Quantum Mechanics: Entanglement

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Handedness an unrecognized pillar of matter and field.
Yes, it is largely ignored. Especially when eating food. Our foods ok but if we ate stuff with the other handedness we would be unable to digest it (I read somewhere).
Now you raise it I wonder if it is relevant to time in that it is always positive but maybe it is just a question of handedness when we talk about antimatter (negative time direction that is still positive!) Crumbs I am getting as difficult as Alan ;)

Oh , er, sorry that is your point, isn't it? Got it!

I read this somewhere just now but it's all beyond me:
"Understanding particle handedness is essential in particle physics, particularly in study of neutrinos, which are exclusively left-handed in nature.
- It also has implications in various fields, including cosmology and the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model."
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No, I mean the electron and proton. These are the only physical matter there is. There are none others. And your food example is a molecular structure handedness.

The handedness I’m talking about is fundamental particle EM handedness. Active motional handedness. It appears to be some kind of LAW about it, or at least a principle. There seems to be equal numbers of them. Always pairs of them. Not necessarily paired together, but equal locally. Always a balance of them. It's a restriction. Some form of pillar.

Handedness isn’t a force per say, it’s a selection or state of the way the E and the M are added together. Parallel, 90 degrees(perpendicular) and anti parallel.

In our scaled world, the magnetic is usually perpendicular, that is 90 degrees, of the electric.

But in a particle, the magnetic can be laid down side by side to the electric. It can lay down in phase with the electric or lay down out of phase with the electric.

In the right handed particle the M is in phase with the E. These two momentums add….. and is expressed as inertia. It’s a pig. Full. And very small, dense, hard and fast spin.

In the left handed particle the M is out of phase, in opposition, and the momentums cancel. The electron is a ANTI INERTIA particle. It’s a nat. Empty. Large, rarefied, fluffy and slow spin.

And of course no one knows a thing about this. So no references.

The proton and the electron have the same structure. And they have the exact same energy spectrums.

But because of handedness the electron occupies the low energy side and the protons occupy the high side of that energy spectrum. The electron wants to stay empty and the proton wants to stay full.

BUT, those energy levels may be inverted. Particles have a forward and a backward direction. Most of the time, they move in the forward direction. But once in a while they can become accelerated backwards. This can fill an electron with energy, and can empty a proton of energy.

This is your so called missing anti matter. It’s just regular matter that has been temporarily inverted.

And of course no none knows this.

And we propose to understand light and gravity, without understanding matter, where they come from.

Light is the biggest bogey man there is. From this falsity, all other falsities come.

Light is a digital dynamic, not a wave dynamic. The first light and all light since has been digital.

And no one knows this either.

All things are in perpetual motion. Space is not a thing. It’s an emptiness for things to motion in. Energy and mass are the same thing and they are in phase. Thinking they sum to zero is pathetic. It demonstrates the false concept of energy and mass.

And no one believes that either.

My suppositions and pronouncements about mass and matter are from a classical physical model which was updated after the discovery of the neutron. Then updated again with the failure of the toroidal fusion containment. About 25-30 years ago. It’s a moving charge structure. And it explains all properties with a physical motion. Because the properties come from motion.

My supposition about light is mine and I have a demo to show it if any are interested. But it would probably confuse most, without radio electronics background and knowledge.

I’m sure most of my comments are confusing to them also, ha ha. I sure hope so. My experiment is simple and doesn’t take a lot of money or time. Just a little thinking.

But the result is gonna take a lot of thinking. New thinking. And it will hurt. It’s very painful.

Your brain will ache. And your heart will break. Might even need a diaper.

It’s worth at least one PhD.
[technically a related side topic about 'observation']

In the double slit experiment if one puts a detector at one of the slits and the photon is detected there it behaves as a particle rather than as a wave interference pattern.

"The photons act as a wave when not being observed and act as particles when they are being observed."

