The root criticism is that NASA was supposed to have realized (as an organization) that rocket development was to expensive. Administrator O'Keefe planned this with the Orbital Space Plane, it would have used existing rockets. <br /><br />Instead, the lesson NASA has learned has been that if one rocket is hard to develop, developing two separate vehicles is only twice as hard. I even dispute some of the claimed interoperability between ARES I and V. The 5-segment SRB is going to end up in at least two fuel grains, one for the crew launcher and one for the HLV. All this to fly fuel that can be launched in arbitrary amounts. The lunar lander itself is only between 20 and 30 tons, easily accomodated by orbital fueling using existing rockets and a tug.<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div align="center"><em>We need a first generation of pioneers.</em><br /></div> </div>