Lord of the rings question

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Sorry. Wading in here with a gripe again!<br /><br />I just watched King Kong, and if anything it made my opinion of Peter Jackson diminish. He really should stick with B-grade horror movies. The guy just seems to be on a "let's take these computerised special effects to new extremes" trip. Every scene seemed to be exaggerated and over the top. A stampede of dinosaurs will not do, we have to make it go on and on and think of every possible effect we can squeeze in there ending in an avalanche of dinosaurs rolling down a valley. Let's not have King Kong defend his girl from one T-Rex how about three at the same time while deftly tossing the girl from hand to hand. <br /><br />I have tried to be sympathetic to LOTR, but like so many, loving the books, the more I see the films, the more I feel the catch-phrase "'we are being true to the books" rings hollow. I do not agree that no one could have done it except Jackson, I am sure there are many capable directors that would have jumped at the chance. While parts of the film were wonderful in their own right, the more I think about the books and the films , the more I wonder whether they should be renamed "Peter Jackson's amazing rings saga and other visual wonders." <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


About "The Black Book of Arda"<br /><br />Some Fanfiction can be fantastic, but I question the ethics of making money off of someone else's ideas and reputation. Laws in different countries are very interesting with regard to it. (ex. my understanding is that in Japan it is ok to make fan comics and profit from them but you are given a limited print run)<br /><br />I am very close to the topic as my wife writes fanfiction for fun and she is going to have a presntation about the ethics of fanfiction at Connecticon next month.


It did for me. I loved it. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <em><font size="2">Bob DeWoody</font></em> </div>
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