Orbitting farmlands

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Nov 4, 2024
You have a good opinion. Do you have any suggestions for today’s drama? Science evolves over time. I knew this would be an investment. It will not make money until a long time because it is not designed to generate profit it is designed to generate food.
Nov 4, 2024
In the future there could be a cost of an O.F.F.A to have a child it would need very little maintenance. All computer operated with gears not signals. Like a symphony of science. But if one orbit farm covered 1 person for life. I just solved world hunger
Look it up here!

You can creatively customize anything in space from the matter and energy resources of space (solar energies, the moons, the asteroids, and so on). And multiply Earth's surface in the solar system alone in (near) 2-d manmade in-space city-state surfaces and other custom facility surfaces by thousands to millions of times.

Design Studies, NASA's, etc.:

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Nov 4, 2024
if there is any shrank atoms obtainable while in orbit. Then perhaps they can be obtained through a strong EMF a heated filter.
My theory involves anti matter possibly being frozen atom. Theoretically antimatter might be obtainable in space. If anything is obtained in filter. We could do science to see if we have any tools to work with.

This is just a crazy theory that involves chemistry keeping the earth rotated and the sun actually gives off atoms that eventually shrink and freeze and even form objects.

I had fun thinking how water would possibly be obtained and an emf should create a flow of anything in space. But would there be a filter small enough to enlarge these below microscopic particles..,

This is not real just an idea added to the orbit farm. I do not have any knowledge of math behind it or experiments possible to test this.

I did like thinking cuz it was free.
It's fun to think about the day when we can travel the stars and find planets in the right zones under the right conditions to be colonized, if they aren't already.

But I think I am one of the very few who realize there is only one viable route to reach that point. Occupation of our own solar system via mass in-space colonization. Brute force, broad front, inventive, innovative, modeling of the galaxy in our own solar system: Progressive shrinkage of our own system; stepping stones from the model to the modeled.

The above way is the surest way to the galaxy . . . and to survival in gaining space and, concomitantly, gaining time. Trying to shortcut it is looking for technical miracles in the poverty of one miraculous chance in an astronomical infinity of otherwise void.
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Nov 4, 2024
I know Nikola Tesla was something else. With my scientific theories I have tried to look to my past role models like Einstein for answers. In all my chemistry theories. I found the best attitude to have is “the answer is always in front of you.”

Like when I realized the sun is the most factor of weather. I thought of a funny scenario where an alien told the Aztecs the sun makes it rain so they sacrificed men to it. That was just a funny thought. I wanted to make a rain machine. I got as far as trying to harness the sun. And it’s biproducts
I studied for a ten week semester at a desk with a window overlooking a parking lot illuminated by a streetlight. All summer long the local radio station ran a contest with daily clues about a mystery object. I sat there ten weeks putting clues together and couldn't solve it. It turned out to be the light in the parking lot. I remember one of the clues was "a bright light up above us". It was right in front of me the whole time. I kept staring at that light the whole time thinking "Hmmm....now what could it be?"
Nov 4, 2024
for me it was a good test taking strategy. And I brain stormed for days wondering how could make it rain. Then it hit me the answer has been there the whole time.

I just have to find a way to mimic or stimulate its process.
Nov 4, 2024
Possibly zero.

Cat :)
There is somewhat of a stand off feeling of the current wars. I’m hoping we can solve our problems with ingenuity not war.
. We could hire 500 people to plant 20 trees a day where they originate in a wearhouse. We could even develop a truck that automatically plants the tree. It’s a long investment but those 500 people would create 10000 trees a day for wood crafting enabling more jobs. We could also start making glass products opening jobs that are cheap to pay for.

I think we mainly should invest in a robotic self sustaining low maintenance farming systems. We already have tractor operated harvesters I believe with technology robots could supply a lot more food. When I say robot I mean a programmed machine not a super computer
There is somewhat of a stand off feeling of the current wars. I’m hoping we can solve our problems with ingenuity not war.
. We could hire 500 people to plant 20 trees a day where they originate in a wearhouse. We could even develop a truck that automatically plants the tree. It’s a long investment but those 500 people would create 10000 trees a day for wood crafting enabling more jobs. We could also start making glass products opening jobs that are cheap to pay for.

