Nov 4, 2024
The origins of earth is thought to come from a cloud of dust. I believe with understanding the chemistry of stars and their age. You will be able to locate where planets are and their make up. This is due to over the stars life it keeps burning elements even vaporizing metals. After a period of time the elements accumulate to planets. With my chemistry theory you would be able to understand that planets are formed from chemistry given off by the sun. If this were true we should be able to calculate how matter has been given off by our sun. Judging off our knowledge of the 3 planets we know the elements to Venus earth and mars.

If we can find some correlation between the make up of planets and their location to our sun. We may be able to locate new planets in a new way. Most of all we would be able to calculate where an earth like planet would be on the size of the star. Rather than search a Goldie lock zone we could start searching for the appropriate star. They are much easier to locate.

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