My ideas

Dec 15, 2024
Hello. I am a woman from Kyrgyzstan.I am interested in science and science fiction and i have some ideas:
1. Hyper space engine using electrons . Electrons transfer through covalent or ionic bonds , they can be the result of law of conservation of energy. Or there may be an electron field.
2. Hyper space engine through energy of ionization
3. Multiverse travel by deleting hydrogen from cosmic ship' s way
4. Artificial intelligence . Is it possible to catch signals or waves from minds of living organisms and create a machine.
5. Cosmic ship using biological characteristics of alien species like mind reading.
6.electrons transmitting energy or information from one machine to another.
7. Hyper space engine through these reactions: falling protons colliding with nucleus of nitrogen, oxygen and other nucleus kicking out neutrons and protons with emitting peony particles and other particles. Emitted nucleon particles, peony particles lead to secondary collisions.
8. Extracting energy from expansion of space
9. Extracting energy from rotation of planets , galaxies or other objects
10. Add plant or animal particles to cosmic ships and use the process of evolution to modify ships or to multiply ships through the process of cell reproduction.
11. Think about evolution of life to make human controlled insects or animals
12. Think about parcticle fields like photon field
13. Use photons for a portable in space tv display
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Dec 15, 2024
From internet:"For instance, the combustion of butane (above) releases energy because there is a net shift of electron density away from carbon and hydrogen and onto oxygen. When an atom gains an electron, energy is usually released."
So if an atom gains an electron, energy is usually released, electron gives energy to an atom
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Dec 15, 2024
"The movement of electrons (electric charges) is responsible for creating a magnetic field that subsequently creates magnets."(internet) . It is that that the movement of electrons creates magnetic field, so the field connected with electrons exists.
Dec 15, 2024
"Each atom is composed of a nucleus and electrons that are bonded to that nucleus..The electron, the proton, and the neutron are the fundamental building blocks of the atomic structure. The behavior of an atom is directly related to the orbital in which its electrons are circling, and the shells are responsible for determining the chemical properties of an element."(internet). It is possible to make atoms by people , it is only necessary to change the orbital, shells of electrons and change a number of electrons, protons, neutrons.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
"Each atom is composed of a nucleus and electrons that are bonded to that nucleus..The electron, the proton, and the neutron are the fundamental building blocks of the atomic structure. The behavior of an atom is directly related to the orbital in which its electrons are circling, and the shells are responsible for determining the chemical properties of an element."(internet). It is possible to make atoms by people , it is only necessary to change the orbital, shells of electrons and change a number of electrons, protons, neutrons.

How would YOU do this? "ONLY necessary" suggests that people should find it easy.

Cat :)
Dec 15, 2024
Is it said gluon hold together up and down quarks in a single proton or neutron?
Are there interactions among up and down quarks through gluons between a proton and a neutron because proton and neutron made from quarks? Are there interactions through gluons among quarks of various atoms because there are also up and down quarks?


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Is it said gluon hold together up and down quarks in a single proton or neutron?
Are there interactions among up and down quarks through gluons between a proton and a neutron because proton and neutron made from quarks? Are there interactions through gluons among quarks of various atoms because there are also up and down quarks?

It is possible to make atoms by people , it is only necessary to change the orbital, shells of electrons and change a number of electrons, protons, neutrons.

How would YOU do this? "ONLY necessary" suggests that people should find it easy.

But how do you make these easy changes? You suggest that people should find it easy.
If you did not mean this, because of language difficulty, please say so, and we will understand.

Cat :)


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