The link to the article follows:<br />http://www.space.com/adastra/adastra_zubrin_051208.html<br /><br />I have to confess, I do not totally understand or agree with the cons the writer brings up.<br /><br /> />On the more problematic side is the decision to develop such a large Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV). While a large CEV certainly enables larger crews and greater comfort, it will cost more to develop, produce and launch than a smaller capsule. Furthermore, because of its excessive mass, the large CEV makes direct return lunar missions impossible, thus mandating a lunar orbit rendezvous mission architecture. This, in turn, will require the costly development and production of lunar excursion modules, and impose return rendezvous phasing complications that could hamstring the operations of a lunar base, especially if surface stays greater than two weeks are desired.<<br /><br />What seems to escape the writer is that lunar orbit rendevous works, and trying anything else just might be more costly. Plus I do not see how earth orbit rendezvous will hamstring a lunar base. The writer gives no explination.<br /><br /> />Another cause for concern is the decision to launch the CEV after the HLV delivers the rest of the mission components to orbit. The HLV’s cargo will include stages employing cryogenic liquid hydrogen/oxygen propellant, and this propellant will start to boil away immediately after launch. Thus for the mission to succeed, the CEV must be launched on time, within a few weeks at most of the prior flight, without fail.<<br /><br />What??? Boil away?? to where??? And don't we have fridges and airconditioners on Earth that we cannot keep the fuel form "boiling away"? This makes no sense to me.<br /><br /> />Operating the shuttle program for the next five or six years to deliver a few space station payloads early will cost us $30 billion. All that money could be saved simply <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#0000ff"><em>"SCE to AUX" - John Aaron, curiosity pays off</em></font></p> </div>