Moon magnetism

Mar 27, 2023
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What causes moon gravity that makes it rotate or revolve ?
Does that mean moon core is made up of iron the n at what temperature?

Why does it not just crashes into earth or sun ? The moon magnetism is strong enough to prevent that !!!!

And tides on earth are part of this phenomenon and why it affects only oceans ????
Not magnetism, it's gravity. I'm not so sure that magnetism without gravity would do a very good job keeping stuff in orbit. Spacecraft in orbit about the Earth or Moon has no magnetism to speak of, so, that's not it.

Gravity is what allows every particle in the universe to attract to every other particle. Orbits are sorta the fight between inertia and gravity. Without gravity, the Moon would just want to keep going in a straight line forever (Newton's first law). Without inertia, the gravity would cause the Moon to crash into the Earth thus ending us (Newton's second and third laws). As the Moon goes mostly sideways about a kilometer every second, the Earth's gravity is trying to pull the Moon into itself. OK, if it was perfectly balanced, the Moon's orbit would be circular, but, it's close enough to perfect that the Moon's orbit is slightly eccentric. At its closest point it's moving just a wee bit too fast to keep it circular at about 362,600 kilometers from the Earth-Moon baricenter, so, it starts to move slowly away and slows down a bit. When it gets too slow to keep it in a circular orbit about 405,400 kilometers away, it begins to 'fall' toward the Earth. This cycle keeps it in an elliptical orbit.

Johannes Kepler figured out three laws concerning orbital mechanics ('s_laws_of_planetary_motion).

Of course, this scenario isn't perfect as the Sun and other planets and all the other stuff in the universe acts gravitationally on the Earth and Moon, so, the Moon's orbit varies a bit. This works the same was between the Sun and the Earth-Moon system, but, at about 18½ kilometers per second, and somewhere around 149 million kilometers from the Sun.

Yes, gravity and the revolution of the Moon causes tides. But, it affects land and sea. The land doesn't slosh around like the sea, but, it does move up and down, maybe a few inches or so. but, the sea follows the Moon. The side facing the Moon (or actually slightly behind it) is pulled up a few feet or so because the Moon pulls on it. Now, imagine you have a bucket of water on a rope and you swing it fast enough with your arm in a circle up and down, the water stays in the bucket and doesn't fall out, it's pushed to the outside of the circle. So, the side of the sea away from the Moon also rises up because of this (because the earth also revolves around this baricenter), hence two tides per day on most of the oceans. This varies considerably because of the shape and locations of the land masses, the water can't move freely. The Earth also causes tides on the Moon, but, since it's a big rock, the tide is very tiny. But, over time Earth's gravity has caused the Moon's diameter to elongate to some extent in the axis pointing sorta to and away from the Earth.
Mar 27, 2023
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Not magnetism, it's gravity. I'm not so sure that magnetism without gravity would do a very good job keeping stuff in orbit. Spacecraft in orbit about the Earth or Moon has no magnetism to speak of, so, that's not it.

Gravity is what allows every particle in the universe to attract to every other particle. Orbits are sorta the fight between inertia and gravity. Without gravity, the Moon would just want to keep going in a straight line forever (Newton's first law). Without inertia, the gravity would cause the Moon to crash into the Earth thus ending us (Newton's second and third laws). As the Moon goes mostly sideways about a kilometer every second, the Earth's gravity is trying to pull the Moon into itself. OK, if it was perfectly balanced, the Moon's orbit would be circular, but, it's close enough to perfect that the Moon's orbit is slightly eccentric. At its closest point it's moving just a wee bit too fast to keep it circular at about 362,600 kilometers from the Earth-Moon baricenter, so, it starts to move slowly away and slows down a bit. When it gets too slow to keep it in a circular orbit about 405,400 kilometers away, it begins to 'fall' toward the Earth. This cycle keeps it in an elliptical orbit.

Johannes Kepler figured out three laws concerning orbital mechanics ('s_laws_of_planetary_motion).

