Gibsense, I am not trying to argue or score points. I am trying to understand.
I am starting from redshift, and Hubble's deduction that galaxies are moving away from each other at a speed proportional to their distance apart (except for the Local Group, where gravity wins out).
Then, applying logic, if galaxies move apart at speed proportional to distance, sooner or later (probably sooner thhan 14 bn years?) they will exceed the speed of light. I would suggest that this requires an upper limit to HL, just as there is a lower limit. In other words, we do not understand the whole picture.
But is it not "the Universe" which is supposed to be expanding? Not just space without matter? And should not spacetime include matter? So if spacetime expands faster than light, how does it exclude matter?
The answer to this (according to Hubble), at least as I understand this "explanation", is that it is space or spacetime which is expanding, not the material galaxies. Similarly, during inflation, after BB, was not this expansion (inflation) not supposed to be FTL, and was it immaterial space which was expanding, not the material "Universe"?
This ties in with the idea that, if we, materially, were expanding with space(time), we would not be able to notice it.
Vide flatlander not being able to notice two points on a spherical surface not moving apart, when this is supposed to be how he judges the expansion of the spherical surface.
So, how is it that we notice material galaxies moving apart? If only space is expanding, it is carrying the galaxies with it. But, whereas the distance between galaxies is expanding, apparently the sizes (distances across) of the galaxies are not? Just as the universe (our observable universe - what we cannot observe is not science) is expanding but we, ourselves, are not.
To me, this looks increasingly like a semantic (or, rather, a General Semantic) paradox.
We are not understanding (insufficient definition) and/or misusing our terms. The problem is not the "universe", it is in our heads. At least, that is where I am at the moment.