The only one of the first four that you show that even has the slightest chance of being built at this time is number four, and one of tha only reasons that it stands a chance is that the very inexpensive Russian space program is hoping to get funding from the ESA to develope such a craft, no funding, no craft!<br /><br />NASA dose not have such a possible sugar daddy, and so such development is out of reach for now. If you can convince a congress, that is very likely in light of recent events to cut NASA's even current budget, that NASA should have instead a large increase in funding to do this kind of development (particularily, as many would then say, "Oh, boy! Another shuttle!) then go right ahead and so so! Good luck, you are going to need it! <br /><br />For the rest of us, IF NASA can even build the capsule design and then go on to the moon, it just might generate enough exitement in the average taxpayer to allow for NASA to do some of these other things! <br /><br />Otherwise, we should allow for the pure private space tourist interests to work on such a project. Ordinary rich people going into space are going to want much more comfort and view than NASA astronauts, who are the most dedicated people on this planet! This will mean the lower g forces and greater window space that a plane (or lifting body) type of craft would provide!<br /><br />Yes, like yourself, I do believe that eventually the Earth to LEO area will be dominated by space planes taking off and landing like aircraft. But, right now it is just too difficult and expensive to accomplish!!