QMT, Time, Temp, Vac, Teleport...

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You posted a definition of a Photon but haven't given it much speculation. Consider, a "Photon" is just a unit of energy. It is the smallest possible unit of the particle-wave called, colloquially, "Light." That particle wave has both properties of a particle and a wave. It is not correct to treat it as a singular, discreet object/particle.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Jatslo - Photons have zero mass with no charge., and because of this, photons can travel at infinite speeds witnout burning up. </font><br /><br />Infinite speeds? What is "speed" in your sentence? And what is "burning up?" Burning up? Burning up from what?<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Jatslo - This is why I need to find matter that can both emit and absorb light, and I am certain that Metal Hydrogen, (Dark Matter), can. </font><br /><br />Metal Hydrogen is not, necessarily, Dark Matter. The only reason I qualify that statement by saying "necessarily" is because "Dark Matter" can be just about anything. An extremely large collection of very low albedo stuffed animal toys, somewhere out in the Universe could be all the "Dark Matter" we need to satisfy current cosmological models.<br /><br />Yes, a large collection of stuffed toy animals could be "Dark Matter." We're talking about just plain mass here not, necessarily, some strange substance. Sure, metallic hydrogen could fit the bill. But it doesn't have to be so. "Dark Matter" does not have to have any other properties other than Mass and the fact that we can not see it <b>from Earth</b> emitting or reflecting light/radiation.<br /><br />As to emitting light, why are you sure? The study of Metallic Hydrogen isn't even much past the theory stage. In fact, it is extremely difficult to experimentally detect the material in labs designed for this purpose. How can you be "sure" of your assumption?<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Jatslo - This is why I need to find matter that can both emit and absorb light,..</font> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


<font color="yellow">I'm not purposefully trying to argue with you. However, before making wild assumptions and listing them as fact, you had best begin by explaining why your statements do not mesh with current models. A three-dimensional model is not going to suffice to justify the redefining of our understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum. It may present it "differently" but just by doing so, is not redefining the model.</font><br /><br />Right, it’s just another spectrum perspective, so that I can understand how the spectrum relates to photons. I didn't add color, or rotate the sphere spectrum, or rainbow spectrum on its axis.<br /><br />The sphere doesn't have mass or a charge. Traditional matter reflects light, and if there is a light source, you can see it. The spectrum that you receive from long distances is chalk full of information. For example, an Earth like planet orbiting a star 50-lightyears away would have a recognizable earth like pattern coded in the light, or photons.<br /><br />If light represents UV, and dark represents IR, then UV could be white, light yellow, light red, and light blue, and IR would be black, dark yellow, dark red, and dark blue. Of course, this would mean that I would have to move the IR, UV areas to the poles.<br /><br />How does this apply to x-rays?<br /><br /><font color="yellow"><b>X-Rays:</b> invisible, highly penetrating electromagnetic radiation of much shorter wavelength (higher frequency) than visible light. The wavelength range for X rays is from about 10&#8722;8 m to about 10&#8722;11 m, or from less than a billionth of an inch to less than a trillionth of an inch; the corresponding frequency range is from about 3 × 1016 Hz to about 3 × 1019 Hz (1 Hz = 1 cps). See Hawking Radiation.<br /><br />--- http://education.yahoo.com/reference/encyclopedia/entry?id=51422<br /></font><br /><br />Photons have zero ma


<font color="yellow">Jatslo - Right, it’s just another spectrum perspective, so that I can understand how the spectrum relates to photons. I didn't add color, or rotate the sphere spectrum, or rainbow spectrum on its axis. </font><br /><br />It would help immeasurably if you put some frequencies on your sphere.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">If light represents UV, and dark represents IR, then UV could be white, light yellow, light red, and light blue, and IR would be black, dark yellow, dark red, and dark blue. Of course, this would mean that I would have to move the IR, UV areas to the poles.</font><br /><br />Are you arbitrarily assigning these "color" variables to facilitate some train of thought or, are you saying that Ultraviolet light is "white, light yellow, light red and light blue." ie: Implying that it is visible light..<br /><br /><font color="yellow">How does this apply to x-rays? </font><br /><br />I'm not sure I follow why you are changing the traditional EM model and what standards you are using to "place" frequencies on your sphere. I don't know that x-rays have anything to do with what you are trying to describe.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Photons have zero mass and no charge, so how could I convert a photon to an X-Ray?</font><br /><br />X-Rays are photons. A photon is a measurement of energy. All EM radiation are quantified by photons for pure definition. In order to "convert" a photon of a frequency shared by visible light to an x-ray, you would have to either put a high energy companion wave with it, pass it through a special type of crystal (Photonic Crystal - not sure if the crystal has even hypothetical capabilities such as that yet ) or find some other way to change the photon's frequency. In any event, x-rays are nasty enough as it is. Why do you need them? They are ionizing particle-waves. The energy in an x-ray is enough to muck around with electrons in your body. ie: Not healthy.<br /><br /><fo></fo> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


