hoser, now THAT was a truly, truly excellent and intelligent post!!!
There you actually sounded like the educated person that you claim to be, please keep it up!
Now, you posted:
"This is only one area of biological science in which I have worked. As a result, I have gained a deeper appreciation for the impact of the radiation hazard out there. That's a big reason I support a Moon base first, as opposed to going directly to Mars. I believe successful bases for permanent habitation on the Moon and Mars will be built at least partially underground for shielding purposes. The real radiation hazard is the sun, not a nuclear reactor."
Fantastic, I could not agree more! Some people here seem to think the a human mission to Mars is some kind of a hop, skip, and jump. Obviously you, like myself understand what the truth really is! Voyaging out as far as Mars is going to be the most challenging voyage mankind has made since the voyages of Columbus, and quite probably even far more challenging! It is NOT going to be the walk in the park that some of the Mars first types on here evidently think it is going to be. No way!! So I thank you for a truly excellent position!
While I greatly respect (and have in my possession his books, and have even read several times) Dr, Robert Zubrin, I almost totally disagree with his rush to get to Mars first. The problems of getting to Mars are far greater (and therefore the cost is going to be far greater) than he thinks it is going to be!
In fact, I am of the opinion that without going to the moon to exploit the resources of the moon, we might not even ever get to Mars, at least in this century! The very necessary materials to develop a true Type II space faring civilization are on the moon, and possibly near by NEO's, not Mars! Mars is just too far away to be practical in the beginning.
And as I said, for at least the first few years of the new exploration of the moon, the power is going to be supplied by the same source that supplied the power for the Apollo missions, compact and efficient fuel cells. After that, I am more than willing to bet that a combination of both solar power, coupled with nuclear power, will power the industries of the moon. After all, we do have to develop such power for going out much further into the solar system anyway, as the further you go the less viable solar power becomes. We WILL need both sources of power to power a true space faring civilization and the space based industries that such a civilization will require!
Unfortunately, that choice was not among those presented! Perhaps that could be rectified with the provision that the votes could also be changed?
hoser also stated:
"The waste from spent fuel rods is not a terrible problem. First of all, if you use the radioactivity of the uranium as the benchmark, it becomes clear the waste problem is resolved after less than 1000 years. I've done the calculations confirming that assertion based on the known fission isotope yields and corresponding half-life values. When the waste decays to the level of the original ore, you're done. These numbers are based on the typical 3% burn. In my opinion, the 10,000 year containment standard for Yucca Mountain is not necessary. Since the Moon's surface has been pretty stable for 4 billion years, we can bury the leftovers from reprocessing and pretty much forget it. I've held a uranium brick in my hand. Not a big deal."
Once again, a perfectly valid and true statement!
However, (at least on the moon) there might even be a possibly better way. As the moon's gravity is only 0.16 g, and there is no atmosphere, it should be relatively easy to rocket spent radioactive materials from power reactors into a low moon orbit (or even throw such materials off the moon with some sort of mass driver, from G. K. O'Neill's ideas). There those materials would be gathered together, a small solid rocket motor placed on a loose structure, and the materials rocketed into the sun. Thus getting rid of them forever!
I know, I know there will probably be extreme ecological types that would then say, "But you might be polluting the sun!" :lol: :lol: :lol:
Of course, not realizing the simple fact that you could drop the entire solar system into the sun without polluting it at all!
Thank you very much hoser, now you have made very good and valid contributions to this thread!!
And have A very Great Day!!