- A 3-sphere is a hypersphere, a 2-sphere is an ordinary sphere (a ball)
- The surface of an n-sphere is an(n-1) sphere. For example, the surface of a 3-sphere is a 2-sphere
- Although the radius of a hypersphere is undefined it seems reasonable to assume the radius of the surface of the hypersphere (a sphere/Ball) is still Pi.2r
- The surface of a hypersphere has 3 spatial dimensions.
- One second is equivalent to 299,792,458 meters and either can be used in calculations.
- Time is reinterpreted as a process of the Universe’s Expansion and not a 4th Dimension (in this proposal)
- The age of the universe is 13.8 billion years approximately and increases in proportion to the expansion of the 2-sphere i.e. can be considered as the radius.
- For every passing second the circumference of the 2- sphere increases to give a Hubble Constant of 71 approximately calculated from 2Pi.r where r is assumed to be the universe's age using 1 second=299,792,458 meters.
If a discussion occurs I can provide ( if requested - by email), for example, a spreadsheet (excel) to show the Hubble Constant variation with the Universe's possible ages (long-hand arithmetic calculation but automatic with manual age entry) and/or diagrams in JIT format.
There are several interesting consequences should the above prove correct which require reasoning but they may explain:
1. Why the expansion rate appears to be increasing and also why it may be from time to time (given our universe is a Black Hole and we are inside it)
2. That the so-called early galaxies are pretty much the same as local galaxies
3. Some quantum mechanic issues but these are a stretch.
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