I think we mainly should invest in a robotic self sustaining low maintenance farming systems. We already have tractor operated harvesters I believe with technology robots could supply a lot more food. When I say robot I mean a programmed machine not a super computer
Apparently to me, you, among so many, many, others, don't understand negative entropy as it applies to life in a closed womb world isolating itself from outer-space and time frontier . . . isolating itself from any real beginning birth from the womb-world. What it means within the box.

Stephen Hawking understood. Which is why he gave Mankind an optimistic 1,000 more years before extinction if it did not begin break out in beginning birth out today! Not tomorrow! Ever tomorrow and not today! It is going to take the essential gold, the essential energies, forces, magnitudes, of artificial gravity creation, a basic support or food of life you might say, a basic essential of life, to do it. Nothing less!
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Nov 4, 2024
I concur that we will have trouble making it 1000 years without countries unifying. Instead of war. I have theorized that some religions or forms of government would fast to save money. If we had programs such as tree planting and harvesting we open industries of building warehouses to start farm production.

My tree planting idea is not well calculated but I figured it would make a profit because wood tripled in 10 years. I also have job expanding ideas that involve making glass out of sand. A rich man could create endless jobs in my mind.
Nov 4, 2024
I feel like they do not because they do not need to and there is only so much food to go around. But if we can master space farming such as a craft that expands to a greenhouse holding 2000 plants and having a extremely low maintenance system maybe once every 24 months
Nov 4, 2024
I know it’s wishful thinking. I was thinking poles that expand a 6x6x20 space with easy design we can get 18x18x60 using extension rods and a layer of insulation space air that helps keep plants at proper temperature.

Now I have made drawings of all the parts such as auto harvesters that all use artificial gravity to harvest potatoes. If 2000 pounds of potatoes is your goal then you will need two layers at 18x60=1080 x2 = 2160 pounds of potatoes.

This could operate with timed hydroponic seeds were the next ones are exposed to moisture after the first harvest. If you could grow 1 pound of potato per foot then you are more likely to have an auto harvester where the plant can be harvested whole. Let go into collection chambers and then released at a point in its orbit where it drifts to earth.

This all wishful thinking especially obtaining water in space. But if our population wants to reach 100 billion in even 200 years we need to find better farming methods. Space has no land tax and no cost of land. It’s a long shot saying I will get to eat a space banana. But I have drawn theoretical schematics to obtain food from space
Farming didn’t come until slavery. Farming needs hours of manual labor. No free man would farm for a living. Too much work for the payoff. Hunting and scrounging only took an hour for the daily food.

Only when man enslaved other tribes did farming occur. The slave industry.
Nov 4, 2024
Yes an embarrassing time to our equality. I personally would have probably only farmed for personal needs. I’d like to be vegetarian but I can’t afford it. I think slavery also declined because of modern machinery can harvest most crops enabling farmer to pop a comfy seat and mass produce. I follow all types of tech they already have self sustaining marijuana growing machines that you add water to 1 a month.

I’m sure we will face hardships together and we will be resilient as a whole whether or not all of us make it to see 100 billion population or a huge increase or not
Jan 6, 2025
Will we ever have orbiting farmlands? I consider the depths of space to be limitless while underground farming would be limited.

I have watched all the videos and so far they do not mass produce crops from what I seen. My theory is there is a population crisis. The population was 2 billion 50 years later it was 4 billion 25 years later it was 6 billion 15 years later it was 8 billion. This is a true crisis.

I believe orbiting farms is the right answer not blood shed over territory.

I think the machines should actually be gear operated or at least be unhackable with no incoming signal. I thing about 10 yards by 60 yards should be launched into orbit and connected with other pieces to form megastructures.

