Meteorites and asteroids tracked back to their place of origin in the solar system

A recent past report is similar here. Unlocking cosmic origins: Researchers trace 70% of meteorites to 3 asteroid families,

My note, beside the long age and recent break up time model interpretations, most of the meteorites known on Earth have not been exposed for billions of years using CRE ages. The article reports similar young ages.

"...By analyzing data gathered from watching the night sky and by using a combination of video footage and photographic observations of meteors, Devillepoix, Jenniskens, and their teams have tracked the origins of 75 meteorites in the asteroid belt..."By measuring the cosmic ray exposure age of meteorites, we can determine that three of these twelve meteorites originated from the Karin cluster in Koronis, which has a dynamical age of 5.8 million years, and two came from the Koronis2 cluster, with a dynamical age of 10-15 million years," he continued. “One other meteorite may well measure the age of the Koronis3 cluster: about 83 million years.”...The team also discovered that several groups of meteorites, including H-chondrites, originated from different regions in the asteroid belt. Some H-chondrites, with an age of about 6 million years, come from the Nele asteroid family, while others, with an exposure age of 35 million years, come from the inner main belt, likely from the Massalia asteroid family. While this provides one of the most comprehensive maps of the asteroid belt to date, not all meteorites in the database were assigned, and some assignments still carried uncertainty. But for Devillepoix and Jenniskens, this is just the beginning. "We are proud about how far we have come, but there is a long way to go," said Jenniskens. "Like the first cartographers who traced the outline of Australia, our map reveals a continent of discoveries still ahead when more meteorite falls are recorded."

My note, report shows a CRE age spread 5.8 to 35 Myr samples dated. Meteorite ages on Earth can be very young when not using radiometric ages.
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