NASA's TESS planet hunter spied 2,200 candi worlds in its first 2 years

Hmmm, that's incredible! Roughly 2,200 candidates out of 16,000 stars studied! That kind of incredible is, on the surface, more a not-credible meaning.

That is about 14% transit's found, which I think is close to 10x that which is possible. I think 1% of sun-like stars is the statistical average for an Earth-sized/orbit planet.

What am I missing? Are hot Jupiters that much more plentiful than the statistical average I'm using?
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The detection methods tend to favor large exoplanets moving around their host stars with shorter orbital periods.
Right, and that’s true as well for the radial velocity method.

I was hoping you’d step in given your data work. 😀I’m stuck on an iPhone and working, so too little time to review the database.

Kepler studied 150k stars, but I doubt it found 21k in candidates, or am I wrong?
Mar 26, 2021
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Correct grammar and punctuation is always critical. I am happy to be living in this time on our beautiful blue ball called Earth. Aren’t there other names for our planet like Terra or like in classic Doctor Who when the Time lord called it “Sol Three in the Muta Spiral”? What are the other names for our home ? I wonder.


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