No, the coronavirus didn't come from outer space. We promise.

Mar 17, 2020
I can't believe this is even a thing. Of course it didn't come from space. Covid-19 is just a new virus out of a family of coronaviruses.

Georg Carlin said it best about average people...
Dec 11, 2019
Well if we are going to be realistic everything has come from space. Space was here before Earth and things didn't just miraculously appear on Earth. It got here from space. Unless you believe some god created everything on Earth. :D

If you use Occam's Razor more than likely it was created in a lab with the help of the study of bats and because of their strong immune systems compared to other mammals many viruses that are detrimental to the human race can be created by using bats. It only takes a little science to make the virus leap from the bat to humans.
Dec 11, 2019
I can't believe this is even a thing. Of course it didn't come from space. Covid-19 is just a new virus out of a family of coronaviruses.

Georg Carlin said it best about average people...

Georg Carlin is one of my favorites. If he was still alive today I am sure he would say this has something to do with the controllers of the world and this didn't just happen by accident. He knew how the system worked.
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Mar 18, 2020
Yes, and stones don't fall from the sky!

27 Feb 2020​
"How has Coronavirus spread? There is reason to doubt that person-to-person contagion sufficiently explains it. Some recent cases followed no apparent exposure to a human carrier. Passengers on a cruise ship, confined to quarters, caught the virus at an unaccountably high rate. The worldwide spread seems too rapid. To advocates of panspermia, another unproven theory should not be automatically dismissed. Perhaps the virus is originally airborne, having arrived from space with cometary dust. If so, perhaps the cruise passengers were exposed to a heavy concentration of airborne viruses at sea, before lockdown. If the incubation period can be as long as 14 days, the high number stricken after lockdown makes more sense.

Interestingly, the flu often seems to come from China — Hong Kong Flu, Asian Flu, and now COVID-19. Hoyle and Wickramasinghe had an intriguing hypothesis to explain this. Viral particles landing as cometary dust from above the atmosphere could take a year or more to drift down to Earth's surface. Wind turbulence can speed this up. The jetstream is obligated to bounce high in the stratosphere over the Himalayas, Earth's tallest mountain range. Downwind, the jetstream would descend onto the plain of China. There viral particles from space would likely first make landfall."
Mar 18, 2020
I'm reminded of the 1971 sci-fi film 'the Andromeda strain'in which a strange and deadly virus is brought to Earth by a satellite.i don't think we've seen anything like coronavirus since the flu of 1918?the death toll in Italy is formidable so many and in such a short mostly likely came from Earth and is a mutation from an animal virus.hard to see how a virus could survive in space.uva and uvb can kill virus's down here but in space they'd encounter far more potent uvc light plus they rock it is on has to come through the atmosphere with the great heat which produces shooting stars.
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Considering all humans do not really know about so many things, saying "you promise" it didn't is pretty bold.

We do know 99.9 % of the universe on large scale, i.e. cosmology describing the universe, we "know it all" in some sense which earlier generations did not (a 2 decades old knowledge). But specifically here we know that cells and all viruses share a common genetic machinery, that is the best tested observation of all of science with a factor 10^2000+ higher likelihood than several common ancestors. That is a promise, near as science can do.

On the other hand, it is pretty bold - and mistaken - to wave the strawman of not knowing everything as a reason to not know anything.
Well if we are going to be realistic everything has come from space. Space was here before Earth and things didn't just miraculously appear on Earth. It got here from space. Unless you believe some god created everything on Earth. :D

If you use Occam's Razor more than likely it was created in a lab with the help of the study of bats and because of their strong immune systems compared to other mammals many viruses that are detrimental to the human race can be created by using bats. It only takes a little science to make the virus leap from the bat to humans.

That one conspiracy theory is dumb does not mean another isn't. COVID-19 is a natural zoonosis as all other, by the same simplicity argument, and especially conspiracy theory - despite some conspiracy being real - is always the most unlikely alternative. (Because people make them up, and prefer to make them up so they can't be tested.)

