Mysterious dark energy is spread evenly across the cosmos

Sep 21, 2020
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More malarkey pretending to be knowledge. Dark matter and dark energy are math constructs, nobody has ever been able to verify either. The counting of clusters does not actually prove anything especially as they have a hole of about a third in the data, 3 billion years worth of hole. 500 clusters in a volume of space with an estimated diameter of 93 billion light years is a very low number. All that is a math construct based on background radiation assumed to have been lowered in frequency as space expanded. Nobody has actually found proof of what gravity is either. The Cern claims are just that claims. The whole expansion of space idea is simply a math construct, nobody actually knows it that is true either. You cannot see to the other side to see if there is another side. The big boom construct requires a force to expand space and hence the search for dark energy and due to some limited data on relative star movements dark matter if one simply ignores dark holes which may or may not radiate themselves away, nobody knows that either. If one assumes they do not than the number of black holes may be pretty large. None luminous matter may be much larger than known as well. Most of what passes for knowledge is actually educated guesses with nice math ribbons which may or may not be true. My point is take it all with a grain of salt and wonder at how it all came to be.
I note from the paper or reference cited.

Cosmological constraints from galaxy clusters and groups in the eROSITA final equatorial depth survey,

"ABSTRACT We present the first cosmological study of a sample of eROSITA clusters, which were identified in the eROSITA Final Equatorial Depth Survey (eFEDS). In a joint selection on X-ray and optical observables, the sample contains 455 clusters within a redshift range of 0.1 < z < 1.2, of which 177 systems are covered by the public data from the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) survey that enables uniform weak-lensing cluster mass constraints..."

The redshift of 1.2 using cosmology calculators; the age at redshift 5.173 Gyr, look back time distance 8.549 Gyr (more than 8 billion light years from Earth) and the comoving radial distance 12.462 Gly where space expands about 88% c velocity. Ref -

The size of the universe for 1.2 redshift is < 12 Gly across. The radius as seen from Earth = 5.6644 Gly. Some neat calculations featuring many changes in the expanding universe model :) So far, I have yet to read a definitive statement on when dark energy is created in the BB model. Planck time, Planck length, inflation period, post-inflation?
More malarkey pretending to be knowledge. Dark matter and dark energy are math constructs, nobody has ever been able to verify either. The counting of clusters does not actually prove anything especially as they have a hole of about a third in the data, 3 billion years worth of hole. 500 clusters in a volume of space with an estimated diameter of 93 billion light years is a very low number. All that is a math construct based on background radiation assumed to have been lowered in frequency as space expanded. Nobody has actually found proof of what gravity is either. The Cern claims are just that claims. The whole expansion of space idea is simply a math construct, nobody actually knows it that is true either. You cannot see to the other side to see if there is another side. The big boom construct requires a force to expand space and hence the search for dark energy and due to some limited data on relative star movements dark matter if one simply ignores dark holes which may or may not radiate themselves away, nobody knows that either. If one assumes they do not than the number of black holes may be pretty large. None luminous matter may be much larger than known as well. Most of what passes for knowledge is actually educated guesses with nice math ribbons which may or may not be true. My point is take it all with a grain of salt and wonder at how it all came to be.
You sound remarkably unknowledgeable about the scientific subject matter and the many empirical studies and experiments that underpin it. But you do you.
The infinite state is always the non-local, the non-relative, state of the universe. From it to the local-relative finite state is the accelerative state. And all that would show of the infinite state, in the local-relative finite state, would be a physic of "potential" for expanding to the infinite state. Being the "set" of the gravitational state, the pointers point to it, which is to say the pointers point to the collapsed constant (the cosmological constant /\) of distant Horizon, not to the any of the constituency of the "set." I just wish they wouldn't call that rim-body of constantly opposed gravity (G), "anti-gravity." It isn't anti-gravity . . . anti-gravity is "zero-g," as in "Lagrange points."

You can almost feel the establishment's pure hatred and total dismissal of non-local, non-relative, collapsed Horizon "set" of [stacked deck] universe horizons of "infinity" (infinities of universes). There are physics to it. There is forever continuing working historical 'Memory' to that Horizon of infinity in which the universe forgets, all the infinities of universes (the multiverse) forget, nothing . . . including a working eternal youth in horizon.

