Quantum Entanglement NEW Agreed Terms March 2022


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Quantum Entanglement – NEW – Agreed Terms

This section is a prequel to: Quantum Entanglement – Possible on the Macro Level and starts with the phenomenon itself.

Science – The Definitive Guide Ed Piers Bizony Quercus 2010

“If two or more subatomic particles come into contact and then fly apart, they remain in communication. If one particle's state is measured in the laboratory – for instance, its spin – the other ‘entangled’ particle reacts instantly, registering an opposite spin, regardless of how far away it has travelled. Even entire atoms have been entangled in laboratories. The great Albert Einstein called this ‘spooky action at a distance’ and tried to prove that it could not really happen. Just for once, he was wrong. No matter how great the distance between them might be, a pair of entangled particles has to be considered as an inseparable quantum system. Particles separated by cosmic distances may well be entangled because they were crowded together when the Universe was young.” . . . . . . . . .

“Quantum entanglement promises much, but Star Trek style instantaneous communication of complex information across vast distances is likely to remain a science fiction dream.”

The Conversation Quantum entanglement: what it is, and why physicists want to harness it
Nicholas Bornman, University of the Witwatersrand December 7, 2021

“What exactly is quantum entanglement? Two particles in quantum mechanics are said to be entangled when one of the particles cannot be perfectly described without including all of the information about the other one: the particles are “connected” in such a way that they are not independent of one another. While this sort of idea may seem to make sense at first glance, it is a difficult concept to grasp – and physicists are still learning more about it.”

What is quantum entanglement? | Live Science

Live Sci=nce, What is quantum entanglement? By Paul Sutter May 26, 2021
Quantum entanglement really is "spooky action at a distance."

“Quantum entanglement is one of the uber-bizarre phenomena seen when things get itty-bitty, or inside the quantum realm. When two or more particles link up in a certain way, no matter how far apart they are in space, their states remain linked. That means they share a common, unified quantum state. So observations of one of the particles can automatically provide information about the other entangled particles, regardless of the distance between them. And any action to one of these particles will invariably impact the others in the entangled system.”

Quantum entanglement Quantum entanglement - Wikipedia

“Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when a group of particles are generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in a way such that the quantum state of each particle of the group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, including when the particles are separated by a large distance. The topic of quantum entanglement is at the heart of the disparity between classical and quantum physics: entanglement is a primary feature of quantum mechanics lacking in classical mechanics.”

Work in progress. Last edited 26 March 2022 21.55 GMT.
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Feb 24, 2021
If we have Spin(up) & Spin(down) & our computers use binary code (1 & 0) It would appear rather easy to build a sub-space computer-network?


Aug 14, 2020
Wormhole teleportation is presumed between entangled states in the verse, micro-verse and macro-verse.

A known but always forgotten physic of the verse is that relativity always breaks down, will always breakdown, going away from the local up and out, and down and in, to the non-local macro- and micro-verses. But does it really break down between all localities? Can the non-local breakdowns of relativity between local buildups of relativity be skipped over for universally purposed entanglements (again micro- and macrocosmic)?

Yes . . . or we wouldn't be here in our flesh, our unitary bodies, our [relatively] -- and [quantum] -- entangled worlds of anything and everything [we are] across so much, so vastly much, space all at once as to time as we, and those worlds, cross and are. We would be devoid of the information transfers so usual and common to our relative and quantum states as to be taken for being built-in (taken so wrongly for granted (that there is no macro and micro entanglement, no relative and quantum entanglement, involved)).
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Apr 2, 2023
I think the reason particles stay connected when separated by distance is probably because they are only separated by distance in our 3D space, but they can also exist in 0D space, where they are closest to each other.

Therefore, it doesn't matter how far they are in our 3D space, because in 0D space they are as close as possible.
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May 10, 2021
Quantum Entanglement – NEW – Agreed Terms

This section is a prequel to: Quantum Entanglement – Possible on the Macro Level and starts with the phenomenon itself.

Science – The Definitive Guide Ed Piers Bizony Quercus 2010

“If two or more subatomic particles come into contact and then fly apart, they remain in communication. If one particle's state is measured in the laboratory – for instance, its spin – the other ‘entangled’ particle reacts instantly, registering an opposite spin, regardless of how far away it has travelled. Even entire atoms have been entangled in laboratories. The great Albert Einstein called this ‘spooky action at a distance’ and tried to prove that it could not really happen. Just for once, he was wrong. No matter how great the distance between them might be, a pair of entangled particles has to be considered as an inseparable quantum system. Particles separated by cosmic distances may well be entangled because they were crowded together when the Universe was young.” . . . . . . . . .

“Quantum entanglement promises much, but Star Trek style instantaneous communication of complex information across vast distances is likely to remain a science fiction dream.”

“What exactly is quantum entanglement? Two particles in quantum mechanics are said to be entangled when one of the particles cannot be perfectly described without including all of the information about the other one: the particles are “connected” in such a way that they are not independent of one another. While this sort of idea may seem to make sense at first glance, it is a difficult concept to grasp – and physicists are still learning more about it.”

In reply to Catastrophe Jazz says:

This argument about quantum entanglement seems to be a lot of fuss about nothing: “Much ado about nothing!” as one great poet put it! To begin with it is time to get our ducks in a row. Polarization, is not one of the fundamental properties of light, it is the property of the medium that light is travelling through. When we speak of polarized light, we are talking about light that has travelled through a polarizing medium. It is not as if light possesses a polarized identity that suddenly makes itself known, it is rather a property of the medium that light passes through that influences light in this way. For instance because light undergoes refraction you would not say that refraction was a fundamental property of light. No, it is a phenomnon that ALL waves experience. The same holds true for quantum entanglement. In quantum entanglement as it applies to photons, a laser light is made to pass through a birefringent material. The laser light is absorbed by the electrons of the birefringent material and instead of a single photon of the same energy as the absorbed photon being emitted, two identical photons that together possess the energy of the absorbed photon are emitted: travelling in exactly opposite directions, possessing the opposite polarity and so on. It should be understood that only a small fraction of electrons react in this way, however since the laser beam consists of trillions of photons it means that a sufficient number of photons become entangled as to be significant. Two beams of oppositely polarised light are produced. This is how quantum entangled photon pairs are made. As to the rest of the claims that are made with regard to quantum entanglement, they are as far- fetched as LIGO’s ability to detect gravitational waves. Ultimately it is a gigantic storm in a teacup!

More than 25 years ago huge claims were made that quantum entangled encryption devices would soon (?) replace all conventional forms of encryption with an encryption that would be impossible to break. The distances over which such quantum entangled photons could travel increased rapidly at an improbable rate. First it was from one end of a room to the other, then it was to a different room in the same building, then it was across the road, then it was 25 km a little later 250 km and soon claims of 10,000 km and more were being freely bandied about. There were even rumours that the Chinese were using quantum encryption to communicate with their astronauts on the moon! But where is quantum entangled encryption today? Do you have it on your computer or on your phone? Are your emails quantum encrypted, is your browsing made safe by this fantastic technology? The same holds good for quantum computing: it is a pipe dream. YES, significantly more powerful computers will result from all this research (more importantly all the billions of dollars spent), future computers will be smaller, faster with huge storage and processing speeds but based on quantum entanglement and quantum computing. No!
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