"... appreciates a good argument..."<br /><br />I appreciate good arguments and I agree with you about spaceplanes but, after two weeks of discussions about spaceplanes in many uplink's threads (also writing some long posts like yours), I realize that NOTHING can break the "hard-like-(moon)rocks" opinion of capsule-fans!!!<br /><br />If you want to convince them, must have the patience to WAIT the end of next decade, when the orbital and sub-orbital spaceplanes' flights will be DAILY (from private and spaceagencies) while the CEV flights will be only TWO per year!!! ...like in VSE-moon plan...<br /><br />When they will look at the sky an see hundreds spaceplanes that fly and only a pair of falling-rocks-capsule (to be seen by night, with telescopes, like summer's "falling stars"), they MUST admit that capsule "was" a mistake!!!<br /><br />I think that NASA will change its plans and never build the "capsule"... we will see...<br /><br />I've written LOTS of arguments in my posts having only ironic answers (or NO answers) to my arguments!<br /><br />But, despite it is useless, I wish to ADD another argument to demonstrate that "spaceplane is better":<br /><br />you know the efforts to unify physics' forces in a single theory<br /><br />well, to-day, the "space-forces" are "divided" in three ranges<br /><br />a) 0-50,000 feet range, for airline and military jets<br /><br />b) 50,000-330,000 feet range, for some experimental vehicles, from X-15 to SpaceShipOne<br /><br />c) 330,000-up feet range for Space Shuttle, Soyuz, etc.<br /><br />spaceplane research may UNIFY the three "space-forces" developing technologies good to build any kind of vehicle from airline to sub-orbital to orbital scientific and commercial flights<br /><br />WE KNOW IT - THEY NEED WAIT TO SEE IT...... (big punctuation)<br />