Question Radiation

Is there a way to harness natural radiation and use it to cure diseases
No. Radiation that is used to "cure" diseases is concentrated and focused to destroy unwanted tissue. There are relatively easy and inexpensive ways to obtain those sources. Natural radiation is one of the culprits that causes mutations, which cause various diseases. Natural radiation is also one of the mechanisms that nature used in evolution to create the vast array of life on Earth from one single celled organism. It probably even created that organism.
Nov 25, 2019
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No. Radiation that is used to "cure" diseases is concentrated and focused to destroy unwanted tissue. There are relatively easy and inexpensive ways to obtain those sources. Natural radiation is one of the culprits that causes mutations, which cause various diseases. Natural radiation is also one of the mechanisms that nature used in evolution to create the vast array of life on Earth from one single celled organism. It probably even created that organism.
So what you're saying is it destroys unwanted tissue right? So if I had leprosy radiation would help me right?
So what you're saying is it destroys unwanted tissue right? So if I had leprosy radiation would help me right?
It might. If the disease in the body were halted somehow, then focused radiation might be able to prevent the spread of the damaged tissue. Radiation in Nature is not focused and would kill all the tissue in your body. The key word is focused. There is no way to capture natural radiation and use it that way.
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Dec 11, 2019
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So begs to question why they use chemo radiation to try to kill cancer? I assume it is a big way to make big money. Especially since it rarely works. I know a few people that got cancer and not long after the chemo they died because their insides began to fall apart.
Jan 7, 2020
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So what you're saying is it destroys unwanted tissue right? So if I had leprosy radiation would help me right?
Let me put it like this. Radiation is kinda the atoms of your body being struck, with a chance to knock loose electrons, and no real way to control what is damaged and what is not. This can damage, kill and cause mutations in the cells/DNA. It is not very effective at anything, except killing you by destroying your DNA and I am not sure how fast it speeds that up. You lose actual time (get closer to dying and not the smoke a cigarette and you lose 10 min way) when your DNA starts getting destroyed, you cannot fix it, especially once your body loses the info.
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Jan 9, 2020
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In a sense it has been in practice, infrared is used wholistically in heat lamps to break up tight muscle fibers. X-ray radiation is short-wave radiation exploited by man used in cancer cells. Anything else would be too extreme. UV light is used to degrade waste & bacteria but also causes cancer.

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