Question about Dark Matter

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Hi Everyone. I'm new here to post but have been reading many of the post and enjoy them! Here my question or questions regarding dark matter. I just finish reading the article on this site "Dark Halo Around Our Galaxy Looks Like Squished Beach Ball" and in the article it mentions that the "Over 70 percent of the mass of most galaxies, including the Milky Way, is thought to be made up of this elusive material" My question is if this is true then why aren't our planets, and earth, not effective by Dark matter? Did our Sun and planets clear the dark matter out when forming? If not would not a space craft (robotic, man flight) had been affected? Thanks, PaulWoggles

Hi everyone I think I posted this in the wrong location lol. Thanks Flat and Smersh!!


It may well be effecting the solar system, but the material is so diffuse, and it's effects therefore so small, on the scale of the solar systm it's too small to measure. Only when you look at very large scales, like galaxies or galaxy clusters is there enough gravity for the effect to be measured.


Seems quite a great contradiction to propose that such a great percentage of the universe we live in is composed of dark matter but yet it has very little effect unless the scale is so large that we can calculate its relevance. Dark matter is quite simply a lack of understanding solidified by the use of mathematical representation to determine its existence.

For all we know for sure, frame dragging (electromagnetic atomic dissipation), could be just as likely a candidate for the effects commonly associated with "dark matter" and conservation of energy in a kinetic system could be what is termed "dark energy", which might be accelerating the expansion of the universe.

The biggest thing to remember, Paul, is that only God knows. We are ALL still trying to figure it out.


Hi Jerromy,

Actually, the picture is completely consistent. The dark matter particle can only interact strongly through gravity, otherwise it would give off light. Gravity, however, is pretty weak on small scales, so if a dark matter particle passes through our neighborhood, it'll barely affect us. It's only when you have lots of it - and when it's the dominant stuff in the area - that it really affects things. So in between galaxies, where there's nothing but globs and globs of dark matter, then that dominates. But those are still less dense than, say, the Earth, so in the solar system, it's things like the Sun and the planets which dominate gravitationally.

If the current picture is right, there are dark matter particles streaming through the Earth constantly, just like neutrinos (though probably less common). There are even experiments designed to detect dark matter this way - but, due to the weak interactions, it's obviously very hard.

As for this...

For all we know for sure, frame dragging (electromagnetic atomic dissipation), could be just as likely a candidate for the effects commonly associated with "dark matter" and conservation of energy in a kinetic system could be what is termed "dark energy", which might be accelerating the expansion of the universe.

Yeah, you're going to have to explain what you mean, because right now that's just meaninglessly misapplied jargon. I have no clue what on God's Earth you mean by "electromagnetic atomic dissipation", except that frame dragging has nothing to do with electromagnetism, atoms, or dissipation, and if you can explain the acceleration of the universe using conservation of energy (though I have no clue what a "kinetic system" means), then please go step up and claim your Nobel Prize.


Actually the dark matter hypothesis is completely inconsistent. Recently discovered quantization of galactic stellar halo velocities imply a quantized metric, no dark matter. See section 24.4 for the doppler data. See also April 2009 APS meeting presentation abstract on a quantized metric .
The cosmological spherical symmetry background metric coefficient (g_44=) g_oo= 1-2GM/(c^2)r can be inserted into a Dirac equation sum(sqr(g_ii)gamma^idpsi/dx_i)-wpsi. This equation is by construction generally covariant and includes g_oo. The spin of this cosmological Dirac object is nearly unobservable due to inertial frame dragging and has rotational L(L+1) dep and oscillatory ep interactions with external objects at distance away r>>10^10 LY. The inside and outside frequencies w match at the boundary allowing the outside metric eigenvalues to propagate inside. To include the correct 3 lepton masses in this Dirac equation we must use ansatz g_oo= exp(i2ep+i2dep) with ep=.06, dep=.00058. For local metric effects our ansatz is g_oo= exp(idep). Here the metric coefficient g_oo levels off to the quantized value exp(idep) in the galaxy halo: g_oo=1-2GM/rc^2-> rel(exp(idep)=cos(dep)= 1-(dep)^2/2 ->(dep)^2/2=2GM/rc^2 for this circular motion v^2/r=GM/r^2=c^2(dep)^2/4r ->v^2 =c^2(dep)^2/4 =87km/sec)^2 =100km/sec)^2. So the metric acts to quantize v. Note also there is rotational energy quantization for the dep rotational states that goes as: (L(L+1)) proportional to ½mv^2 ->sqr(L(L+1)) proportional to v v. Thus differences in v are proportional to L, L being an integer. Therefore dv = kL so v = 1k, v = 2k, v = 3k, v = 4k…. v=N (the above =100km/sec) with dark matter then not required to give these high halo velocities. Recent nearby galaxy Doppler halo velocity data strongly support this velocity quantization result.