The gravity is contractive-expansive in equal proportions, expanding / contracting, going "nowhere" into "nothingness," which cancels out, zeros-out, resulting in anti-gravity zero-g steady state between the two other states. The two sides of the coin. We witness a multi-dimensional multiverse universe.
Jun 11, 2023
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More malarkey pretending to be knowledge. Dark matter and dark energy are math constructs, nobody has ever been able to verify either. The counting of clusters does not actually prove anything especially as they have a hole of about a third in the data, 3 billion years worth of hole. 500 clusters in a volume of space with an estimated diameter of 93 billion light years is a very low number. All that is a math construct based on background radiation assumed to have been lowered in frequency as space expanded. Nobody has actually found proof of what gravity is either. The Cern claims are just that claims. The whole expansion of space idea is simply a math construct, nobody actually knows it that is true either. You cannot see to the other side to see if there is another side. The big boom construct requires a force to expand space and hence the search for dark energy and due to some limited data on relative star movements dark matter if one simply ignores dark holes which may or may not radiate themselves away, nobody knows that either. If one assumes they do not than the number of black holes may be pretty large. None luminous matter may be much larger than known as well. Most of what passes for knowledge is actually educated guesses with nice math ribbons which may or may not be true. My point is take it all with a grain of salt and wonder at how it all came to be.
Examples Of Oxymorons In Literature And Science):
Jumbo Shrimp): The Word “Jumbo” Means Large, While “Shrimp” Means Small!!
In Modern Cosmology): The Galaxies Are Given As Physically Standing Still As The Space Between The Given Physically Standing Still Galaxies Expands “Actually” At Superluminal Speeds!! The Given): Lack Of Movement Between Any Two Galaxies Is, Also, Given As Simultaneous Separation Between The Two Galaxies!!
Deafening Silence): The Word “Deafening” Means Loud, While “Silence” Means Quiet!!
Not clear to me what "evenly across the cosmos" really means.

First, I note that the conclusion is based on apparent fitting of simulations to observations, by varying the assumptions in the simulations to get the best fit. So, basically, this fit only can be logically applied to conclusions about matter on the scale of the observations.

That really doesn't help address the questions about whether our solar system, our meter sticks, and even the atoms in our bodies are expanding due to the effects of "dark energy".

And it is not clear what is meant by "uniform in time" for the dark energy distribution. I have read elsewhere that the energy density of dark matter appears to be constant with time, at least back to the creation of the CMBR. But, that would mean that the total amount of "dark energy" is actually increasing as the universe expands - and has increased by a factor of about 1,300,000,000 since CMBR creation.

Also, this statement about the expansion of the universe "accelerating" seems to have different meanings to different writers. On the one hand, some point out that, as matter gets farther from us, in order to follow Hubble's Law, it must keep moving away faster than when it was closer to us - and that is called an "accelerating expansion". But, on the other hand, I have read that the rate of acceleration is diminished by gravitational attraction, such that the overall effect could be considered "decrease in expansion rate with time" for the universe as a whole.
Also, this statement about the expansion of the universe "accelerating" seems to have different meanings to different writers. On the one hand, some point out that, as matter gets farther from us, in order to follow Hubble's Law, it must keep moving away faster than when it was closer to us - and that is called an "accelerating expansion". But, on the other hand, I have read that the rate of acceleration is diminished by gravitational attraction, such that the overall effect could be considered "decrease in expansion rate with time" for the universe as a whole.
The expansion acceleration rate is speeding up. Toward what?! Toward the speed of light? Einstein made that trip in his mind's eye. What he found when he arrived there was 0-point and T=0, t=0. He was very late to the game, though. The ancients made that mind's eye realization thousands of years ago, saying that that is where we live, a circling, more recently a twisting circle into itself that looks like the symbol of infinity. Stephen Hawking agreed with them when he described his "Grand Central Station" of the universe (the ever-"turning unity"), with its frozen clock of time hanging in its center. All of them in fact describing the same thing in their different ways.

Dare I say it. The absolutely perfect definition and description of an evenly spread, uniform, "perpetual motion machine."
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Jun 11, 2023
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The expansion acceleration rate is speeding up. Toward what?! Toward the speed of light? Einstein made that trip in his mind's eye. What he found when he arrived there was 0-point and T=0, t=0. He was very late to the game, though. The ancients made that mind's eye realization thousands of years ago, saying that that is where we live, a circling, more recently a twisting circle into itself that looks like the symbol of infinity. Stephen Hawking agreed with them when he described his "Grand Central Station" of the universe (the ever-"turning unity"), with its frozen clock of time hanging in its center. All of them in fact describing the same thing in their different ways.

