1. Is it possible to have bright light without heat? I'm talking light bright enough to make you look away.
We have noted effect of wavelength.
2. Could light (theoretically) carry a virus; even oversaturation of vitamin D? I need light to make someone sick, if possible.
We have a suggestion.
3. Let's assume a being of pure light existed. Could this being (essentially light) be infected with something from us - say a cold?
We have a suggestion.
4. This one is a SF stretch for sure (as they all are), could light be made to move faster than light?
Not in a credible way, if basic science is to be preserved.
I think we need to hear from Dave, as to whether he has enough for his book, or whether there are outstanding questions?
Neptune is being discussed in another thread.
Hello. I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question, or even if Space.com is the right venue, but as they say, you miss every shot you don't take, so here goes. By the way, this is for a story that I'm writing.
1. Is it possible to have bright light without heat? I'm talking light bright enough to make you look away.
2. Could light (theoretically) carry a virus; even oversaturation of vitamin D? I need light to make someone sick, if possible.
3. Let's assume a being of pure light existed. Could this being (essentially light) be infected with something from us - say a cold?
4. This one is a SF stretch for sure (as they all are), could light be made to move faster than light?
Please keep in mind that I'm assuming some writers privilege on the science here.
Thanx for any input.
"but if anyone is interested, I can post a link to this story (when done) on wattpad, where I have several of my stories for free."Ok, A couple of posts I did not see upon returning and catching up. I’ve not used a Forum like this before and did not realize that a 4th page had further posts!
@Lariliss - Thank you for the input - I'm digesting now
@iconoclastmax - Hello and good day to you. Please remember that I'm not a scientist; I'm a retired law enforcement officer that writes stories as a hobby. I came here to improve my knowledge in an area where I’m very weak. I probably have a skill or 2 that you lack, and if you asked me for help, I would not be rude, I would help like Cat and the others here. I do appreciate your knowledge.
@Cat. I could not write while I was gone, but I'm back at it now. The story is coming along nicely, and if it were not for my trips would probably be done by now. Most of what's left is related to my questions here. I sell my stories on Amazon, but if anyone is interested, I can post a link to this story (when done) on wattpad, where I have several of my stories for free. (Just if anyone is curious how tips here have played into the story). That's also the reason I've tried to dance around what is going to happen
I’m going to reread this thread and see if I can work it out. Like I said, my audience is not for men of your knowledge, so I will be fudging some.
The distance of Neptune from Earth is currently 4,360,553,139 kilometers, equivalent to 29.148497 Astronomical Units. Light takes 4 hours, 2 minutes and 25.2396 seconds to travel from Neptune and arrive to us.
If you went at 0.1c, It would take you 4,360,553,139 km divided by 30,000 km/sec OR approx 4,361 million divided by 30,000 seconds = 2423 minutes or 40.38 hours. You don't need all those decimal places to get an approximate answer. At 0,01c - which should not be too difficult, you could be looking at 400 hours, plus a little bit for acceleration and deceleration. You could use a much simpler vessel if this helps the story. Using these small fractions of c will get rid of a lot of problems, if that fits the story.300,000 km/sec
If there is any interest, please do so via private messages. Do not link to you stories in the public forums.I sell my stories on Amazon, but if anyone is interested, I can post a link to this story (when done) on wattpad, where I have several of my stories for free.
You could try having your being made of light of a particular frequency (such as colour). You could arrange a gadget - designed or accidental - which changes the light to uv or ir. Tell us what properties you need. The being, changing 'colour=frequency' could cease to exist, being changed in to a different frequency. Then this frequency could pass through matter (like neutrinos) and dissipate. I can't think right this minute how to do that. Stretching it a bit, perhaps the light energy could pass through a 'black (magic) box' which turned the light energy into neutrinos, which just dissipated away. Light being would be a 'gonna' though. No reconstruction.
I'm getting closer to leaving you fine gentlemen alone, however:
It is difficult to imagine a light beam picking something up. It might hit a surface which changes the frequency - maybe light energy is reflected or re-transmitted at a different frequency. A light beam cannot really carry anything material. Come on, Dave, this is fiction - which is why it is causing scientists problems.Any ideas on what the alien could take to accomplish this?