Isn't it great how you learn about these groundbreaking discoveries on an internet forum?

What "recently discovered quantization of galactic stellar halo velocities"? Can you provide a link to a paper on the arXiv for that? Discovery of the metric being quantized on macroscopic scales would be huge - and somehow no one in the physics world has heard of it. Interesting.

Also, you have yet to support your claim that Lambda CDM is inconsistent, just that you and some dude with a website have a different explanation for the data. Lambda CDM has been stunningly successful, not just in explaining galactic light curves but in reproducing cosmic structure and a wide range of observed phenomena in galaxy formation.

What is the "cosmological spherical symmetry background metric"? Why would the cosmological background be described, as you're doing it, using Schwarzschild, rather than FRW? Also, your notation is unclear - by g_44 do you mean the time-time metric component? What the hell is a g_oo? Make sure you define your coordinate system so we can follow along.

Your post is filled with what looks like badly translated TeX. I can't read half of the equations you wrote, so I hope you will understand that I have not a clue what's going on in them. For example, in the first sentence you mention a Dirac equation which is completely illegible (are your exponents running into your derivatives, or something?), and seems to lack an equals sign, making it a very strange equation indeed. Is there a paper you can point me to that concisely and unambiguously makes the points you're trying to get across?


>Isn't it great how you learn about these groundbreaking discoveries on an internet forum?
So what.
>and somehow no one in the physics world has heard of it. Interesting.
I have. Recent doppler data on nearby galactic halo velocities strongly supports this.
>Also, you have yet to support your claim that Lambda CDM is inconsistent, just that you and some dude with a website >have a different explanation for the data.
No he doesn't. That is your claim.
>Lambda CDM has been stunningly successful,
Not if there is solid evidence of metric-velocity quantization which apparently you will never look at even though the information was given to you in the previous post. See section 23.4 of that site. It contains a lot of literature references.
On the metric of that new pde you mentioned you can read chapter 1.
>Your post is filled with what looks like badly translated TeX.
I tried.

Hi Meteor Wayne!


FractalDirac stated:
Recently discovered quantization of galactic stellar halo velocities imply a quantized metric.

This would be pretty amazing.

Recent doppler data on nearby galactic halo velocities strongly supports this.

Please post a link or show this data - that would go a long way to supporting your position.

And welcome to SDC


Yes, and please do so quickly before this thread is split and moved elsewhere.


FractalDirac - it's interesting how you conveniently ignored all the questions I asked you pertaining to the actual "science" you posted. That's quite a way of arguing. In fact, great physicists never respond to questions asked about their claims - they just say "go read my paper again." Well done.


I went to the site and looked at section 24.4 for the doppler data. All I can say is, that is the most extensive and thorough cherry picking of data to fit a curve, that I have every seen. That section alone absolutely convices me that you have not got a leg to stand on. Not to mention even if the climate data was correct it does not prove your conjecture.


>cherry Picking, ch.24
You got the wrong chapter fella. It was Figure 23-6 in chapter 23:
NGC 2841 at ~300km/sec
NGC 1097, NGC 1512, NGC 1566 , NGC 3351, NGC 3627, NGC 4254, NGC 4450, NGC 4736, NGC 4826, NGC 5033, Milky way all ~200km/sec, to with SD of 5%. Also NGC 24, NGC 337, NGC 4559, NGC 4254 all ~100km/sec
Taking these 3 (of about 20) out is not cherry picking. We are talking about halo stars, not hub stars.
Figures 23-7, 23-8, 23-9 the same goes with the asymptotes appearing to give exact quantization.
No way can dark matter mimic such an effect and we can do it with a quantized metric (in the context of that new pde) with no need for free parameters. This is strong, solid data.
If you say this is "cherry picking" you must be stark raving mad (3 left out of 20 out because the halo was not visible?!). I venture to say there was not a smidgen of cherry picking here. Those numbers on the vertical axis are not my numbers. The halos velocities level off to these values. Others such my dark matter expert friend have looked at these values, noticed this quantization. He was the one that in fact found this study.
You seem to be in some other realm.