I have theories on farming water from space while in orbit.
The problem is two fold in the most basic way.
  1. Gravity - plants from Earth have evolved to exist inside Earth's gravity well, and experiment after experiment has shown they do not fair too well in micro-gravity - they certainly do not grow straight up as you would both expect and see on Earth.
  2. Radiation - plants are as susceptable to radiation as humans, some plants more so, and even those that are not, absorb radiation that could be harmful to humans if ingested.
Now, that is not to say these problems cannot be overcome, they likely can be, the real problem is getting the mass to orbit, because like it or not, you need to get a lot of mass from Earth to Orbit, even if you use hydroponics, there is a still a lot of mass that needs to be there to build the station they are grown in - and even if SpaceX can get launch costs down to the quoted dream of $50-$100 per kg, you are still talking about hundreds of million of dollars to loft sufficicient materials to build and sustain viable crops in orbit.
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The three ships to the frontier, Santa Maria, Pinta, and Nina, cost the Spanish monarchy hugely. Within fifty years hundreds of ships bigger and better were more economically, more prosperously, plying more lanes to and back from frontier territorial stations and colonies to just one homeland. Human expansion. Mass material and energy expansion. An opening system, frontiers and homelands (Space and Earth)!

We don't do it, Hawking will be dead right about Mankind's extinction . . . in less than the 1,000 years he prophesied.
Nov 4, 2024
yes I would agree the mass to orbit is the problem. I was hoping with the right size emf there could be obtainable forms of matter in orbit that may someday lead to harvesting steam or water particles from the dust obtained. That’s to say if there is anything obtainable matter which there is thought to not be any but in my day we also thought the moon was below freezing. I love talking about my ideas. Even when they are met with an abrupt no:(

The space farming is for when and if we ever sustain 100 billion.population or more. I do see if we find alternative solutions to orbit and water retrieval it would be practical and much more open than underground farming
Jan 6, 2025
yes I would agree the mass to orbit is the problem. I was hoping with the right size emf there could be obtainable forms of matter in orbit that may someday lead to harvesting steam or water particles from the dust obtained. That’s to say if there is anything obtainable matter which there is thought to not be any but in my day we also thought the moon was below freezing. I love talking about my ideas. Even when they are met with an abrupt no:(

The space farming is for when and if we ever sustain 100 billion.population or more. I do see if we find alternative solutions to orbit and water retrieval it would be practical and much more open than underground farming
EMF = electromotive force so I fail to see the connection here, whislt there is EMF between charged particles, the electroweak and electrostatic forces will pay a larger role and have no bearing on the quantities of mass required for farming in orbit.

Given costs and the need for gravity, it would make far more sense, if you wish to preserve the arrable surface of Earth, to use floating farms on the oceans or use enclosures that cover desert areas. Solar power and wave power could be harnessed for electrical energy, you have immediately removed the biological problems caused by the the lack of gravity and the preponderance of radiation.

If you wanted these farms to provide food to colonists, then building them on the lunar surface would be the logical next step, the domes could be protected against radiation, solar insolation could be controlled, it could provide ample electrical energy and you have the advantage of gravity - it may be lower than Earth, but plants would likely adapt fairly rapidly.

The same would apply to Mars - this could also act as a food production facility for any facilities that are later built within the asteroid belt on the likes of Ceres, Pallas and Vesta.
Nov 4, 2024
An automobile key concept is the engine and wheels. As of now I believe we only know of rocket propulsion to get to orbit. I am suggesting we try to find alternative methods of propulsion.

Besides the emf kite idea,”that may be only capable of helicopter flight. I have another idea trying to match a pressure of space found further away from the sun let’s say near Pluto. If we could get hot air balloon style craft up by the clouds then use a rocket attached to a device to hopefully deflate balloon to match pressure much further away from earth.

I theorize the lighter pressure will be pulled towards lighter pressure but will it be significant pull. I know this idea was horrible that’s why I did not post it but sometimes it’s the simplest solution like who knows a pressure ballon. It was an idea that I did not put much time into.

The only thing I like about that idea is that gravity from the sun should be greater by earth than it is by Pluto. Creating pressure systems.


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