Of course, this scenario isn't perfect as the Sun and other planets and all the other stuff in the universe acts gravitationally on the Earth and Moon, so, the Moon's orbit varies a bit. This works the same was between the Sun and the Earth-Moon system, but, at about 18½ kilometers per second, and somewhere around 149 million kilometers from the Sun.

Yes, gravity and the revolution of the Moon causes tides. But, it affects land and sea. The land doesn't slosh around like the sea, but, it does move up and down, maybe a few inches or so. but, the sea follows the Moon. The side facing the Moon (or actually slightly behind it) is pulled up a few feet or so because the Moon pulls on it. Now, imagine you have a bucket of water on a rope and you swing it fast enough with your arm in a circle up and down, the water stays in the bucket and doesn't fall out, it's pushed to the outside of the circle. So, the side of the sea away from the Moon also rises up because of this (because the earth also revolves around this baricenter), hence two tides per day on most of the oceans. This varies considerably because of the shape and locations of the land masses, the water can't move freely. The Earth also causes tides on the Moon, but, since it's a big rock, the tide is very tiny. But, over time Earth's gravity has caused the Moon's diameter to elongate to some extent in the axis pointing sorta to and away from the Earth.
Any object with mass has gravity even if its size is in microns and ability to revolve around bari center that is , if it encounters another object with mass !!!!

Gravity is inherent property of every object in universe !!!!

What about magnetism ! Earth or perhaps every planet has core that exhibits this feature !!!

Then stars have magnetic field that emerges from perhaps when iron concentrations are high enough !!
Is sun magnetism though it’s doesn’t have iron at this stage of being middle aged star measurable!!!

What contribution does this feature makes to rotation or revolution!!!

Tides are caused due to gravity pull of objects with mass and it only affects water of ocean not lakes or rivers !!!!

Still this needs more explicit explanation to measure the forces acting on ocean in units of say Newton etc !

Besides the moon core has not being examined for its composition or temperature to reach to any conclusions regarding magnetism etc !!

Even earth core is a subject of debate since we still don’t have technology that can find the temperature or composition or its magnetism strength except volcanos etc
I don't think that's correct, what you have said about gravity. Gravity does not seem to be a fundamental property. Isolated charge seems completely immune to gravity and can easily accelerate against gravity. The solar wind is 99% isolated charge and accelerates out beyond Neptune, no one knows where that acceleration stops. All stars have been doing this since the beginning. After 13.8 billion years, the majority of mass now, is probably orphan isolated charge from stars.

The isolated charge has a very symmetrical inertial field. On the other hand, when charge bonds to form dipoles, the bonded inertia is EXTREMELY asymmetrical. A dipole has a jiggle-ly inertia. In other words, the reference for the inertia is not stable. The inertia in a dipole vibrates. Many believe this dynamic causes a small attraction between dipoles. Gravity is a dynamic between two neutral objects. Made from dipoles.

The gravitational moon tides effect all dipole matter on earth, including your body. And all ground and buildings. Not just water. You can measure the tide on a small still lake. You can measure it with a plate of water......if you have the precision instruments. And you should be able to listen to it, with the tone of an atomic clock.

Magnetism is a completely different book.
Mar 27, 2023
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I don't think that's correct, what you have said about gravity. Gravity does not seem to be a fundamental property. Isolated charge seems completely immune to gravity and can easily accelerate against gravity. The solar wind is 99% isolated charge and accelerates out beyond Neptune, no one knows where that acceleration stops. All stars have been doing this since the beginning. After 13.8 billion years, the majority of mass now, is probably orphan isolated charge from stars.

The isolated charge has a very symmetrical inertial field. On the other hand, when charge bonds to form dipoles, the bonded inertia is EXTREMELY asymmetrical. A dipole has a jiggle-ly inertia. In other words, the reference for the inertia is not stable. The inertia in a dipole vibrates. Many believe this dynamic causes a small attraction between dipoles. Gravity is a dynamic between two neutral objects. Made from dipoles.