<font color="yellow">The problems are the scales involved and the energies. Also that you have no effective means of time travel. The only events which travel in time are anti-particles. & they only travel backwards, not forwards. Feynman showed that a positron can be considered an electron going back in time. The same for anti-protons.</font><br /><br />Load this thread in flat mode, then read all the statements. If time travel is proved or disproved, it will be done within the framework of a quantum computer.<br /><br />I'm thinking that photons, since they have zero mass, and zero charge, might be able to travel backwards in time, if I freeze/squeeze them; however, now I am starting to think that I would receive my data blocks in the form of X-Rays, in which I would have to convert the X-Rays back to photons, so that I could read the information. Your right about -photons, and +photons; I would probably just be swapping photons in two different dimensions. I am hoping that the exchange will have a delayed mechanism that will propel the photons backwards in time. The delay mechanism is caused by extreme coldness of the pure vacuum.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">So if you want something to go back in time, then you have to convert it to anti-matter, send it backwards in time and then reconvert it to normal matter. That's doing E=MCsquared too often and exceeds any human energy source. 1 gm. of matter so converted twice would cost about 180 terawatts and that's assuming perfect efficiency of conversion. It's 50 M KWH and that's more than the production of 2 days of a 2,000 MWH power plant. Time travel is NOT a state of matter. Antimatter, yes. Normal matter, no.</font><br /><br />I am going to convert matter to photons, or store the matter's information on photons, and then send the photons backwards in time. I am thinking that the photons will materialize from nowhere within a vacuum, between two charged plates; only the photon will have been co


<font color="yellow">It would help immeasurably if you put some frequencies on your sphere.</font><br /><br />I know, it is time consuming, plus my software would not allow me to do the geometry in three dimensions. I tried to find a rainbow sphere on the web, but I was unsuccessful. Also, I did not want a fixed set of colors, because I believe the photons come in a variety of different shades, or wavelengths.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Are you arbitrarily assigning these "color" variables to facilitate some train of thought or, are you saying that Ultraviolet light is "white, light yellow, light red and light blue." ie: Implying that it is visible light.</font><br /><br />I am assigning colors to illustrate a train of thought, and the UV/IR spectrums are not visible to the human eye, or at least, we are not conscious of the waves.<br /><br />I am suggesting that infra, and ultra might come in a variety of colors derived from four primary colors, i.e. infra black, infra red, infra yellow, and infra blue; the flip side, ultra white, ultra red, ultra yellow, and ultra blue. These might be undiscovered waves, or maybe they are discovered, and I am just reinventing them.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">I'm not sure I follow why you are changing the traditional EM model and what standards you are using to "place" frequencies on your sphere. I don't know that x-rays have anything to do with what you are trying to describe.<br /><br />X-Rays are photons. A photon is a measurement of energy. All EM radiation are quantified by photons for pure definition. In order to "convert" a photon of a frequency shared by visible light to an x-ray, you would have to either put a high energy companion wave with it, pass it through a special type of crystal (Photonic Crystal - not sure if the crystal has even hypothetical capabilities such as that yet ) or find some other way to change the photon's frequency. In any event, x-rays are nasty enough as it is. Why do you need the</font>


