in "The Five Doctors", at least, but possibly earlier) that the Doctor and the Master had gone to school together.&nbsp; So they must have obtained their names sometime after they parted ways on Gallifrey.<br /><br />Only two other Time Lords (that I can recall) went by a title rather than a name, with the exception of job titles like "Castellan".&nbsp; (The Castellan seen in the Peter Davison episode was never given a name of his own, for instance, though the two previous Castellans were: Spandrell and Kelner.)&nbsp; Those were the Monk (variously referred to as the Meddling Monk, and considered by some fans as a prior incarnation of the Master, though I doubt that interpretation) and the Rani.&nbsp; I'm not sure whether the Monk ever actually called himself that, though.&nbsp; I'll have to rewatch "The Time Meddler", his only surviving complete serial.<br /><br />In "The Armageddon Factor", we meet Drax, a Time Lord dropout.&nbsp; That is to say, he never actually obtained the title of Time Lord, choosing to drop out of the academy (presumably the Prydonian Academy) and go into private enterprise, offering his services as a sort of intergalactic IT tech.&nbsp; He refers to the Doctor as "Theta Sigma", which was apparently the Doctor's old college nickname.&nbsp; When the Doctor corrects him, indicating that he goes by "Doctor" now, Drax says, "Oh, you got your doctorate, then?" in a rather casual way.&nbsp; The Doctor doesn't actually affirm that, however, leading some fans to speculate that the Doctor may have been a graduate-school dropout.<br /><br />Fanfic authors usually give ludicrously long names to their Time Lord creations.&nbsp; This is because of the only Time Lord companion: Romanadavoratrelunar, who eventually condescended to let the Doctor call her merely "Romana".&nbsp; But in the entire history of the show, few Time Lords have had names with more than two syllables, and Romana has been the only one with a ridiculously long name.<br /><br />For fun, I'm going to compile a list of Gallifreyans who have appeared on the series, in order of appearance:<br /><br />* The Doctor<br /><br />* Susan Foreman (the Doctor's granddaughter)<br /><br />* The Meddling Monk - title referred to his disguise in "The Time Meddler"<br /><br />* The War Chief - title came from his occupation on the planet of the War Lords<br /><br />* Time Lord tribunal from "The War Games" (three unnamed Time Lords)<br /><br />* the Master<br /><br />* three unidentified Time Lords, "Colony in Space"<br /><br />* Omega<br /><br />* President of the Council, "The Three Doctors" - unnamed Time Lord<br /><br />* Chancellor, "The Three Doctors" - unnamed Time Lord<br /><br />* unnamed Time Lord technicians, "the Three Doctors"<br /><br />* K'anpo Rinpoche/Cho Je<br /><br />* unnamed Time Lord, "Genesis of the Daleks"<br /><br />* Morbius<br /><br />* Borusa -- originally Cardinal, later Chancellor, and finally President<br /><br />* Chancellor Goth (interestingly, the actor also played one of the unnamed Time Lords in "The War Games")<br /><br />* Coordinator Engin<br /><br />* Castellan Spandrell<br /><br />* Commander Hildred<br /><br />* Gold Usher (title, not name, title rotates between different Time Lords), "Deadly Assassin"<br /><br />* Runcible<br /><br />* unnamed President, "The Deadly Assassin"<br /><br />* unnamed guards, "The Deadly Assassin"<br /><br />* Solis<br /><br />* Castellan Kelner<br /><br />* Commander Andred (note: it is unclear whether the guards count as Time Lords; Rodan refers to them as if they are a separate class of citizen from the Time Lords)<br /><br />* Gold Usher, "The Invasion of Time"<br /><br />* Rodan (a female working-class Gallifreyan, not a Time Lord)<br /><br />* Lord Gomer<br /><br />* Lord Savar<br /><br />* three unnamed Chancellory guards, "The Invasion of Time"<br /><br />* Nesbin (a Shabogan, a former Time Lord who has renounced the title and chosen to live as a savage in the wilds of Outer Gallifrey)<br /><br />* Ablif (a Shabogan)<br /><br />* Jasko (a Shabogan)<br /><br />* Presta (a Shabogan)<br /><br />* Drax (working-class Gallifreyan, presumably, since he dropped out before becoming officially a Time Lord)<br /><br />* Romanadvoratrelundar<br /><br />* Professor Chronotis, aka Salayevin<br /><br />* Chancellor Thalia<br /><br />* Councillor Hedin<br /><br />* The Castellan, "Arc of Infinity" and "The Five Doctors" (it's unclear why they never bothered to name this character, as the title is clearly passed around to others as the political climate changes)<br /><br />* Cardinal Zorac<br /><br />* Commander Maxil (a guard) -- random trivia: Maxil is played by Colin Baker, who appeared two seasons later as the Sixth Doctor<br /><br />* Damon<br /><br />* Talor<br /><br />* Chancellor Flavia<br /><br />* Rassilon<br /><br />* Azmael<br /><br />* The Rani<br /><br />* assorted unnamed Time Lords also appeared as extras in all episodes set on Gallifrey<br /><br />Additionally, There is "fanon" indicating that the Sisterhood of Karn are descended from Gallifreyans, and are the survivors of the original ruling class of the planet, though this is not indicated in the episode "Brain of Morbius". <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#666699"><em>"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly . . . timey wimey . . . stuff."</em>  -- The Tenth Doctor, "Blink"</font></p> </div>


Of the list above, most can be assumed to have participated in the Time War against the Daleks are are therefore dead.&nbsp; A few others on this list died during the old series (eg. Azmael).&nbsp; But others may not have been on Gallifrey, and some most likely would *not* have been on Gallifrey.<br /><br />Here are ones who had left Gallifrey:<br /><br />* Susan Foreman, married a human and was last scene on Earth in 2160 AD, helping rebuild after a Dalek invasion; would probably have been willing to fight, but may not have had means to do so (was left without any form of transportation)<br /><br />* The Meddling Monk, whereabouts unknown, probably would not have risked his life for Gallifrey<br /><br />* The War Chief -- executed<br /><br />* Omega - possibly dead, possibly back in the antimatter universe of "The Three Doctors"; deeply desired vengeance on Gallifrey, but probably would not want to see it destroyed (he wanted to rule it, not destroy it); if he survived the events of "Arc of Infinity", he may not have been able to return to the normal universe to participate in the Time War<br /><br />* K'anpo Rinpoche - though living on Earth in "Planet of Spiders", he didn't seem to dislike Gallifrey and probably would have heeded the call to return<br /><br />* Morbius -- supposedly killed, if he survived he would've wanted to rule Gallifrey, not destroy it, but was crazy enough to settle for its destruction; unclear whether he would've assisted in the Time War<br /><br />* Romana -- last seen in E-Space with no means of returning to N-space; would've wanted to fight for Gallifrey; though her fate is not clear within canon, the production team of the new series has indicated that she died in the Time War; a certain body of non-canon fiction has her as Lady President of Gallifrey, which would likely have led to her death in the Time War<br /><br />* Drax -- may not have had means to return to Gallifrey, and may have been too cowardly to do so anyway; however, he would not have wanted Gallifrey gone and might have participated in the Time War if he'd been able to; last seen helping rebuild the planet Atrios after a generations-long war of attrition<br /><br />* Professor Chronotis -- last seen at Cambridge University; had a working TARDIS; might have fled to save his life, but might also have participated in the war; may also have died of natural causes as he is established as being extremely old (and Time Lords do apparently have an upper limit to their lifespans)<br /><br />* Rassilon -- last seen waiting out eternity in the Death Zone, the location of which is unclear but is established in dialog as being alternately on Gallifrey and *not* on Gallifrey; this is either a continuity goof or an indication that it's not exactly a real place; it is unclear whether Rassilon would've been destroyed in the Time War, or whether he would've gotten involved (or been able to get involved, as immortality apparently involves being totally immobile)<br /><br />* Azmael -- dead<br /><br />* the Rani -- last seen being taken to Tetrapyarbus by her Tetraps henchmen; has no love whatsoever for Gallifrey and is totally self-serving; would almost certainly not have been involved in the Time War and thus may have survived<br /><br />So by my reckoning, without inventing any new Time Lords (which would be perfectly legit for the series to do), there are several potential survivors of the Time War, particularly the Meddling Monk, Omega, Morbius, Drax, Professor Chronotis, and the Rani. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#666699"><em>"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly . . . timey wimey . . . stuff."</em>  -- The Tenth Doctor, "Blink"</font></p> </div>
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