Skyskimmer":3jrf0j7c said:
A) My point about nasa was they don't have the stomach or desire for such a trip, and for 1/10 th the cost the same amount of science can be done.
Yes, they do have the stomach and the desire. NASA has always wanted to go to Mars, it's just that no president has been brave or competent enough to give them the political will to do it. We got to the moon because of the political powerhouses of LBJ and Kennedy, both of whom fought for the Apollo program and ensured its success. When HW Bush proposed we should go to Mars, he doomed a Mars mission for at least 20 more years because he essentially threw NASA to the wolves once they released the 90 day report.
And you still haven't provided your numbers where you got 1/10th the cost from.
B)Alright I was taking a guess on the Mars plan no need to take it too serious, still depends on how long you wanna go their, and as I said people have no interest in spending 40 billion dollars to send 4 people their for 1.5 years.Aside from that does that include radiation shielding masses.
I think we should stay there permanently. Eventually maybe some space profiteers will decide to try and set up a small town around the NASA bases, and perhaps NASA could help them with that similar to COTS. NASA's business is not colonization though. Show me one place where NASA publicly states that their official goal is to colonize other worlds. It's not. It's to learn and explore, not colonize and exploit. I think $40 billion would be well worth the cost, it could be even lower than that if some of the bureacracy is reduced and the cost could be divided among several nations to help.
You see the money is not really a big issue- $40 billion is very much worth a mission to Mars compared to the 1 trillion that we've wasted on the War on terror.
Here's my question to you, how would colonization be any cheaper than that? Do you care to provide any statistics or literature that I could take a look at?
I'm sure you are asking the same of me. I'd like to reccomend you read "The Case for Mars" by Robert Zubrin. Here: ... &q&f=false
There's some really good information in there. He favors an approach with a permanent NASA base that has its crew rotated out every 500 days that leads to eventual town building and finally terraforming.
So you see I am not opposed to colonization, but it is foolish to immediately try to colonize a place that we do not know if we can survive there for long periods of time or not. Small steps is what I advocate.
C)Still don't belive it would be worth the cost to send people back, rocks are 1/20 th the cargo of the people.
If you don't have serious plans for colinization than it's a waste of time. People will never back it, unless it's about expanding life as we know it.
Nope. People like NASA, it's not that spaceflight is expensive, it's that the program really isn't going anywhere. If we had set up the moon base, did the Venus flyby, space station, space shuttle, Mars mission, and other components of the Apollo Applications Program then we would be in a much greater position in space than we are today. Robert Zubrin says that almost everyone he's talked to first hand is in support of a manned Mars mission, and there are polls that support this.
I think you will actually find it a lot easier to convince people to support a 4 man permanent Mars base than this huge scheme of colonization like you are talking about. You can say that each ship that comes could just add more astronauts, but for each person there it costs more money to track them and take care of them. Show me some numbers that say otherwise.
D) Rude, that's entirely how you see it, I think it's rude that spending 5 billion a person, is worth getting one person back from mars. Keep in mind we live in a world were millions of americans are at risk at war everyday, and I think there risking theirs lives on a far smaller scale with far less money at stake. If they can't think in those types of terms they simply are not up to the job.
NASA doesn't hire astronauts for Mars colonization, and since none that I know of have publicly spoken their thoughts on the ethics of it, then you just can't make that claim they are "not up to the job". It is not THEIR job to colonize! It's there job to explore and discover all that we can about Mars. That's what really matters, not exploitation.