Alright I'm starting a new thread on this of course this Idea is a great deal different from the otherone I listed, hence the second thread, I'll keep both idea's going but there is gonna be a bit of differnece. I wanna stay far away from the grand ark BSG type scifi, as it's been done and I wanna attempt to bring a different angle to thinks and on a budget.
It'll take place again 100 years in the future in the asteriods belts where mining is common place. It'll be all real science no fictional science other than obvious advancements such as fusion/ and a economics shift in launch costs.
This show will be much simliar to the 1960's twilight zone, going to the basics of high quality sci fi. It would be a blend of episodic and at the same time there would be subtle plot arks.
I.E. there would be a war going on, but the order in which you watch the war wouldn't matter. It would talk about battles/ missions however the point wouldn't be for laser beams and explosions, it would be how the people deal with these situations.
There would be recurring characters but the order in which you watch it wouldn't matter. As each episdoes could take over spans of years. There would be four primary sets. or groups of people. Soldiers, family/settlers, important people (goverment/investors/mobs etc) and scienctist/explorers. Each episode would be able to stand alone, like a indiviual lesson, however they would all complete a larger ark. Unlike a the other thread were space would simply be the setting, in this it would be the central source of plot developement. Every episode would have a central idea, not automatically space related, but intellectualy based non the less.
Instead of eploring ideas such as time travel, or fancy tech's it would explore the realities of the not too distance future. I.E. what would it be like to be in a realistic space war, what kind of pressure would these people be under, what is there main source of adrenaline etc.
It'll take place again 100 years in the future in the asteriods belts where mining is common place. It'll be all real science no fictional science other than obvious advancements such as fusion/ and a economics shift in launch costs.
This show will be much simliar to the 1960's twilight zone, going to the basics of high quality sci fi. It would be a blend of episodic and at the same time there would be subtle plot arks.
I.E. there would be a war going on, but the order in which you watch the war wouldn't matter. It would talk about battles/ missions however the point wouldn't be for laser beams and explosions, it would be how the people deal with these situations.
There would be recurring characters but the order in which you watch it wouldn't matter. As each episdoes could take over spans of years. There would be four primary sets. or groups of people. Soldiers, family/settlers, important people (goverment/investors/mobs etc) and scienctist/explorers. Each episode would be able to stand alone, like a indiviual lesson, however they would all complete a larger ark. Unlike a the other thread were space would simply be the setting, in this it would be the central source of plot developement. Every episode would have a central idea, not automatically space related, but intellectualy based non the less.
Instead of eploring ideas such as time travel, or fancy tech's it would explore the realities of the not too distance future. I.E. what would it be like to be in a realistic space war, what kind of pressure would these people be under, what is there main source of adrenaline etc.