Scientific interpretations of Biblical aging of universe

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What are some scientifically accurate scientific interpretations or models harmonizing with Biblical astronomy on the aging of the universe?<br /><br />I have in mind this account:<br /><br />(Hebrews 1:10-12) 10 And: “You at [the] beginning, O Lord, laid the foundations of the earth itself, and the heavens are [the] works of your hands. 11 They themselves will perish, but you yourself are to remain continually; and just like an outer garment they will all grow old, 12 and you will wrap them up just as a cloak, as an outer garment; and they will be changed, but you are the same, and your years will never run out.”<br /><br />NW footnote on perish: Lit., “will destroy themselves.”<br /><br />Certainly our universe will undergo change. Will that include drastic changes involving earth - so drastic it can be compared with "perish?"<br /><br />Will a portion of our universe be 'wrapped up' by the Great Attractor?<br /><br />Note that Biblical astronomy indicates our earth will be inhabited forever and implies our universe will remain forever.<br /><br />What type of changes could allow the universe to survive despite the change being compared with destruction?<br /><br />Compare, for example, stellar collisions that can rejuvenate main sequence stars - see the Scientific American article When Stars Collide. <br /><br />[Note - I am independently scientifically speculating. My religion teaches that the universe is destructable and would die if not sustained by our Creator - but that God's purpose is to sustain the earth and heavens - how He would do this is another matter for scientific speculation.]
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