Live evolved on Earth of course, it evolved so rapidly here that had to coevolve with the geology in the beginning - it evolved in alkaline hydrothermal vents, which are rare in space. :-D
Yes, and stones don't fall from the sky!

27 Feb 2020​
"How has Coronavirus spread? There is reason to doubt that person-to-person contagion sufficiently explains it. Some recent cases followed no apparent exposure to a human carrier. Passengers on a cruise ship, confined to quarters, caught the virus at an unaccountably high rate. The worldwide spread seems too rapid. To advocates of panspermia, another unproven theory should not be automatically dismissed. Perhaps the virus is originally airborne, having arrived from space with cometary dust. If so, perhaps the cruise passengers were exposed to a heavy concentration of airborne viruses at sea, before lockdown. If the incubation period can be as long as 14 days, the high number stricken after lockdown makes more sense.

Interestingly, the flu often seems to come from China — Hong Kong Flu, Asian Flu, and now COVID-19. Hoyle and Wickramasinghe had an intriguing hypothesis to explain this. Viral particles landing as cometary dust from above the atmosphere could take a year or more to drift down to Earth's surface. Wind turbulence can speed this up. The jetstream is obligated to bounce high in the stratosphere over the Himalayas, Earth's tallest mountain range. Downwind, the jetstream would descend onto the plain of China. There viral particles from space would likely first make landfall."

Nice quote!

Well, intriguing only if you like pseudoscience and making stuff up.

Such as the common epidemic/pandemic spread, where it can only travel wide if it does so unobserved. Typically for every tested infected then 10 untested are at large during the spreading phase.
Mar 18, 2020
Of course another possibility with the cruise ship is the air conditioning although can the virus live long enough for transportation via a/c and are the systems interlinked like on planes,buses and some trains?most likely it was spread during communual meetings on the ship?I caught the swine flu about 8 years ago and it wasn't so bad and I was given Tamiflu an antiviral.i don't know if the Tamiflu worked or not but it went . apparently Tamiflu has shown some mixed results against coronavirus.they have probably used it in lieu of having nothing else appropriate?
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Mar 17, 2020
We do know 99.9 % of the universe on large scale, i.e. cosmology describing the universe, we "know it all" in some sense which earlier generations did not (a 2 decades old knowledge). But specifically here we know that cells and all viruses share a common genetic machinery, that is the best tested observation of all of science with a factor 10^2000+ higher likelihood than several common ancestors. That is a promise, near as science can do.

On the other hand, it is pretty bold - and mistaken - to wave the strawman of not knowing everything as a reason to not know anything.
Very arrogant to say we know 99/9% of the universe, most of what we think we know are theoretical and not proven except by what we think is right. Hell we don't even know if the reality we perceive is real.
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Mar 18, 2020
Very arrogant to say we know 99/9% of the universe, most of what we think we know are theoretical and not proven except by what we think is right. Hell we don't even know if the reality we perceive is real.
I agree we don't even know where our own consciousness comes from let alone the coronavirus.although I reckon Earth is the most likely candidate just by the law of averages.the death toll is shooting up and countries been locked down it's like a film....but sadly real!
Dec 11, 2019
Yes, and stones don't fall from the sky!

27 Feb 2020​
"How has Coronavirus spread? There is reason to doubt that person-to-person contagion sufficiently explains it. Some recent cases followed no apparent exposure to a human carrier. Passengers on a cruise ship, confined to quarters, caught the virus at an unaccountably high rate. The worldwide spread seems too rapid. To advocates of panspermia, another unproven theory should not be automatically dismissed. Perhaps the virus is originally airborne, having arrived from space with cometary dust. If so, perhaps the cruise passengers were exposed to a heavy concentration of airborne viruses at sea, before lockdown. If the incubation period can be as long as 14 days, the high number stricken after lockdown makes more sense.

Interestingly, the flu often seems to come from China — Hong Kong Flu, Asian Flu, and now COVID-19. Hoyle and Wickramasinghe had an intriguing hypothesis to explain this. Viral particles landing as cometary dust from above the atmosphere could take a year or more to drift down to Earth's surface. Wind turbulence can speed this up. The jetstream is obligated to bounce high in the stratosphere over the Himalayas, Earth's tallest mountain range. Downwind, the jetstream would descend onto the plain of China. There viral particles from space would likely first make landfall."

