Hi to you all!. Just yesterday i got my new Celestron PowerSeeker 127 EQ (Newtonian). And last night was quite clear for several hours until it became cloudy around 2:30 am.<br /><br />The problem I have is that i cant get sharp images when I use the 4mm eyepiece (250x) or when i use the 20mm eyepiece with my 3x barlow lens (150X). Jupiter and the other planets appear fuzzy with all eyepieces exept the lone 20mm eyepiece (50X) same goes for the Moon. I dont know if this is normal or theres some problem with the optics, the telescope says its max useful magnification is 250x<br /><br />Before this telescope I had a 60mm refractor, with very simple mechanisms with no way to measure the position, and smaller than 1.25inch eyepieces. So im rather unexperienced with more advanced telescopes.