Question Past the speed of light

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Jan 2, 2024
What is the connection of Einstein's theories with the hydrogen bomb and navigation?
Ah! So you have not studied Einstein's Relativity.

  • GPS works from satellites in orbit
  • Time runs slower as gravity increases.
  • Time runs slower as speed increases (in comparison).
  • Something in orbit has faster time progression.
  • These complications (defined by Einstein's theories) mean that everyday mathematics is unable to calculate GPS positioning anywhere near accurately enough to be useful in your car navigation.
  • Relativity equations resolve the issues.
  • The famous Equation E=mc^2 showed that conversion of mass to energy was possible.
  • This enabled the Manhattan Project which produced an atom bomb and later hydrogen bombs.
Jan 2, 2024
How is that!
We use an analogy to explain this. Bear in mind that our universe is spacetime. It exists in 4 Dimensions so it is not easy to explain BUT by using an analogy and illustrating using only 3 dimensions it is easy to get the idea across

Blow up a balloon a bit. Put some dots on it - all over it using a magic marker.

The dots represent galaxies

Blow the balloon up further. The dots separate - like galaxies separating

Notice the greater apart the dots are then the faster they separate as you blow up the balloon

None of the dots have travelled over the balloon's surface. They have stayed stationary on the surface but have separated at speed depending on how hard you blow!

This is similar to the expansion of the universe. The skin of the balloon substituted for the vacuum of space.

There is a point at which galaxies so far distant separate at c+ from each other

Having said all that (a standard explanation) you have made me think of a similar situation - that of a hypersphere. I am now unsure of the actual situation we find our universe is in. I would expect that t=0 would occur at a quarter of the way around the sphere but when considering the ObservableUniverse it may appear that t=0 occurred at the point where galaxies separated at the speed of light and that that event horizon did not coincide. Hmm need to think lol.


Aug 14, 2020
Einstein's fairy tales about photons are even more fabulous than his theory of relativity. A particle without mass is very cool! )))
Antigonish poem by Hughes Mearns --

Yesterday upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish, I wish he'd go away...

When I came home last night at three
The man was waiting there for me
But when I looked around the hall
I couldn't see him there at all!
Go away, go away, don't you come back anymore!
Go away, go away, and please don't slam the door ... (slam!)

Last night I saw upon the stair
A little man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
Oh, how I wish he'd go away...

"A particle without mass is very cool!"
So is an observable universe without mass!
(The map is not the territory.)
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