<font color="yellow">Everything I have read about sending information back in time suggests it becomes random noise; the universe itself seems to abhor reversal of causality and backwards time travel, so has various laws to prevent it.</font><br /><br />No, my encryption will allow me to sort through the random order of reality. I should receive two quantum encrypted data blocks that are mirror images of information of the original information. The two quantum encrypted data blocks will jet out in two directions as they follow will follow the laws of electromagnetism. I will then utilize two opposite electromagnetism fields to trap and group the X-Rays into two distinct flavors, i.e. a group of negative X-Rays, and a group of Positive X-Rays. The randomness is in the negative X-Ray : positive X-Ray ratio. This might be difficult to control, and that is why I encrypted the photons. I want to sort out the random order of X-Rays.<br /><br />Anyway, once I suspend the X-Ray’s in two electromagnetic spheres, I will then utilize a combination of cryogenics, strobe lights, and lasers to stop, slow, and/or extract the encrypted information from the photons/X-Rays. It would be better to convert the X-Ray back to a photon, because I really don’t want to have radioactive waste products within my quantum computer. That is an accident waiting to happen. <br /><br />Coin the phrase, "The Casimir effect is a small attractive force which acts between two close parallel uncharged conducting plates, it is due to quantum vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field". I am going to charge the plates and trap the X-Rays.<br /><br />I am also utilizing a newly undiscovered super metal as circuitry.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">I would like to be proved wrong, but somehow that seems a remote possibility if current theories are correct.</font><br /><br />If anyone is going to prove or disprove time travel, they better have a damn good quantum computer by their side ;o)<br></br>


...<br /><br />I really don't know where to start replying. Really.<br /><br />..<font color="yellow">No, my encryption will allow me to sort through the random order of reality.</font>.<br /><br />...<font color="yellow"> The two quantum encrypted data blocks will jet out in two directions as they follow will follow the laws of electromagnetism.</font>..<br /><br />...<font color="yellow"> I will then utilize two opposite electromagnetism fields to trap and group the X-Rays into two distinct flavors, i.e. a group of negative X-Rays, and a group of Positive X-Rays.</font>..<br /><br />...<font color="yellow">The randomness is in the negative X-Ray : positive X-Ray ratio. This might be difficult to control, and that is why I encrypted the photons. I want to sort out the random order of X-Rays. </font>..<br /><br /><br />...<font color="yellow">once I suspend the X-Ray’s in two electromagnetic spheres, I will then utilize a combination of cryogenics, strobe lights, and lasers to stop, slow, and/or extract the encrypted information from the photons/X-Rays.</font>..<br /><br />...<font color="yellow">It would be better to convert the X-Ray back to a photon</font>..<br /><br />...<font color="yellow">"The Casimir effect is a small attractive force which acts between two close parallel uncharged conducting plates, it is due to quantum vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field". I am going to charge the plates and trap the X-Rays. </font>..<br /><br />...<font color="yellow">I am also utilizing a newly undiscovered super metal as circuitry. </font>.<br /><br />Im sorry Jatslo, but this is just so much babble it is too difficult to find a place to start. As it doesn't appear my posts are doing you any good in this thread, I'm done.<br /><br /><br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


Thanx for your time, I have more than enough info to drive my teacher nutters for a few weeks. You’re pretty knowledgeable in these theories, and I learned a lot.<br /><br />Thanx again.


How come photons are defined as both a particle, and a wave? My thinking suggests that, photons that are defined in one point in space-time are particles; photons that are stretched between two points in space-time are waves. For example, if I were to observe a photon passing by at 10-trillion miles per second, the photon would appear to be stretched into a wave, whereas, if I froze the wave and stopped the photon, the photon would look like a particle.<br /><br />Photons have zero mass, and zero charge, yet when I spin a photon, the photon becomes an X-ray particle in one point in space-time, or an X-Ray wave stretched between two points in space-time. This would explain my desire to analyze, photon particles and waves, and there correlation to X-ray particles and waves.<br /><br />I guess I better look up Infra, and Ultra light particles/waves too.<br /><br />See theory by Werner Heisenberg called the Uncertainty Principle!


Is there a limit as to how large the distance can be between the two points in space-time for the particle to continue to "appear" as a wave?<br /><br />My thinking suggests that a photon is actually a continuously expanding sphere. Any point of tangency on the sphere will "appear" as a particle. Once you get beyond tangency you are talking about 2 points on the sphere which we currently interpret as a wave. When you talk about spin, you are talking about the spin of the entire sphere but it gets translated via any point of tangency. A photon that has been in existence for a great length of time will have an associated sphere of enormous size. Theoretically, any information that is encoded at a given point on the sphere could be transmitted to other parts of the photon sphere allowing information to be exchanged across vast distances in space-time.


