Old Concepts for New Physics

For about one hundred years now science has been looking for new physics to explain the veriest small motions and the large motions of our universe. Such as QM, space time and expanding space.

But the old unrealized physics that does this has been right in front of us all this time. Our predominate tool for small and large measurements is light.

Classical physics tells us that light is a wave, similar to sound waves. And that relative motion can shift the detected frequencies of it. This sound shift theory can be easily demonstrated with our current instruments. AND with our ears. But the high rates of light is hard to analyze with our current switching and sampling speeds. Lots of assuming going on. Too fast for us. Blurry. We can not measure the straight path speed of it.

A sound wave has two alternating parts. When shifted both parts shift the same amount. It's a symmetric shift. The shift sounds and is......pure. Tone to tone. Balanced.

But unlike sound or a media wave.......when light shifts.........only one part, one half of the light wave shifts. The other half remains constant. This is an asymmetrical shift. It's crooked. Unbalanced.

This unrealized asymmetrical shift has puzzled us for one hundred years. And given us unexplained red shifts.........that gives us fantastic results..........and lets us choose super light speed accelerations.......or expanding space. Or even both.

But with this new duty cycle light physics all those mysteries disappear. The fuzz fades.

Light does not have a frequency, it has a duty cycle. It blinks The frequency comes from the interaction with mass and matter........not thru space. Reaction to blink rate. Rings like a bell. Reaction to the bell clapper is frequency.

A changing distance only shifts half of the light wave. The space half. The off time. Space between claps.

Light is naturally modulated, space width modulated, with relative motion. It's classical mechanics.

I am not published but offer an example. To see this for yourself inject a 180 degree current, one time, into the FEEDPOINT of a dipole antenna. Not the feedline.....the feedpoint. The result is the emission of one photon. Repeated 180 degree injections will give a 50% duty cycle at detector, if no relative motion. Try it for yourself.

A dipole has the dynamic of an ignition coil, not a speaker cone. It is charged up and then fired. Only space has zero impedance, unlike the coil. And the antenna dynamic is instant, unlike the coil. It instantly emits one complete chunk of field at a time. A photon. A coil takes time to unload, the dipole does not. The field is collapsing out into space. An inverted collapse. And nothing to resist it.

Imagine a moving hay baler emitting 3 ft long bales with 3 foot of space between them. What happens when you change baler velocity? Only the space between the bales, changes.

This is just the conjecture of an old radio mechanic. And perhaps a little medication. But this pot needs to be stirred.

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