You can certainly augment a rocket engine with external air, but just puting fuel in the airstream won't work; the air has to be compressed by a ramjet-type intake duct so that it can expand again to yield thrust. <br /><br />Regarding the question of reusability, if our objective is just to fly a few missions and then can the program, then there's no point in putting together a reusable system because it has a higher development cost. This is the way the currrent "Our job is to fly four missions a year" NASA thinks. But if we see our job as to develop the technology that will make human spaceflight practical for somebody other than a handful of thrill-seeking billionairs, then minimizing the cost of flying a very limited number of missions is irrelevant. We must develop a reusable system because an expendable can NEVER achieve low operating cost, therefore it CANNOT achieve the goal. <br /><br />Of course the shuttle didn't accomplish this, but it was our first attempt, designed before we had ANY flight experience with reusable systems, and (in an unforgivable moment of hubris) was designed on paper in final form with no prototypes or develomental demonstrators. The total cost for all the fuel (i.e. energy) is well under 1% of the mission cost. Jetliners of similar complexity have a fuel cost of at least 60% of mission cost, and there's no physical reason why a reusable launch vehicle couldn't approach this. Giving up on reusable spacecraft because the Shuttle didn't meet its cost spec is like flying nothing but the Wright A flyer for twenty years, then deciding heavier-than-air flight is impractical and going back to balloons.<br /><br />With regard to the reusable first stage, obviously it would only make sense if our goal is to develop new technology. What a concept! If so, we would start like Armadillo et al; with a subscale, suborbital prototype and slowly build up knowledge of reusability and practicality from there. Hey, that was what we were doing with the X-33,