New era of replacement limbs?

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I've been following certain scientific developments and here are some things that are on the horizon:<br /><br />Artificial bone growth<br /> and<br /><br /><br />Nanotube Muscles<br /><br /><br />Computer chip in brain controlling robotic device <br /><br />With these technologies you could create some pretty advanced false limbs, by creating the new bones and then adding nanofibre muscles and fibre optic wires to a small hub somewhere in the arm, to which the brain sends signnals via microchip. <br /><br />I believe that within 30 years losing a limb will not be the life crippling event it is today. Congratulations to the scientists working on these exciting projects <br /><br />This is all relevant to space biz as you could create advanced robots for space exploration.
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