Ozone hole three times the of Greenland opens over the North Pole

Apr 14, 2020
There is going to be a lot here:
The earths magnetic pole,is on the move, but it has moved before, we just do not know its effects on Polar stratospheric clouds. Earths magnetic field at the poles is orthogonal to the hole, and to the stratospheric layer, but no one has been interested in investigating that aspect. I am not saying its not a part of the problem, I am just saying

What has been investigated/modeled and published is Dr Drew Schindell's model of ozone destruction that was published and predicted the opening of a polar stratospheric ozone hole, over 15 years ago.

The mechanism does not involve CFCs it involves a fewer counter intuitive steps: Try and follow closely. As many times as I have tried to explain it, all the counter intuitive steps still make my brain hurt:

Dr Schindells model, starts with the burning of jet fuel by airliners in the stratosphere to save fuel. They deposit carbon-dioxide, water, and some other trace pollutants, this model does not address contrails, because contrail contaminants have never been found in fuel sources. The trace contaminants such as sulfur and other fuel contaminants and carbon-dioxide also do not significantly contribute to the model:

The primary contribution to the model is water vapor, that gets added to the stratosphere, and according to published studies at NASA Goddard, travels to the poles rather quickly, from 480 to 1000 miles an hour. ( Jet stream speeds. )

The next step, and the key is that the water vapor then stabilizes the polar stratospheric clouds ( counter-intuitive ), and as a results, the temperature drops ( counter-intuitive ) and prepares a scenario where the first light of spring hits ( in the Arctic, its April 15th, in the southern hemi-sphere, its October 15th, 6 months later ), and the combination of 1) water vapor and 2) stable stratospheric clouds ( alto stratos, and nimbo stratus ), 3) warmer temperatures and 4) first light of spring, produces a catalytic reaction of destruction of ozone.

25 year ago, this was discussed at GEOS San Francisco as a speculative model, then it became a model worthy of investigation, which after a few dozen papers, became a theory that needed a few pieces of investigative work done, ( like the speed of travel for water vapor in the jet stream ).

22 years ago, it became the dominant theory of investigation, and a few years later, accepted as the most probable explanation for the model of investigation behind the destruction of the ozone and the opening of the ozone hole.

A few things have happened since:

1) The NASA group for investigation for the atmospheric effects of aviation was shut down a long time ago.
2) Greenhouse gases/CFCs have been detected in contravention to the Montreal protocol.
3) A citizen scientist who measured the ozone hole over the Antarctic, Jim Scanlon who popularized this information, has passed away. He wrote for a paper called 'The Coastal Post' which has since gone offline.
4) The amount of stratospheric traffic in the North Atlantic has steadily increased, increasing the water vapor deposition near the North Pole,
5) The aviation industry has had an unprecedented slow down, due to the current pandemic, impacting pollution, cloud cover and stratospheric water deposition.
6) Dr Drew Schindel has left NASA Goddard, and is now employed at Duke University.

Today is April 14th, and some time in the next few days, a maximum area will be uncovered in the polar regions, due, according to this theory, to water vapor from jets, stabilization of the polar vortex, the dropping of polar stratospheric temperatures, and the first light of spring. So its important to monitor the satellite images over the next few days.

Lets see.
Apr 6, 2020
SO...we don't really understand how climate and the atmosphere all work, huh? That maybe some processes are natural and cannot be eliminated by taxing wealthy nations into 3rd world status. Huh who knew?
Jan 9, 2020
There is going to be a lot here:
The earths magnetic pole,is on the move, but it has moved before, we just do not know its effects on Polar stratospheric clouds. Earths magnetic field at the poles is orthogonal to the hole, and to the stratospheric layer, but no one has been interested in investigating that aspect. I am not saying its not a part of the problem, I am just saying

What has been investigated/modeled and published is Dr Drew Schindell's model of ozone destruction that was published and predicted the opening of a polar stratospheric ozone hole, over 15 years ago.

The mechanism does not involve CFCs it involves a fewer counter intuitive steps: Try and follow closely. As many times as I have tried to explain it, all the counter intuitive steps still make my brain hurt:

Dr Schindells model, starts with the burning of jet fuel by airliners in the stratosphere to save fuel. They deposit carbon-dioxide, water, and some other trace pollutants, this model does not address contrails, because contrail contaminants have never been found in fuel sources. The trace contaminants such as sulfur and other fuel contaminants and carbon-dioxide also do not significantly contribute to the model:

The primary contribution to the model is water vapor, that gets added to the stratosphere, and according to published studies at NASA Goddard, travels to the poles rather quickly, from 480 to 1000 miles an hour. ( Jet stream speeds. )

The next step, and the key is that the water vapor then stabilizes the polar stratospheric clouds ( counter-intuitive ), and as a results, the temperature drops ( counter-intuitive ) and prepares a scenario where the first light of spring hits ( in the Arctic, its April 15th, in the southern hemi-sphere, its October 15th, 6 months later ), and the combination of 1) water vapor and 2) stable stratospheric clouds ( alto stratos, and nimbo stratus ), 3) warmer temperatures and 4) first light of spring, produces a catalytic reaction of destruction of ozone.

25 year ago, this was discussed at GEOS San Francisco as a speculative model, then it became a model worthy of investigation, which after a few dozen papers, became a theory that needed a few pieces of investigative work done, ( like the speed of travel for water vapor in the jet stream ).

22 years ago, it became the dominant theory of investigation, and a few years later, accepted as the most probable explanation for the model of investigation behind the destruction of the ozone and the opening of the ozone hole.

A few things have happened since:

1) The NASA group for investigation for the atmospheric effects of aviation was shut down a long time ago.
2) Greenhouse gases/CFCs have been detected in contravention to the Montreal protocol.
3) A citizen scientist who measured the ozone hole over the Antarctic, Jim Scanlon who popularized this information, has passed away. He wrote for a paper called 'The Coastal Post' which has since gone offline.
4) The amount of stratospheric traffic in the North Atlantic has steadily increased, increasing the water vapor deposition near the North Pole,
5) The aviation industry has had an unprecedented slow down, due to the current pandemic, impacting pollution, cloud cover and stratospheric water deposition.
6) Dr Drew Schindel has left NASA Goddard, and is now employed at Duke University.

Today is April 14th, and some time in the next few days, a maximum area will be uncovered in the polar regions, due, according to this theory, to water vapor from jets, stabilization of the polar vortex, the dropping of polar stratospheric temperatures, and the first light of spring. So its important to monitor the satellite images over the next few days.

Lets see.
Water vapor is what keeps the ozone layer going
The ice/vapor mix zone is where the greatest amount of ozone is both created and destroyed from both the refraction and the oxygen boost vapor provides. People didn't carve and build housing from stone on whimsy, radiation was a problem.

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