Chapter 24 requires chapter 23, which you didn't look at. There are a lot of speculations in chapter 24, the end of the book, it hints at new metric change consequences. At the ends of books are were speculations go. I am leaving ch.24 in that book (even after reading your nasty comments).
Chapters 1 -23 are not speculative.
You refuse to even read that data in chapter 23, section 23.4
So what you said is absolute nonsense.


>cherry Picking, ch.24
You got the wrong chapter fella. It was Figure 23-6 in chapter 23:
NGC 2841 at ~300km/sec
NGC 1097, NGC 1512, NGC 1566 , NGC 3351, NGC 3627, NGC 4254, NGC 4450, NGC 4736, NGC 4826, NGC 5033, Milky way all ~200km/sec, to with SD of 5%. Also NGC 24, NGC 337, NGC 4559, NGC 4254 all ~100km/sec
Taking these 3 (of about 20) out is not cherry picking. We are talking about halo stars, not hub stars.
Figures 23-7, 23-8, 23-9 the same goes with the asymptotes appearing to give exact quantization.
No way can dark matter mimic such an effect and we can do it with a quantized metric (in the context of that new pde) with no need for free parameters. This is strong, solid data.
If you say this is "cherry picking" you must be stark raving mad (3 left out of 20 out because the halo was not visible?!). I venture to say there was not a smidgen of cherry picking here. Those numbers on the vertical axis are not my numbers. The halos velocities level off to these values. Others such my dark matter expert friend have looked at these values, noticed this quantization. He was the one that in fact found this study.
You seem to be in some other realm.

Chapter 24 requires chapter 23, which you didn't look at. There are a lot of speculations in chapter 24, the end of the book, it hints at new metric change consequences. At the ends of books are were speculations go. I am leaving ch.24 in that book (even after reading your nasty comments).
Chapters 1 -23 are not speculative.
You refuse to even read that data in chapter 23, section 23.4
So what you said is absolute nonsense.


Here's another reason why scientists believe a large percentage of the universe is made up of dark non-baryonic matter. It comes down to how much deuterium is detected in space. There's too much of it to account for the mass that is detected.

During the first few minutes after the Big Bang, the stage was set for helium to be synthesized, and that happened only when the energy levels in the universe were low enough for deuterium to survive. Deuterium is the isotope of hydrogen that has one neutron and one proton, and most of it got locked up in helium nuclei. A small amount of deuterium remained free, and that amount is predicted to be a certain percentage of the universe made up of baryons (neutrons and protons).*

However, it was discovered that there is too much deuterium in the universe. For the amount of observed mass based on the movement of galaxies, there should be less of it. That puts a limit on how much dark baryonic matter there can be in the universe. In other words, there is a limit on how much regular matter that is unseen (like brown dwarfs, planets, dust, and black holes formed from normal matter), that can exist as a percentage of the total universe, based on the amount of deuterium detected. More baryonic matter results in less deuterium. That means the remaining matter is something else: Dark non-baryonic matter.

When observations indicate a certain percentage of matter is dark, and additional observations indicate much of that dark matter must be a different form of matter, it's easier to understand why most scientists have adopted this view of the universe.

* Source: The Extravagant Universe by Robert P. Kirshner


FractalDirac":3lfupr2h said:
>cherry Picking, ch.24
You got the wrong chapter fella. It was Figure 23-6 in chapter 23:
NGC 2841 at ~300km/sec
NGC 1097, NGC 1512, NGC 1566 , NGC 3351, NGC 3627, NGC 4254, NGC 4450, NGC 4736, NGC 4826, NGC 5033, Milky way all ~200km/sec, to with SD of 5%. Also NGC 24, NGC 337, NGC 4559, NGC 4254 all ~100km/sec
Taking these 3 (of about 20) out is not cherry picking. We are talking about halo stars, not hub stars.
Figures 23-7, 23-8, 23-9 the same goes with the asymptotes appearing to give exact quantization.
No way can dark matter mimic such an effect and we can do it with a quantized metric (in the context of that new pde) with no need for free parameters. This is strong, solid data.
If you say this is "cherry picking" you must be stark raving mad (3 left out of 20 out because the halo was not visible?!). I venture to say there was not a smidgen of cherry picking here. Those numbers on the vertical axis are not my numbers. The halos velocities level off to these values. Others such my dark matter expert friend have looked at these values, noticed this quantization. He was the one that in fact found this study.
You seem to be in some other realm.

