Magnetoplasmadynamic thrusters have the advantage that they can be<br />scaled up to produce large amounts of thrust, while still maintaining<br />the high ISP of ion drives:<br /><br />Magnetoplasmadynamic Thrusters.<br />"Testing for these thrusters has demonstrated exhaust velocities of<br />100,000 meters per second (over 200,000 mph) and thrust levels of 100<br />Newtons (22.5 pounds) at power levels of 1 megawatt. For perspective,<br />this exhaust velocity will allow a spacecraft to travel roughly 11<br />times the top speed of the space shuttle (18,000 mph)."<br />http://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/about/fs22grc.html<br /><br />MY ELECTRIC ROCKET ENGINE.<br />http://www.waynesthisandthat.com/mpd.htm<br /><br /> The problem is the high amount of power required. However high<br />electrical power has been delivered up to hundreds of kilometers on<br />Earth over power lines. Then this could be used to deliver the<br />required electrical power to the thrusters from the ground.<br /><br /> Bob Clark<br /><br />c.f.,<br />Newsgroups: sci.astro, sci.space.policy, sci.physics<br />From: "Robert Clark" <rgregorycl...@yahoo.com /><br />Date: 20 Mar 2006 20:23:18 -0800<br />Local: Mon, Mar 20 2006 11:23 pm<br />Subject: Long cables to power arcjet rockets to orbit?<br />http://groups.google.com/group/sci.physics/msg/0cd3fba4a33a6d13<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>