Reanalysis:<br /><br />Let's begin with the history of planets.<br /><br />The original word refers to the wanderers, those objects that move against the background stars. In the geocentric world of the time that included the Sun and Moon.<br />Once the heliocentric world came about, and the sun and moon's place in the firmament became clear, it became Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.<br />Everyone can easily see them with a little effort. They clearly wander. And are six.<br /><br />Next to join the club was Hershel (Uranus) in 1781. It too is a naked eye object, even though it was discovered by telescope, but it takes effort and dark skies.<br />Even in light polluted NJ, on a clear night, and knowing where to look, I can spot it. That's seven, that I therefore say that are indisputable planets because they fit the original definition. The wanderers. All visible to humans without optical aid, moving against the background stars.<br /><br />Interesting fact I never knew. Ceres, the first and largest main belt asteroid (containing 1/3 of the mass of the belt) was discovered on the first day of the 19th century: 1801, January 1. It is a very borderline naked eye object, as are several other asteroids, all dimmer than Ceres, though.<br /><br />By 1850 things were getting complicated as Kevin Heider posted this great link :<br /><br />1. Go to http://spaceweather.com/ <br />2. In the upper right under "View archives:" go to Sept 14th, 2006, and click view.<br /><br />Neptune had been discovered as well as 10 asteroids.<br />Now there were 18, but by 1920 the futility of adding hundreds of teeny weeny planets had been realized, and we were back to 8. That included Neptune. Herschel had been renamed Uranus. The asteroids were the asteroids.<br /><br />In 1930, Pluto was discovered serendipitously and telescopically. It was thought to be a massive world, much larger than the asteroids, which had been relegated to their own c <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080"><em><font color="#000000">But the Krell forgot one thing John. Monsters. Monsters from the Id.</font></em> </font></p><p><font color="#000080">I really, really, really, really miss the "first unread post" function</font><font color="#000080"> </font></p> </div>