Chapter 24 requires chapter 23, which you didn't look at. There are a lot of speculations in chapter 24, the end of the book, it hints at new metric change consequences. At the ends of books are were speculations go. I am leaving ch.24 in that book (even after reading your nasty comments).
Chapters 1 -23 are not speculative.
You refuse to even read that data in chapter 23, section 23.4
So what you said is absolute nonsense.

Can you clarify where those data in Fig. 23-6 are coming from? The reference seems to have a couple of typos (journal name and date of publication) but it looks like it's referring to this paper:

However, I'm not sure where you're getting the data in your Fig. 23-6 from. I don't see a plot like that in the paper (in fact, since there seems to be no x-axis, those data would likely be plotted by astronomers as a histogram, which I don't see anywhere), and it isn't clear to me where the numbers are coming from either. A few galaxies have full rotation curves plotted in the paper but not all, and I don't see a table listing each galaxy's maximal rotation speed. Can you please clarify where these numbers are coming from?

Also, I'd echo origin's concerns about cherry-picking: your plot has 16 galaxies, but the paper presents data for 37. Where are the other 21 galaxies? If your theory is right, they should line up right along those lines, and statistically within error.

Note that it's also very suspicious that there are no error bars plotted on your Fig. 23-6. I don't care how good the observations are, there will be noticeable errors on these radial velocity measurements.


Dear Echo,
Looking for mistakes that aren't there again. Your buddy ramparts can't even get the chapter right, doesn't know a goo from a g44. I suspect, in your desperate attempt to rationalize the unrationalizable (i.e.,dark matter), this nasty little exchange of ours is going to go on until the next millenium.

I used the graphs at the end of the paper (found those pretty Doppler figures elsewhere). Fit those horizontal lines within the error bars in the figures, so the error bars were in fact used. Put that 5% spread in on the right side(you missed that one). There are 16 graphs at the end of that paper. Got it, 16 (remember that number now).
Added 2 galaxies I had graphs for in fig. 23-5, one being the Milky Way. I took out 2 galaxies from those 16 graphs, DD054 and NGC7793 because they clearly are galaxy nonhalo graphs, not halo. This is a halo study after all. So of a total of 18 galaxies available to find that halo flat line I took out two. Got it, TWO out 18. Note this is a study of nearby galaxies for which the halo is visible, could not do this with distant galaxies. Well, two of those these galaxies apparently were distant enough for the halo to be too dim. So there was not an iota of cherry picking here (I feel like screaming this).
I need to point out that the principle source of error is in determining galaxy orientation. The doppler only gives radial velocity. So what spread there is (lets say in the 200km/sec bunch) is entirely understood. The quantization effect then could be exact in the halo! In that regard the most impressive data for me are those Doppler images, the quantization effect does indeed appear to be EXACT in the assymptotes! Note how the assymptotes flatten out and the km/sec numbers they flatten out too.
Figure 23-6 is essentially a list, I simply wanted to put the NCG designation in with the velocity designated somewhere, seemed to be an okay thing to do. So your question about an "x axis" here is a nonsecutar as well.

The irony for me here is that a (neutralino) dark matter expert , he was one of you, found this SING stuff by doing exactly what you are doing, trying to debunk the UNdebunkable. I would not have even known about the SINGs nearby galaxy study if it hadn't been for him (it's pretty new anyway, 2008). He was trying to bebunk the implications of my new pde. Didn't.

That new pde allows for this quantization. It is a generally covariant generalization of the Dirac equation that does not require gauges or renormalization (the precision QED is done other ways here), given the general covariance its got this metric term attached to its kinetic component. That metric term carries the masses of three particles, tauon, muon and electron as background (metric) contributions. Normalize out everything but goo= 1+electron here (the normalized out part does play a role on the much larger scale of those great walls) and equate in the halo with the Schwarschild metric, use the centripetal force equation here also, then get the v=87km/sec. Include the contribution of galaxy mass, man you then come close to that 100km/sec. You actually do then have a quantum mechanical equation giving you a quantized metric!!!! Cool. Note we did not need any free parameters either.
This makes perfect sense. Your pathological rationalizations such as of those dark matter cloud shapes does not.


Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to say I'm still here and the question was posted as follows

Hi Everyone. I'm new here to post but have been reading many of the post and enjoy them! Here my question or questions regarding dark matter. I just finish reading the article on this site "Dark Halo Around Our Galaxy Looks Like Squished Beach Ball" and in the article it mentions that the "Over 70 percent of the mass of most galaxies, including the Milky Way, is thought to be made up of this elusive material" My question is if this is true then why aren't our planets, and earth, not effective by Dark matter? Did our Sun and planets clear the dark matter out when forming? If not would not a space craft (robotic, man flight) had been affected? Thanks, PaulWoggles

Hi everyone I think I posted this in the wrong location lol. Thanks Flat and Smersh!!

I do think debate is great! I really do. If you who like start a new thread that be great. ok ok I admitted Way over my head!! lol

Just want to sat thanks guy I luv the debate, isn't that we human are really? Questionires!


Woggles":2q9icyc5 said:
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to say I'm still here and the question was posted as follows

Hi Everyone. I'm new here to post but have been reading many of the post and enjoy them! Here my question or questions regarding dark matter. I just finish reading the article on this site "Dark Halo Around Our Galaxy Looks Like Squished Beach Ball" and in the article it mentions that the "Over 70 percent of the mass of most galaxies, including the Milky Way, is thought to be made up of this elusive material" My question is if this is true then why aren't our planets, and earth, not effective by Dark matter? Did our Sun and planets clear the dark matter out when forming? If not would not a space craft (robotic, man flight) had been affected? Thanks, PaulWoggles

Hi everyone I think I posted this in the wrong location lol. Thanks Flat and Smersh!!

I do think debate is great! I really do. If you who like start a new thread that be great. ok ok I admitted Way over my head!! lol

Just want to sat thanks guy I luv the debate, isn't that we human are really? Questionires!
Hello Paul. As you can see, debate on this subject can get emotional.

Theoretically, nonbaryonic dark matter only weakly interacts with regular (baryonic) matter. It is believed that dark matter is all around us, and was not cleared out by the Sun or planets. Also, it is believed to be in the form of subatomic particles, rather than exist in massive clumps.

Your question is valid! How it could constitute most of the mass of galaxies, produce gravity that holds them together as they spin, yet not interact with baryonic matter, is a mystery. My hope is for the dark matter solution to one day go away. :)


If I eat cuban black beans will I blow dark ones that will diss all the rules of Physics. I don't think so. I think the answer to dark matter lies in congealed antimatter sequestered away in galactic cores, or as in the previous post something subatomic with an electron/positron base mass.
The analogy of the galaxy looking like a sqashed beach ball is incorrect. its actually a teardrop shape. The local cluster of galaxies is being drawn by what is called the Great Attractor. Its similar to what is known as a BL Lacertae object, but way more massive. Its on the other side of the galaxy so no one really knows the true shape of the Milky Way. Our sister galaxies all share the same pull in the same direction. Around 10 years ago some one was toying with the facts & discovered( by G lensing or something) that the Great Attractor is actual bound in orbit around another object now termed the Super Attractor. To dig in to this takes extreme perserverence because they called Pres Regan the Great Attractor back then & thus all queries on the hatchling Internet led to him. The Great Attractor is the osterizer. The Super Attractor eats all & leaves nothing behind.


FractalDirac":3bqhiaiw said:
Dear Echo,
Looking for mistakes that aren't there again. Your buddy ramparts can't even get the chapter right, doesn't know a goo from a g44. I suspect, in your desperate attempt to rationalize the unrationalizable (i.e.,dark matter), this nasty little exchange of ours is going to go on until the next millenium.

lol. Dude. Do you want to respond to my questions instead of insulting me in response to someone else? No, g_oo and g_44 are things that you define. I want to know what definitions you're using. Sometimes g_44 is the time-time metric component, sometimes it's g_00 (is that the same as g_oo for you?). If you have both g_44 and g_00, then you're discussing a five-dimensional spacetime, which is an assumption I certainly haven't seen you mention, and is helpful to know.