Dare I say it. The absolutely perfect definition and description of an evenly spread, uniform, "perpetual motion machine."
Edwin Hubble For The Entirety Of His Life Said): 'If You Are Believing That My {Cosmological} "Redshift" Discovery Is Doppler Redshift Than You Are Reading TOO MUCH INTO MY {Cosmological} Redshift Discovery!!"
Which, By The Way, Is An Excellent Baramoter For Determining How Far The Galaxy Or Star Was When That Galaxy Or Star Emitted The Light!!
What Edwin Hubble Said For The Entirety Of His Life Was And Is That The Big Bang "Singularity" Perpetual Energy Machine Accelerating Universe): Never Could Have Happened And Never Did Happen Because His Discover The Cosmological Redshift IS NOT DOPPLER REDSHIFT!!
Jun 11, 2023
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You sound remarkably unknowledgeable about the scientific subject matter and the many empirical studies and experiments that underpin it. But you do you.
Both Dark Matter Gravity And Dark Energy Are Real Actual Physical Constructs BUTTE Not As Given The DiPole RePeller Void Discovered In 2017 Exhibits Observable Dark Energy Expansion Of Its Space Even Going As Far As To Push Our Local Galactic Group And The Whole Of The Virgo Supercluster Towards The Norma Cluster At 290 km/s As The Shapley Attractor And The Great Attractor Pull Us At 341 km/s Towards The Overdensity Attractors For A Net Given Peculier Velocity Of 631 km/s.
The Main Point Here Is That As Galactic Attractor Group Matter Heats Up, Matter Gravity And Dark Matter Gravity Are Generated Causing The Galactic Attractors To Crunch!!
And That As Galactic Matter Cools In Voids, DiPole RePeller Voids Are Given To Expand!!
Just As On Earth Radiant Heating Of Matter At The Equator Causes Low GP1 Aether Particle Pressure Causing Low Air Pressure Huricanes To Form While At Earth's Poles Matter Cooling Causes High GP1 Aether Particle Pressure Resulting In High Air Pressure Systems!!
The Bottom Line Is That As Matter Heats Up And Generates Gravity); The Matter Particles Store Dark Energy That Comes Out As The Matter Particles Cool Conserving Energy Versus The Absurd Perpetual Energy "Singularity" Accelerating Expanding Universe Given As The Maker Of Heaven And Earth And Of All Things Visible!!
The Fact Is That Indestructible Neutron Permeable Sacs That Decay To Indestructible Proton And Electron Permeable Sacs Evolved Over Infinite Time From God Particle 1 (GP1) Gaseous Aether Particles About A Quadrillionth The Mass Of The Electron In Our Ageless Finite In Volume Universe!!
Jun 11, 2023
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More malarkey pretending to be knowledge. Dark matter and dark energy are math constructs, nobody has ever been able to verify either. The counting of clusters does not actually prove anything especially as they have a hole of about a third in the data, 3 billion years worth of hole. 500 clusters in a volume of space with an estimated diameter of 93 billion light years is a very low number. All that is a math construct based on background radiation assumed to have been lowered in frequency as space expanded. Nobody has actually found proof of what gravity is either. The Cern claims are just that claims. The whole expansion of space idea is simply a math construct, nobody actually knows it that is true either. You cannot see to the other side to see if there is another side. The big boom construct requires a force to expand space and hence the search for dark energy and due to some limited data on relative star movements dark matter if one simply ignores dark holes which may or may not radiate themselves away, nobody knows that either. If one assumes they do not than the number of black holes may be pretty large. None luminous matter may be much larger than known as well. Most of what passes for knowledge is actually educated guesses with nice math ribbons which may or may not be true. My point is take it all with a grain of salt and wonder at how it all came to be.
Both Dark Matter Gravity And Dark Energy Are Real Actual Physical Constructs BUTTE Not As Given!!
The DiPole RePeller Void Discovered In 2017 Exhibits Observable Dark Energy Expansion Of Its Space Even Going As Far As To Push Our Local Galactic Group And The Whole Of The Virgo Supercluster Towards The Norma Cluster At 290 km/s As The Shapley Attractor And The Great Attractor Pull Us At 341 km/s Towards The Overdensity Attractors For A Net Given Peculier Velocity Of 631 km/s.
The Main Point Here Is That As Galactic Attractor Group Matter Heats Up, Matter Gravity And Dark Matter Gravity Are Generated Causing The Galactic Attractors To Crunch!!
And That As Galactic Matter Cools In Voids, DiPole RePeller Voids Are Given To Expand!!
Just As On Earth Radiant Heating Of Matter At The Equator Causes Low GP1 Aether Particle Pressure Causing Low Air Pressure Huricanes To Form While At Earth's Poles Matter Cooling Causes High GP1 Aether Particle Pressure Resulting In High Air Pressure Systems!!
The Bottom Line Is That As Matter Heats Up And Generates Gravity); The Matter Particles Store Dark Energy That Comes Out As The Matter Particles Cool Conserving Energy Versus The Absurd Perpetual Energy "Singularity" Accelerating Expanding Universe Given As The Maker Of Heaven And Earth And Of All Things Visible!!
The Fact Is That Indestructible Neutron Permeable Sacs That Decay To Indestructible Proton And Electron Permeable Sacs Evolved Over Infinite Time From God Particle 1 (GP1) Gaseous Aether Particles Defined As About A Quadrillionth The Mass Of The Electron In Our Ageless Finite In Volume Universe!!
And Defined As The Medium Of Both Electromagnetic Waves And Gravitational Waves); And As The Building Block Of All Matter And Energy!!
At four light years the shift from light time to real time is four years. Whatever was at 6 trillion miles times 4 has moved, un-observably shifted over to someplace else, and in condition, all somewhat from wherever, whenever, whatever, it appears to be.

