I recall a theory says that in the earliest time of the universe creation, there are a balance amount of matter and antimatter. Some how the matter outnumber antimatter by small amount, and we have a matter universe here. When the matter and anti matter annihilate each other, what was happened to the energy released? (must be very big)<br /><br />If the universe is a cycle, and then the next and next big contraction and big bang will have lesser energy?<br /><br />What happenned if next big bang, other way around, anti matter slightly out numbered matter? will it be anti matter universe?<br /><br />What happend if the next big bang, anti matter "greatly" out number antimatter? will the universe be more crowded than current universe? since less annihilation will take place? and vice versa.<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>