I used the graphs at the end of the paper (found those pretty Doppler figures elsewhere). Fit those horizontal lines within the error bars in the figures, so the error bars were in fact used. Put that 5% spread in on the right side(you missed that one). There are 16 graphs at the end of that paper. Got it, 16 (remember that number now).
Added 2 galaxies I had graphs for in fig. 23-5, one being the Milky Way. I took out 2 galaxies from those 16 graphs, DD054 and NGC7793 because they clearly are galaxy nonhalo graphs, not halo. This is a halo study after all. So of a total of 18 galaxies available to find that halo flat line I took out two. Got it, TWO out 18. Note this is a study of nearby galaxies for which the halo is visible, could not do this with distant galaxies. Well, two of those these galaxies apparently were distant enough for the halo to be too dim. So there was not an iota of cherry picking here (I feel like screaming this).

Don't scream it, dude. That's not how science is done. Respond to your questions calmly and rationally. In fact, I see exactly what you did here. You picked out the 16 galaxies from the plots at the end of the paper. I missed that there were 16 there; thanks for pointing that out.

Your views are, erm, outside the mainstream. Presumably you're trying to convince people that you're right. Being combative and rude every time someone questions you, saying "got it" all the time as if we're idiots, and getting mad every time you're disagreed with is not the way to convince anybody.

This is my last post in response to you if you're going to continue to be aggressive and rude. If you're willing to have a respectful debate over the science, I'm more than happy to continue.

My question about the errors, however, remain. Look at NGC 3627. Within 1 sigma it could easily have a rotational velocity anywhere from 150 to 250 km/s. That should be reflected on your plot, yet you have a horizontal line with its name sitting contentedly right at 200 km/s, with a little note saying "+/- 5%". There is clearly more error than that, and it behooves you to be more honest about that. Honesty is admired in science, rarely do data perfectly fit predictions, and that doesn't make the predictions wrong. But when people make the data work with the predictions by, say, omitting 1 sigma errors, that generally sends off alarm bells for science. So again, I'll strongly recommend that you add error bars to your plot.

I need to point out that the principle source of error is in determining galaxy orientation. The doppler only gives radial velocity. So what spread there is (lets say in the 200km/sec bunch) is entirely understood. The quantization effect then could be exact in the halo! In that regard the most impressive data for me are those Doppler images, the quantization effect does indeed appear to be EXACT in the assymptotes! Note how the assymptotes flatten out and the km/sec numbers they flatten out too.
Figure 23-6 is essentially a list, I simply wanted to put the NCG designation in with the velocity designated somewhere, seemed to be an okay thing to do. So your question about an "x axis" here is a nonsecutar as well.

The x-axis thing wasn't a criticism, I was just pointing out that astronomers generally wouldn't plot data like that using that type of plot. When there's an x-axis, it should have a value, and if you were to plot these data as a histogram showing strong peaks at 100, 200, and 300 km/s, say, that would be very convincing. It's not a criticism, but a friendly note in case you ever do want to try to convince scientists.

The irony for me here is that a (neutralino) dark matter expert , he was one of you, found this SING stuff by doing exactly what you are doing, trying to debunk the UNdebunkable. I would not have even known about the SINGs nearby galaxy study if it hadn't been for him (it's pretty new anyway, 2008). He was trying to bebunk the implications of my new pde. Didn't.

That new pde allows for this quantization. It is a generally covariant generalization of the Dirac equation that does not require gauges or renormalization (the precision QED is done other ways here), given the general covariance its got this metric term attached to its kinetic component. That metric term carries the masses of three particles, tauon, muon and electron as background (metric) contributions. Normalize out everything but goo= 1+electron here (the normalized out part does play a role on the much larger scale of those great walls) and equate in the halo with the Schwarschild metric, use the centripetal force equation here also, then get the v=87km/sec. Include the contribution of galaxy mass, man you then come close to that 100km/sec. You actually do then have a quantum mechanical equation giving you a quantized metric!!!! Cool. Note we did not need any free parameters either.
This makes perfect sense. Your pathological rationalizations such as of those dark matter cloud shapes does not.

Alright, can you please clarify what you're doing here, briefly? The above description was useful but, of course, missing a lot, and without some more details it's hard to see what you're doing. I've skimmed your book but frankly, I don't have time to read a 100-page manifesto without having a real motivation to do so (which would be being convinced by you that there's something to this). So see this as an opportunity to show how well-motivated this work is so I actually do want to take the time out of my day to read this whole thing.

