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<font color="yellow">I am not in your camp</font><br /><br />you believe in aether. you are therefore among the twisted and profane <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> we can disagree on theories of our cosmos all day long and you are no less the one not quite marching to the drummer of the sheeple.


<font color="yellow"><br />"party pooper"</font><br /><br />tell em, kyle <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" />


<font color="yellow"><br />You know I fail to see how nothing has anything to do with anything... ... It seems like even discussing nothing is giving it more credit than it deserves.<br /><br />My synopsis of nothing:<br />"________" - there you go!</font><br /><br />i acutally laughed when i read this. i like your humour <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" />


"You know I fail to see how nothing has anything to do with anything... ... It seems like even discussing nothing is giving it more credit than it deserves."<br />----------<br />you know you would be right if people's brains were more like computers and therefore didn't tolerate foggy or wrong definitions of their concepts, I mean if you were to get blue screen unrecoverable error every time you said some nonsense, we would need big trucks cruising the streets picking up the zombies and our hospitals wards would be where most people would live in effect<br /><br />as it is one must be tolerable to people and like a good psychiatrist probe into them and discuss things with them on their terms and hope they will get better with time, else you'd have very little discussion if you tried to be so strict<br /><br />vanDivX <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


"I would like to coin the term absolute nothing<br /><br />-something that's less than empty space."<br /><br />that's pretty funny. i like it <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> <br /><br />absolute nothing would seem to be theoretical as there is "stuff" in the abyss/void of this absolute nothingness. this thread is beginning to resemble the "movement"thread as if they're the same thing.


what about a space devoid of "absolute nothing"? <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /><br /><br />Why cant we just leavee it at nothing and be through with it? Im glad you liked the other post bonzelite. It was the first thing that popped into my head. Sometimes humans over-think things way too much. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div>________________________________________ <br /></div><div><ul><li><font color="#008000"><em>your move...</em></font></li></ul></div> </div>


Well I have tryed to enlighten people here to comprehend the meaning of the word nothing but I have a hunch that whatever I say about the meaning of the word isn't good enough. I know no one might not believe me when I say that I %100 comprehend the words meaning and only the one's who still can't believe me are the people who still can't comprehend why nothing does not and cannot exist anywhere but I assure you I do! I'm always saying "the meaning of the word nothing" in this thread because seriously that's all it is. As far as I'm concerned the invention of the word was not needed at all and all it does is cause confusion and pointless conversations about nothing! Coining the phrase "nothing" is not even good enough because eveyone pronounces that as "nuthing" thus, coining it as "no thing" is much more appropriate.
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