Phosphate in NASA's OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample suggests space rock Bennu hails from an ocean world

Jun 27, 2024
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Given the discussion about multi dimension space elsewhere on I think it is the proper time for the following explanation for the phosphates. Those who have been to the seaside and outdoor events will, no doubt, back my alternative and very advanced theory.
The presence of phosphates on the Bennu samples are clearly the result of trans-dimensional seagulls and other picnic invading avian. These creatures are able to operate multi-dimensional space to appear and disappear within our regular space time dimension. During the moments of their full presence in our dimension they take from us and have deposited on Bennu. Hence the Bennu samples have bird guano on them deposited throughout the length of time of the existence of trans dimensional avian and human outdoor eating.
I realize the above is not yet supported by science. But. Give it time and the trans-dimensional theories will lead to meaningful research results. For now. Hold extra tight to your food and consider forming a barrier to trans-dimensional snatch and grab artists at your next outdoor gathering.
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