At 1-million light years the shift from light time to real time is 1-million years. Whatever was at 6 trillion miles times 1-million has moved, un-observably shifted over to someplace else, and in condition, from wherever, whenever, whatever, it appears to be.

At 1-billion light years the shift from light time to real time is 1-billion years. Whatever was at 6 trillion miles times 1-billion has moved, un-observably shifted over to someplace else, and in condition, from wherever, whenever, whatever, it appears to be.

At 10-billion light years the shift from light time to real time is 10 billion years. Whatever was at 6 trillion miles time 10 billion has long moved, un-observably long shifted over to someplace else, and in condition, from wherever, whenever, whatever, it appears to be.

At 20-billion light years the complexity and chaos built up over "distance" has long collapsed into a constant impenetrable wall of blurring Vortex Horizon. A Vortex Horizon that has dimension and physics all its own, especially a coalescence of Mirror mirroring . . . thus a constant of oceanic Deluge, a constant of oceanic Flood, a many ancient cultures Biblical-like oceanic Flood of photons in microcosm, light time history horizon frames in macrocosm, feeding / pouring -- jetting -- in a constant of reinforcement and renewal into every single universe of an infinity of universes.
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Jun 11, 2023
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I Think The Cosmic Web Is Physically Real And I Have Explained How Neutrons Evolved Over Infinite Time To Make The First Stars After The Neutrons Decayed To Hydrogen Atoms That Are Also Just As Physically Real As The Neutron, Proton, Electron And Neutrino Permeable Indestructible Mass-Energy Vessel Sacs Of Today!!

The Main Point Is That At The Core Of All Stars And Some Planets Are Embryonic Neutrons): The Seeds Of Future Hydrogen Atoms That Will Make Future Stars!!

Sooooo): Some Of Today's Matter Particles Are Destroyed In Matter-Antimatter Interactions BUTTE Stars Make Enough Embryonic Neutrons In The Star's Core That Warm Up To Neutrons That Decay To Hydrogen To Continue Our Ageless Cosmic Web Finite In Volume Universe In Perpetuity!!
Jun 11, 2023
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Dark energy, the mysterious force apparently driving the accelerating expansion of the universe, is spread uniformly across space and time, new observations of massive galaxy clusters suggest.

Mysterious dark energy is spread evenly across the cosmos : Read more
No!! We are given that dark energy increases the farther you go from an observer!! Sooooo, based on the observations of all the observors in the universe): All of their local galactic groups are either contracting slightly or expandiding very slowly!!
You can't base Big Bang Singularity Expansion results from just Earth observers!! Every observer in the universe is given see the exact same thing where ever an observer is in the universe as we see!!
The Only Real Dark Energy Can Be Found In Cooling Voids as proven by the DiPole RePeller Void research study group in 2017!!
The Expanding Accelerating Perpetual Energy Big Bang "Singularity" Given As The Maker of Heaven and Earth And Of Everything Visible and Invisible a mere 14.77 billion years, ago is so absurd and impossible that I'm getting tired of repeating myself!!
Apr 20, 2023
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No!! We are given that dark energy increases the farther you go from an observer!! Sooooo, based on the observations of all the observors in the universe): All of their local galactic groups are either contracting slightly or expandiding very slowly!!
You can't base Big Bang Singularity Expansion results from just Earth observers!! Every observer in the universe is given see the exact same thing where ever an observer is in the universe as we see!!
The Only Real Dark Energy Can Be Found In Cooling Voids as proven by the DiPole RePeller Void research study group in 2017!!
The Expanding Accelerating Perpetual Energy Big Bang "Singularity" Given As The Maker of Heaven and Earth And Of Everything Visible and Invisible a mere 14.77 billion years, ago is so absurd and impossible that I'm getting tired of repeating myself!!
So we need to get out there and take more observations. Maybe the Klingons can fill us in.