<font color="yellow">My thinking suggests that a photon is actually a continuously expanding sphere. Any point of tangency on the sphere will "appear" as a particle. Once you get beyond tangency you are talking about 2 points on the sphere which we currently interpret as a wave. When you talk about spin, you are talking about the spin of the entire sphere but it gets translated via any point of tangency. A photon that has been in existence for a great length of time will have an associated sphere of enormous size. Theoretically, any information that is encoded at a given point on the sphere could be transmitted to other parts of the photon sphere allowing information to be exchanged across vast distances in space-time.</font><br /><br />That makes since, so I am going to expand hypothetically for a minute. I can stop a photon’s forward momentum in one point in space-time with extreme gravity, and/or extreme cold. I can supply evidence for this statement. Simply stopping the photon does not create spin, or topple, because I can stop the particle then release it, and it remains intact. Now, when I stop the photon and change its direction, the photon will topple/spin, and when this occurs, the photon particle changes to an X-ray particle. The direction of spin determines the X-ray’s polarity.<br /><br />Now a photon wav that is spinning in a vortex fashion is called an X-ray wav, and the direction that the wav vortex is spinning will define the polarity of the wave. Anyway, to make a long story even longer, I need to trap the X-ray’s within a electromagnetic sphere, so that I can convert them back to photon’s, because I have encrypted information that I need to extract. For example, if I wanted to trap positive x-rays, I would need my electromagnetic sphere to be positively charged, where the sphere would be negative on the outside and positive on the inside. The positive X-ray’s will repel to absolute zero within the sphere. <br /><br /> Okay, that’s all fine and


<font color="yellow">People once thought light was something that traveled from a person's eyes to an object and then back again. If anything blocked the rays from the eyes, the object could not be seen. Since the 1600's, scientists have made many discoveries about light. They have learned that light is a form of energy that can travel freely through space. The energy of light is called radiant energy. There are many kinds of radiant energy, including <b>infrared rays, radio waves, ultraviolet rays, and X rays</b>. We can see only a tiny part of all the different kinds of radiant energy. This part is called visible light or simply light. </font><br /><br />http://www.metaweb.com/wiki/wiki.phtml?title=Color_and_light<br /><br />I have not been factoring radio waves into the equation, so I better do some homework ;o)


Aw, crap! Now I have a whole spectrum of discovered and undiscovered waves that I have to account for.<br /><br />I guess I better pull out the old E = MC ² tool, so that I can connect energy and matter together in my particle unification spectrum. This will allow me to program the specific radioactive and non-radioactive isotope characteristics to the photons as quantum encrypted crypto logical data blocks.


Time loop logic is a system of computation that requires the computer to be able to send data backwards through time, and relies upon the Novikov self-consistency principle to force the result of a computation sent backwards through time to be correct. This approach can overcome many limitations on traditional algorithmic complexity.<br /><br />A program exploiting time loop logic can be quite simple in outline. For example, to find a factor for a large number:<br /><br />wait for the result to be transmitted from the future. <br />upon receiving the result, test whether it is a factor by dividing the input number by it. <br />if the received result is indeed a correct factor of the number, send the result back in time. <br />else if the received result is not a correct factor of the number (or no result is received at all within the desired timeframe), generate a number different from the received result and send it back in time. Note that this results in a paradox, since the result sent back is not the same as the one that was received. <br />Since the Novikov principle states that it is impossible for any sequence of events to result in a paradox, the second clause of the conditional statement can never happen and the result sent from the future is guaranteed to be the correct one. If no result is possible - the subject number is prime, for example - then some event will occur to prevent the program from running in the first place, or prevent it from running correctly. An event that prevents the program from running in the first place would also satisfy Novikov's principle even if a correct result does exist, so it is important to limit the opportunities for such errors so that the "most likely" way the system will remain consistent is to provide the correct result as desired.<br /><br />Of course, time loop logic is a purely theoretical exercise at this point. It is not known whether time travel is possible, or if it is whether Novikov's principle really applies to it.<b></b>


<font color="yellow">So any information which travels back in time would be subject to uncertainty, and would interfere with itself; it would either be self consistent and reinforce itself, or be inconsistent and become become randomised noise.</font><br /><br />I'm sending light waves that are comprised of zero mass, and zero charge. This is the only way I think of squeezing through. I would be happy to receive random noise, at least then I would know that something is getting through. I am hoping that I can sort through the randomness through photon encryption.


<font face="verdana">Team - Computers & Information Processing (CIS/319) is my present college course, so I will need to come up with some knock your socks off computer related forward looking content.</font>
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