Some of my best views of the Moon is using my 90-mm refractor telescope with TeleVue 14-mm Delos, and sometimes a green filter just for fun

I did show some stargazers the Moon using the green filter - yes, it is made of green cheese

Some younger kids said my telescope views they saw were better than school science textbook pictures. First Quarter Moon and Last Quarter Moon are good times to view but First Quarter and shortly after (waxing gibbous), easier time slots. Much crater detail along the terminator line. Same for early part of waxing gibbous and waning gibbous phases or early morning, waning crescent Moon (0300 views). I have used my 10-inch Newtonian on First Quarter Moon using 2-inch eyepiece without moon filter. It is bright on a clear night in the eyepiece

I do use a moon filter for 1.25-inch eyepieces.