The Primciple can be applied to solve such problems on quantum gravity related to entanglement;thus,no new fact.
The experiment constitutes a new fact, a new range of putative observation.
I don't know how many times and how many ways this misapprehension of entanglement has been displayed in pop-science articles.
I agree, but to be a bit fairer the author said that it was likely an oversimplification. But it is in fact an error since an observation merely reveals how the correlation should be interpreted, and the result has to be signaled to the distant location to do so - that is the meaning of non-local system.
No property changes state, instead a state is observed. And while observation may seem odd, we have to remember that special relativity has "special" effects such as time dilation and length shortening. There is a paper that show observation "wavefunction collapse" stochastic behavior can be seen simply as a third "special" effect, of wavefunctions having quantum spin under relativistic reference frames.
[Stuckey, W.M., Silberstein, M., McDevitt, T.
et al. Answering Mermin’s challenge with conservation per no preferred reference frame.
Sci Rep 10, 15771 (2020).]
"Quantum gravity theory" seems to be on the same schedule for completion as "commercial fusion power".
This is science, so unlike fusion power there is no master plan that we can observe delay against. But see my comment that there is a reasonable theory, but that popular science claims doesn't go into that.
There is no "singularity" to gravity physics, so there is no quantum physics' (EW) point-particle singularity -- and the many varieties of complex singularities -- to it!
Yes, there is a quantum physics, there is no problem to quantize the general relativity Lagrangian same as the other particle fields. See my own response to the article for references.
And the gravitational particle is the graviton, the force exchanging quanta of the field, same as other quantum fields, it is not the singularities of the theory. A theoretical singularity only means the theory has lost validity there, nothing more.