Rare primordial gas may be leaking out of Earth's core

An interesting report on He-3 leaking. Reference paper, Primordial Helium-3 Exchange Between Earth's Core and Mantle, https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2021GC009985, 28-Mar-2022. "Abstract Volatiles from the solar nebula are known to be present in Earth's deep mantle..."

My observation. The explanation of leaking He-3 uses the BB event to create an abundance, and then billions of years later, the solar nebula (mass and composition must be determined) has He-3 and the proto-earth forms inside the nebula capturing much He-3. Later Theia hits the proto-earth and removes more He-3 so the calculation of abundance of He-3 in Earth depends upon assumptions and defining parameters like this accurately. Do we see He-3 leaking out of Mars for example? Venus?

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