I think it is possible it could be being spread through these Geo-Engineering programs. That would make sense if it was in the air. You also have the 5G in some places which can drastically knock the human immune system down and vulnerable to attack. For instance Wuhan was the hub of the new 5G.
Dec 11, 2019
We do know 99.9 % of the universe on large scale, i.e. cosmology describing the universe, we "know it all" in some sense which earlier generations did not (a 2 decades old knowledge). But specifically here we know that cells and all viruses share a common genetic machinery, that is the best tested observation of all of science with a factor 10^2000+ higher likelihood than several common ancestors. That is a promise, near as science can do.

On the other hand, it is pretty bold - and mistaken - to wave the strawman of not knowing everything as a reason to not know anything.

How could we possibly know 99.9 percent of this universe? We barely even know what is in our oceans.
Dec 11, 2019
That one conspiracy theory is dumb does not mean another isn't. COVID-19 is a natural zoonosis as all other, by the same simplicity argument, and especially conspiracy theory - despite some conspiracy being real - is always the most unlikely alternative. (Because people make them up, and prefer to make them up so they can't be tested.)

Live evolved on Earth of course, it evolved so rapidly here that had to coevolve with the geology in the beginning - it evolved in alkaline hydrothermal vents, which are rare in space. :-D

Do you really buy that this is all coincidental? And it takes anybody with a little common sense to figure that out.

The first specimens came from space unless you believe life on this planet was created out of nothing.
Of course another possibility with the cruise ship is the air conditioning although can the virus live long enough for transportation via a/c and are the systems interlinked like on planes,buses and some trains?

Some first results - if the paper is good - is that the virus survives a few days on some hard surfaces, but paper like envelopes are fine after a day. But don't take my word for it, google the research - this is 1-10+ % lethal stuff, depending on risk category!

Same disclaimer for air spread, search it: but it is my understanding that current national recommendations are something like 1-3 meter social distance since it seems to be spread by water drops (such as saliva from breath or talk). However, AFAIU they don't know if it can be air spread long distances as isolated virions (naked virus particles).
Very arrogant to say we know 99/9% of the universe, most of what we think we know are theoretical and not proven except by what we think is right. Hell we don't even know if the reality we perceive is real.

But we know 99.9 % of the universe by content and with something like that uncertainty, which is taken for well tested (not "proven", since that is math).

It is what we observe (rather than personally perceive) that is the definition of nature (not "real", since that is philosophy).
I think it is possible it could be being spread through these Geo-Engineering programs. That would make sense if it was in the air. You also have the 5G in some places which can drastically knock the human immune system down and vulnerable to attack. For instance Wuhan was the hub of the new 5G.

What geo-engineering?

Radio waves do not affect the immune system.

This is all conspiracy theory.
How could we possibly know 99.9 percent of this universe? We barely even know what is in our oceans.

A planet's ocean - or even a planet - is not large (cosmological) scale. As comic Dara O'Briain says:

“Science knows it doesn't know everything; otherwise, it'd stop. But just because science doesn't know everything doesn't mean you can fill in the gaps with whatever fairy tale most appeals to you.”

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Do you really buy that this is all coincidental? And it takes anybody with a little common sense to figure that out.

The first specimens came from space unless you believe life on this planet was created out of nothing.

Science doesn't use "common sense" because we research what we were not familiar with. If anything it uses "uncommon" sense.

It is exactly since evolution - which is the best tested science we have - underlies biology that we know that COVID-19 (or life, if that is what you refer to) did not come from space but evolved locally. I already linked to COVID-19 evolution. Evolution of life: - life evolved in alkaline hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the the global ocean.
Mar 19, 2020
Actually the virus is called SARS-CoV-2. The designation COVID-19 is for the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2. And yes, it certainly evolved on this planet. Amazing that people would think this is an alien invasion from outer space. Aren't they supposed to come in space ships? Stop watching all those horror movies!!
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