portal theory anyone

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I was just wondering what would happen if you got a gate like in stargate and matched each point in the circle to another gate x distance away then say at the speed of light oscillated the matched points say clockwise setting up a kind of envelope and if one was to setup a standing wave between the points ?? what would happen if nothing??

the matching would done so the transmission medium would see from gate 1 to gate 2 for optimal data payload.also high power would be used for this and it would be thought as of a kind of worm hole between the 2 points??

now say at gate 1 point xyz@t1 would match xyz@t2 on the other side the reason for t1 and t2 is that there would be a delay between the 2 points for propagation also the oscillation of the matched points may cause a slight phase difference between the 2 gates which would cause a problem if not corrected.

Its kind of interesting on how one would setup such a Technology.
Like a telephone basically sends a sound wave from x to y which could be thought of a 1 dimensional communication but a portal would be considered 3 Dimensional communications does anyone have any thoughts on this??

Or one could look at this another way just imagine as above 2 circular gates to dial in one would setup so that gate1 to gate2 passage way would be opened and so that an object at gate1 would be accelerated to gate 2.again the 2 gates would have to oscillate and create a standing wave between them and in a kind of wavelength/2 scenario. now lets imagine if it is possible to create an artificial cyclone in a lab then by increasing the magnetic field strength a tunnel could be envisioned?? now if we were going from gate 1 to gate 2 the turn of the em field would be such that an object at gate 1 is attracted to gate 2. this approach may create a whirl wind between the points gate 1 and gate 2 and an object will travel through the path at the speed of turn. This may not be a good approach but i am trying to understand and post a reasonable question so you can comment. It would also be important that the radius if the opening be such that it will not squash the object at any point from a to b. If this was done in air it would be like a tunnel and if the speed of rotation was set to a reasonable speed and the H field was such that the torque was enough ?? to hold the object within the artificial tunnel then it would be like a slide from point a to point b.



I started to answer specific bits in your post but, it just became too convoluted.

It's word salad.

The first problem you will encounter is finding enough energy to do what you want to do the way you want to do it, even presuming (which I don't) any of it makes any sense. It's simply not available.

Do some searches on "wormholes" and you'll see they're pretty difficult animals... should they exist.


maybe a bit of word salad because i dont have one and have not seen one yet.

but one can setup a cyclone in a lab by the use of electromagnetic fields and it may be possible to setup a one way controlled tunnel from x to y in a lab. this is not a worm hole but maybe a step as a worm hole folds space and creates a shorter route to 2 points.
what i mean by wavelength /2 is the shape as seen in Advanced level Physics
what I mean by matched is if you were to impedance match the 2 gates so you get one gates outputs to the other gates if that makes sense with zero loss??

Like if it was possible via matching one could leave one gate out and say if every galaxy gives a different noise levels (frequency) one would be in theory be able to match a gate to a destination for a one way trip say from earth to galaxy x if the frequency spectrum from that galaxy was known and one could then match our gate to a reasonable point in that galaxy all in theory of course.
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