new scope maybe?

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was looking to buy a scope second hand can some tell me how big a meade d=114 f=910 is? is it bigger than my 3" also what is the difference between a newt as opposed to the long barrel one i have.? i know that the tube is shorter but are they better or same?


jasonpply":zm51uhh1 said:
was looking to buy a scope second hand can some tell me how big a meade d=114 f=910 is? is it bigger than my 3" also what is the difference between a newt as opposed to the long barrel one i have.? i know that the tube is shorter but are they better or same?

This Meade scope is only slightly bigger in aperture than the one you currently own, so I wouldn't buy it if I were just won't see much more with an extra 1.25". I would upgrade to something with 6" or more in aperture.


thank you. what the difference between a newtonian and a normal reflecting scope?


jasonpply":22dsm1uw said:
thank you. what the difference between a newtonian and a normal reflecting scope?

There is no difference.....a "reflecting telescope" usually refers to a newtonian. Just stay away from the notorious "short tube" newtonians, they have a terrible reputation for bad optical quality. If you want to move up to a 6" scope, consider Orion's new 6" Starblast, Sky and Telescope gave it a great review: ... t_id=09964


ok i found my scope i'm gonna get i think. just would like some opinions if anyone wishes. it is a 8" dobsonian. i'm just curious because it seems to not have any sort of slow motion control. do they work by moving the scope manually? it is a "SKY-WATCHER 8" DOB" I think they sell in the area of $1600 i can get this one for $300. opinions from experience would be nice.


jasonpply":2zdezqlf said:
ok i found my scope i'm gonna get i think. just would like some opinions if anyone wishes. it is a 8" dobsonian. i'm just curious because it seems to not have any sort of slow motion control. do they work by moving the scope manually? it is a "SKY-WATCHER 8" DOB" I think they sell in the area of $1600 i can get this one for $300. opinions from experience would be nice.

I think that's a fine choice for a first telescope. This is one of the ubiquitous Chinese-made dobsonians, and the quality is pretty high these days. Just be sure to buy it from a reliable vendor with a good return/exchange policy. Dobsonians don't need slow-motion controls, because their bearings are supposed to be so smooth that all you need to do is "nudge" them periodically to keep objects in the field of view. If there is too much "stiction" the movements will be abrupt and jerky; too little, and the scope will move by itself in a breeze or refuse to stay centered when you let go of it. There are ways of improving or eliminating these problems, but it's best if you just buy a brand from the get-go that has a good reputation.
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