I know you think I'm an idiot for asking this, but again, please explain what g_oo refers to. Is it the same as g_00? If that's the case, how is that different from g_44 - i.e., which one is the time-time component (and then what is the other one)?

Why are you using the Schwarzschild metric? Is that supposed to describe the spacetime around these galaxies?


Dear Cuban Beans and Echo,
>If I eat cuban black beans will I blow dark ones that will diss all the rules of Physics. I don't think so
Expected a lot of this kind of thing in response to this blog. Dark matter people are so smart.

>without some more details it's hard to see what you're doing.
I discovered a generally covariant generalization of the Dirac equation that does not require gauges or renormalization. That QED precision is gotten in other ways (sec.17.4). If you read the forewards to my book by other physicists you will see that Dirac himself thought his equation needed modification and this is such a modification. He advised other physicists to go this route in the very last paper he wrote. I did. The general covariance introduces that background metric term into this new equation allowing a deep understanding of those halo velocity curves as well as a lot of other stuff that Dirac was concerned with.

It can't be hard to see what I am doing: I am applying just ONE equation(that new pde), that's it.

>goo and g44
Some books on general relativity use goo instead of g44 as the time metric component (for diagonalized metric at least).
Apparently you took GR using g44. I prefere g44 as well, but my tensor analysis instructor prefered goo, got me in the habit too.
> error bars
Figures 23-4, 23-5, 23-7and 23-9 strongly imply a horizontal line fit on those velocity vs radial distance (curves) from the center of galaxy graphs in the halo.
So we are allowed to pick a best fit horizontal line!! I showed how I did this in figure 23-4, note the horizontal line drawn in there, smack down the middle of those error bars. So I looked again at my best fit line on NCG 3627 that you mentioned, the best fit is just about smack dab right on 200km/sec! I am doing best fits in 23-6, okay. I could have done error bars like you said on each galaxy but felt the error should also be reflected in the scatter. Seemed redundant, the scatter in the best fit should be enough. In any case that strong 200km/sec halo speed is striking just in looking at the graphs themselves as in 23-5 and the others, don't even look at my stuff. There a few hundreds(km/sec) and three hundreds as well. There are a few, as I said, that do not level off anywhere and I am not using these (as I said). Anyway of the ones that do level off the 200km/sec and 300km/sec and 100km/sec tendency is striking. See again Figure 23-5.
But the most spectacular results are in figures 23-7, 23-8, 23-9. (I noticed you have avoided those). Given the strong hint of metric quantization in the early figures you see the (halo) assymptotes here going off to exact values.
This strongly hints that this quantization effect is exact.
So we have a quantum mechanics equation (that new pde) giving a quantized metric, and with the background metric associated with that electron mass. So there are no free parameters! It all makes perfect sense(dirac equation, electron, quantization,...). Fits together wonderfully. Those dark matter (which should be in chaotic motion like everything else) shape fitting pathologies to get those flat halo velocity distributions actually do not make any sense at all.
>deuterium abundance
By the way mr cuban beans the Fermi observatory satellite discovered a gamma ray haze near the Milky Way galaxy hub. Apparently it cannot be neutralino created positron-electron annhilation since that effect is too weak (to have created this haze). But you know these guys, in response they have recently invented a new dark matter force to get a better fit (will that then change that deuterium abundance requirement!?).
So indeed dark matter may not exist, but they are going to make it exist anyway!
In my own opinion dark matter is going to be "discovered" alright,
whether it exists or not.


FractalDirac":wao6jhx1 said:
So indeed dark matter may not exist, but they are going to make it exist anyway!
In my own opinion dark matter is going to be "discovered" alright,
whether it exists or not.

I am enjoying the debate very much. Wow over my head but learning!!!

I highlight this quote and was just wondering is this something really goes on in science today? Making things fit in a way?. I'm sure FractalDirac, if you did not mean it as I had read it, but is sounds like science fudges the number make thing fit. I Guess in another way isn't that like lying?


I have one question for you. Why do you refer to Woggles as Echo? :?


Okay, my non-astrophysicist understanding of Dark Matter mysteries include the following:

The stuff does interact graviationally with galaxies.
Strangely, it does not seem to gravitaionally condense toward the center of galaxies; rather, it hangs out beyond the visible parts of galaxies.
Dark Matter is supposed to not have ordinary electro magnetic properties.