The gravitational moon tides effect all dipole matter on earth, including your body. And all ground and buildings. Not just water. You can measure the tide on a small still lake. You can measure it with a plate of water......if you have the precision instruments. And you should be able to listen to it, with the tone of an atomic clock.

Magnetism is a completely different book.
Why only asteroids or planets rotate or revolve around a star or though the dinosaur extinction attributed to asteroid impact on earth defies this statement!!

The crash phenomenon of two celestial objects is observed when ????

Or the rotation or revolution of two celestial objects happens when ????

Star planetary system has many celestial objects in revolution… and like the famed Hailey comet revolves around sun and does not crash in fact it’s revolution is highly elliptical and out of solar system !!

And the formation or revolution cycle of moons which are about 200 is still unknown !

What effect has moon on Jupiter or Saturn is undocumented!!!

Does black hole have gravity or magnetism !!
Magnetic fields can certainly cause phenomena such as Coronal Mass Ejections from the Sun and how it acts in space, charged particles in the Van Allen belts, floating particles above the surface of the Moon, auroras, compass needles, and many other things, but, it is insufficient to allow massive objects in orbit, that would be gravity. My understanding is that it can act on very small particles, but two very large objects over a distance, not so much.

The four fundamental forces are the Strong, Weak, Electromagnetic, and Gravity (Wikipedia:

The ocean is large, therefore the tide is measurable, my bird bath has tides, but, it's so small I can't measure the tidal interaction with the Sun or Moon.

The Milky Way's central black hole having the mass of 3½ million Suns has about 3½ million Suns worth of gravity, and I imagine has a massive magnetic field.

There are kazillions of objects from dust to big rocks the size of cities and even a bit bigger.
Each are in independent orbit about the Sun or a planet, but, it can be perturbed by planets or moons that each may come close enough to, so, the orbits vary over time.
One such object was in an independent orbit that intersected with the orbit of the Earth, and one day, it and the Earth arrived at same place at the same time. It didn't do well for the dinosaurs, the only one left are the birds.
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Mar 27, 2023
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Magnetic fields can certainly cause phenomena such as Coronal Mass Ejections from the Sun and how it acts in space, charged particles in the Van Allen belts, floating particles above the surface of the Moon, auroras, compass needles, and many other things, but, it is insufficient to allow massive objects in orbit, that would be gravity. My understanding is that it can act on very small particles, but two very large objects over a distance, not so much.

The four fundamental forces are the Strong, Weak, Electromagnetic, and Gravity (Wikipedia:

The ocean is large, therefore the tide is measurable, my bird bath has tides, but, it's so small I can't measure the tidal interaction with the Sun or Moon.

The Milky Way's central black hole having the mass of 3½ million Suns has about 3½ million Suns worth of gravity, and I imagine has a massive magnetic field.

There are kazillions of objects from dust to big rocks the size of cities and even a bit bigger.
Each are in independent orbit about the Sun or a planet, but, it can be perturbed by planets or moons that each may come close enough to, so, the orbits vary over time.
One such object was in an independent orbit that intersected with the orbit of the Earth, and one day, it and the Earth arrived at same place at the same time. It didn't do well for the dinosaurs, the only one left are the birds.
It’s true that magnetic field of planets deflect charged emissions from stars like sun and makes the atmosphere safe rather prevent ionisation iod atmosphere !

And moon feeble magnetic field makes them vulnerable to these particles !!!!

Can these fields deflect asteroids or meteors !

How far can these particles reach depends upon star size age etc.

Can these be part of cosmic rays containing electrons etc
The detection can certainly be telltale signs of stars condition or location !

Studying tides requires much more in-depth tools !!!

The primordial central hole of Milky Way needs monitoring for its size or luminosity or its position !!
But then there are millions of black holes lurking in galaxy And we have not drawn a picture to pinpoint the nearest or the farthest !

The floating celestial objects can be a tool to determine the cosmic aging or dawn of universe or life on earth !!

Why are the deviations as a few revolve while others crash !

Even collision of neutron stars results in revolution first then decay and crash !!

The emergence of heavy elements or water etc still requires extensive study !!!
And the formation. Of planets ….. x