My question is if the photon is not detected at that slit, presumably meaning it passed through the other [non sensored] slit, does that confer particle character/behavior from it,
making a binary NOT detected an equivalent observation?

Also does the detector force it to be observed at that detector slit only/always?
A comment on a comment by Classical Motion:
"In our scaled world, the magnetic is usually perpendicular, that is 90 degrees, of the electric."

Yes, this is true. In fact it is always true. And it is true by definition.

A charged test particle must gain energy or lose energy in order to travel closer to or further away from another charged particle. In doing so, it is following electric field lines emanating from that other charged particle. Only by moving exactly ninety degrees to the electric field lines can the test particle move without changing energy levels.

There are, of course, no actual "lines" involved in electric field lines or magnetic field lines. These "lines" are mathematical constructs used to conveniently show how things work. They are no more "real" than map contour lines for elevation.
The body is the 'Mirror', winged in mirroring. We don't observe the body of 'Mirror', nor for some reason of physics and cosmology do we commonly observe and realize half the mirroring. But body and both wings are present . . . are always in existence . . . else the grand total mass of matter and energy is zeroed!

Oops! According to Stephen Hawking, among others, the grand total is zeroed, always and constant! I call it "infinite '0'" as opposed to "finite's '1'."

For example, dueling realities (inclusive of one inside Einstein's and Schrodinger's opposing boxes, though in reality they are the same box, and one outside the boxes (outside the same box . . . Oops, I'm quantum entangling boxes)):

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My question is if the photon is not detected at that slit, presumably meaning it passed through the other [non sensored] slit, does that confer particle character/behavior from it,
As I understand it a photon is aimed at the double slit. The photon is in waveform and goes through both slits.
In an "observation attempt" the detection causes collapse to a particle form.
The only reason the M is perpendicular is because the charge rotation we use is closed. Our circuits are closed rotations of charge. That puts the M field square. Our power grid is closed and square.

We can change that and we can select which way those fields lay, too. We can lay that puppy down parallel or anti parallel. With an open rotation of charge.

A solenoid or helix rotation. Depending on the polarity of the charge that is doing the rotation, the handedness of the helix determines the phase of that lay down. We can lay it down so well, that the M field never fountains. With a closed helix, or a toroidal coil. Completely enclosed, and theoretically, a mono pole, ONLY ONE DIRECTION M POLE. Charge rotates, it does not alternate. And neither does the M pole. All this can be easily demonstrated. And to some, well known.

All corpuscles are like tiny current loops with a magnetic dipole. Andy Ampere.

Ampere and Weber gave us relativity long before Einstein. This explanation of observation/measurement error was later perverted into a false physical dynamic called spacetime.

But I have no references.
Please imagine a barber pole. It has a red white and blue stripe, As the pole rotates, the stripes appear to crawl up the pole, and we can reverse it and appear to crawl down the pole.

But the strips are ONLY rotating not going up or down. Now imagine a 60 ft telephone pole with a stretched out 12 turn wire on that pole. One turn every 5 ft.

Now take that pole and bend it into a circle. Tie the ends of the wire stripe together. Now rotate the stripe. The stripe is only rotated. But the turns…..rotate. The stripe only rotates, but the turns rotate around. The round rotation will be a sub rotation of the stripe rotation.

12 rotations of the stripe…… give one rotation of the turns of the stripe. A sub fraction of the stripe rotation.

The turn rotation is what we measure as charge rotation, but it comes from a much higher rotation, the rotation of the stripe.

It’s one rotation inside and resulting in another rotation outside.

The inside(stripe) rotation is open, and the outside rotation(turns) is closed.

It can be difficult to see.
Going back to my favorite physicist who had nothing against "metaphysics", even lamenting the modernist break between physics and philosophy (altogether, "cosmology" and "cosmological metaphysics"), he described the six-facing six-sided particle that is at the same time six separate and independent particle 'personalities' (so to speak, six separate and independent particles . . . six quantum entangled, entangling, spaceless particle (singularity) / spaced particles (plurality)).
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