You posted a definition of a Photon but haven't given it much speculation. Consider, a "Photon" is just a unit of energy. It is the smallest possible unit of the particle-wave called, colloquially, "Light." That particle wave has both properties of a particle and a wave. It is not correct to treat it as a singular, discreet object/particle.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Jatslo - Photons have zero mass with no charge., and because of this, photons can travel at infinite speeds witnout burning up. </font><br /><br />Infinite speeds? What is "speed" in your sentence? And what is "burning up?" Burning up? Burning up from what?<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Jatslo - This is why I need to find matter that can both emit and absorb light, and I am certain that Metal Hydrogen, (Dark Matter), can. </font><br /><br />Metal Hydrogen is not, necessarily, Dark Matter. The only reason I qualify that statement by saying "necessarily" is because "Dark Matter" can be just about anything. An extremely large collection of very low albedo stuffed animal toys, somewhere out in the Universe could be all the "Dark Matter" we need to satisfy current cosmological models.<br /><br />Yes, a large collection of stuffed toy animals could be "Dark Matter." We're talking about just plain mass here not, necessarily, some strange substance. Sure, metallic hydrogen could fit the bill. But it doesn't have to be so. "Dark Matter" does not have to have any other properties other than Mass and the fact that we can not see it <b>from Earth</b> emitting or reflecting light/radiation.<br /><br />As to emitting light, why are you sure? The study of Metallic Hydrogen isn't even much past the theory stage. In fact, it is extremely difficult to experimentally detect the material in labs designed for this purpose. How can you be "sure" of your assumption?<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Jatslo - This is why I need to find matter that can both emit and absorb light,..</font> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>