Regarding Robot RMP article and Funding !!

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After reading about the research regarding the Robotic Mobility Platform and how various institutions are wasting money focusing on soccer playing rather than how robots can best be used to produce usable resources on the moon--It is unfortunate that we cannot get the various groups involved (NASA, DARPA, Carnegie Mellon, etc.) to focus on the immediate concerns of space repair and lunar manufacturing. <br /><br />I also think that the constant focus of robotics on science/soccer rather than lunar material processing is hurting all three! We could increase the amount of science conducted IF FIRST we focus on the technology and engineering for robotic materials processing (another RMP). We haven't even got a robotic tug that can go out to the Hubble to repair it, let alone produce lunar processing facilities. <br /><br />WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE LEADERS IN THIS COUNTRY? <br />ARE THEY UNABLE TO SEE THE POSSIBILITIES IF WE JUST ENABLE TELEROBOTICS (AND AI IS NOT EVEN NEEDED FOR THIS) TO WORK FOR US. The moon is a mere 2 seconds away by telemetry speed and geosynchronous orbit is less than that. With remote operators at the controls RIGHT NOW we could be directing robots on the moon to explore, find materials, experiment with processing for various materials, and begin to create the infrastructure for a lunar or L1/L5 based colony. <br /><br />ASK YOURSELVES:<br />Why aren't we there already????????
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