Could this combination of properties be explained by invoking diamagnetism in ordinary matter?

Even water is mildly diamagnetic; being repelled by magnetic fields. Carbon Whiskers formed during SuperNova explosions and around hot young stars have been proposed as having properties sufficient to absorb enough infrared light to account for the apparent expansion of the universe explained by "Dark Energy". Pyrolytic Graphite is highly diamagnetic, perhaps all these carbon whiskers are also diamagnetic? And, what is "darker" than microscopic carbon bits?

I read more and more about evidence of a general galactic magnetic field. Our Sun certainly has a magnetic field. Such fields would repel a cloud/halo of surrounding dark diamagnetic otherwise-ordinary baryonic matter, while the visible and invisible mass of the galaxy would attract.



To repeat myself 'over and over' (sounds redundant doesn't it?).
In the SINGs nearby galaxies survey:
NGC 24 levels off after 3kpc, 100km/sec being a darned good fit for the line after that.
NGC 337 keeps climbing(no line fit possible)
NGC 1097 good line fit at 220km/sec
NGC 1512 using available data after 3kpc best fit at 220km/sec
NGC 1566 190km/sec good fit
NGC 2841 good fit at 320 km/sec
NGC 3551 that’s figure23-4 and fits pretty much right on 200km/sec.
NGC 3627 levels off after 3kpc with 200km/sec being best fit.
NGC 5254 is level between 3 and 14kpc at 180km/sec
NGC 4450 and NGC 4559 are climbing
NGC 4736 has level data between .5 and 2kpc and is pretty much right on 200km/sec
If you plot these v fits in the way I did you get my figure 23-6 with that 100km/sec quantization
staring you in the face!

Also above in figure 23-5
UGC385 levels at 310km/sec
NGC 801 levels off at 210km/sec
NGC 7541, NGC2998 appear to be starting to level at 200km/sec (But are cuttof).
I also noticed tight error bars in the MAJORITY of the cases mr rampart smarty pants.
Quantization at 100km/sec, 200km/sec, 300km/sec looks goooood, looks solid baby.
Kicken mainstream tail here and lovin it.

This is all fine and dandy but the icing on the cake is in figures 23-7, 23-8, 23-9.
The Doppler asymptotes appear to go to single (flat) values: The quantization appears to be exact!!!!

So just use a generally covariant generalization of the Dirac equation. With the general covariance comes the metric,
with the Dirac equation comes the metric quantization. beeuuutiiifuuul.

Such a equation is useful in other ways by the way:
It doesn't require the renormalization infinities, the QED precision is gotten in other ways (sect.3.1, 17.4, ch.18).
In domain r=rH you get that the 2P3/2 state fills first, gives trifolium shape with charge e spending 1/3 time in each lobe (so e/3 fractionally charged lobes) on average. The lobes can't leave (assymptotic freedom), there are 6 P states (6 flavors), P wave scattering (jets). etc..hey all the results of QCD without the numerous assumptions of QCD(nonabelian A in commutator added to F^munu field, SU(3) gauge, gcoupling values, etc.), without any NEW assumptions at all in fact: just solve the new pde in its respective r domains; all there is to it (see

Anyway, cuba beans doesn't like new physics but if you can throw away 99% of the old assumptions of the old physics and remove the many pathologies as well and get the same (experimental) results you should look again.
Take that cuba beans!

Need to respond to deuterium also:
If quantization gives those high halo stellar speeds then we can return to a high neutrino nonbaryonic component. Neutrinos were ruled out originally because they can't be held in a galaxy gravity well. So here that is not needed.
So the universe could have exploded (or rebounded in this case) at about ~60million Km smallest size, just enough volume to hold all the (~10^81) baryons at ~1Fermi center to center separation with neutrinos being the principle component of the emitted energy just as for supernovae. In that regard baryons give a hard shell (e.g., Van der Waals type) liquid equation of state (e.g.,BNL 100GeV gold-gold collisions).Liquid being Incrompessible. Integrate my equation e^u/(1-coshu)=dr/r (equation 2.1) from r= 60million km to get the equation for expansion from this volume.

What ever happened to my buddy echo? I have been listening for him.
See yu

PS. Hey dark side, I have work to do, need to keep this job. See you later.
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