Oh I see Jim has been restricted at this time. Anyway, his response to Hypersphere... was good standard stuff and I was about to try and demolish it. Whatever I think that his recent post deserves to be addressed even if it is a bit cut and paste teaching mode. If Jim remains absent maybe someone else can pick up the veteran's banner.
Just a note for Jim if you still read here:
Some of your responses need updating. For example, earlier you stated that entangled particles were linked at the speed of light. This is not so, they link instantly. Just pointing out that updating is useful.
Misunderstanding of n-Spheres
While it's true that the "surface" of an nnn-sphere is an (n−1)(n-1)(n−1)-sphere, the post conflates the mathematical definition of hyperspheres with physical cosmology. A 3-sphere is a higher-dimensional construct with no direct physical analogy to our observable universe's 3D spatial structure.
What would have been correct is to say "Current cosmology theory does not confirm a 3-sphere is the right model for the shape of the Universe." Note: things move on and a Torus may be a good contender
Undefined Hypersphere Radius
The claim that the radius of a hypersphere is "undefined" is incorrect. In mathematics, the radius of any nnn-sphere is well-defined. The formula - Surface Area=2π2r3 for a 3-sphere demonstrates this. The reference to π.2r is a non-sequitur and applies only to circles, not hyperspheres.
I am trying to describe relationships between 3spheres and 2spheres. In this context "undefined" means that the concept of radius doesn't apply in the way it does for regular spheres in three-dimensional space, that's all. Moving on to some facts:
- It is valid to remove a dimension or two to try to understand how things might work so we drop a dimension from a 3-sphere to a 2-sphere (equivalent to taking a cross-section of a hypersphere). We take a further deduction to illustrate 'on paper' dropping from a 2-sphere to a 1-sphere. That is a cross-section of a 2 sphere is a circle. All members of the same 'family' and a valid procedure
- Dropping dimensions can help us visualize and understand complex shapes like hyperspheres. When you go from a 3-sphere to a 2-sphere, you're just looking at a "slice" of it, e.g. how a circle is a slice of a sphere. We can see relationships and properties in a more relatable way. It breaks down a big problem into smaller, more manageable pieces.