stevehw33 - We agree on somethiing! That's nice.<br /><br />Just to add to your post:<br /><br />Life requires aperiodic sequences, i.e. non-repeating sequences. <br /><br />That is related to your point about long chains in complex biomolecules.<br />That is in contrast to crystals which are periodic or repeating.<br /><br />And it gets more complex than that. There is actually information in biomolecules. <br /><br />There is a difference between, for example, a statistical protein and an informational protein.<br /><br />And just containing information is not enough - it must be recognized as information - translated or read, so to speak.<br /><br />In recent articles and programs on Titan much was made of the fact that Titan contains methane, CH4, and that it has organic chemistry so it may have had life or building blocks of life.<br /><br />The definition they are using for organic is carbon containing.<br /><br />Which brings us right back to your excellent post.<br /><br />And a question: How do you explain the origin of life?