NASA will give a Boeing Starliner update on Aug. 27 and you can watch live

Aug 24, 2024
The Starliner capsule is experiencing technical issues with its control thrusters. There is concern that these could cause unpredictable maneuvers during undocking from the ISS. In the worst-case scenario, this could result in a collision with the space station.
It seems inevitable to place the ISS into an emergency configuration, where it can be operated temporarily without a crew. The crews of the Soyuz and Dragon capsules could then either wait at a safe distance in their spacecraft for the Starliner to undock or return to Earth ahead of schedule.
Nobody has yet answered whether this is going to happen today (Saturday, 8/24/2024) or on the 27th (Tuesday, 8/27/2024).

Also, if the intent is to get the Boeing capsule safely away from the Space Station, could it be jettisoned with the robotic arm like so much other trash has been dumped?

Because the Starliner is designed to survive reentry, it would not be good to just let its orbit decay in an uncontrolled manner until it reenters at some random location. But, could it be pushed away with the arm so that it could be robotically controlled for reentry after it has drifted a relatively safe distance from the Space Station?
Glad to hear it. I wonder what the 2 StarLiner crewperson are thinking now.

The pressure is still on Boeing to show that it can get the craft down safely. If it has some sort of mishap, I don't think they are going to be able to "sell" the idea that it just was due to NASA making them do reprogramming for descent while the StarLiner was already in space.

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