<br />unfortunately the only TRUE flight test can be made USING a vehicle<br /><br />some experts evaluated the Shuttle risk at ONE accident every 100 flights, but real statistics is TWO accidents every 100+ flights<br /><br />the difference between a capsule and a spaceplane is that, with caspule, the entire body is burned and its reentry is around 5G (like a meteorite!) while, in a Shuttle, the large wings protects the entire structure (that never burns at over 1000° C) and reentry is at only 3G, so, only its thermal shield MUST be VERY reliable... test about point of fusion of different materials don't need any flights, they can be made on earth<br /><br />consider, also, that a "30+ times reusability test" of a MANNED shuttle was already done (with Space Shuttles...) while the "experiment" with 10+ MANNED use of the same capsule was NEVER made, so, it need to be tested now to know real results