Public recruited to help interpret Mars images.

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Public can help interpret flood of UA camera's Mars pictures. <br />By Dan Sorenson <br />Arizona daily star <br />Tucson, Arizona | Published: 03.24.2007 <br />"Computer users with some time and bandwidth on their hands can help <br />investigate the cosmos. Using a Web-based application called <br />Clickworker, users can help classify the land features in the flood of <br />pictures coming back from the University of Arizona's Mars-orbiting <br />camera. <br />"HiRISE (High-resolution Imaging Science Experiment) is sending back <br />so much information that planetary scientists are looking forward to <br />help classifying the images for a database of Martian land <br />formations. <br />"Volunteers are asked to train for a few minutes identifying test <br />images on a HiRISE Web site, "stamping" features on the Mars pictures <br />with icons for boulders, channels, craters, dust devils, windstreaks, <br />dunes, gullies, lava, layers, patterned land, polar areas and one <br />called just plain "interesting." <br /> <br /><br /><br />Clickworkers for HiRISE. <br /> <br /><br /><br />Bob Clark <br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>
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