Today on the science channel 3 very interesting programs on astronomy are being repeated.<br /><br />Death Star deals with the discovery of gamma ray bursts and their cause. The cause considered most likely is a beam of gamma rays from a hypernova from a massive black hole billons of light years away - typically about 10 billion light years away.<br /><br />The broadcast goes through the history of discoveries concerning these bursts, and finally the analysis of spectrums of afterglows of these bursts as they light up gasses and dust in the area in between us and them.<br /><br />The red shifts in these afterglows indicate billions of light years away.<br /><br />My question: Is this still the popular model? Are there other plausible explanations for these bursts linked with times soon after the origin of our universe? [The program was originally aired in 2004]<br /><br />And what is the most current consensus of details about quasars, also dealt with in the Cosmos episode aired today on the Science channel?<br /><br />On Cosmos, Carl Sagan eloquently explores thge mysteries of our universe, adding interesting Hindu beliefs including an 8.6 billion year day of Brahma [the Creator]. Carl Sagan considers this to be a coincidental point of harmony with modern astronomy - I never assume coincidences. {I can explain my educated guess on the reason if any of you ask.}<br /><br />Next is Complete Cosmos which is on right now, concerning galaxy formation, black holes and the Big Bang theory - no comment yet - I am just watching it now!